About the Roll of Honour

This is the most complete listing of Rhodesian servicemen killed in action. This Roll of Honour is updated whenever new information comes to light and your own knowledge is gratefully received. This list is maintained by Dr JRT Wood. If you are aware of any information that is missing or incorrect, please contact me at richard@jrtwood.com.

Number of records: 2616

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Rhodesia: Roll of Honour

11 November 1965 - 30 March 1980

Eggleston, Peter Robin, 3864, Corporal, First Battalion, 12 Troop, 3 Commando, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, drowned in Zambezi River 17 kilometres south of Chirundu, 15 February 1966. A British Army Korean War veteran and a former employee of Central African Airways.

Chikutuva, Paul Kohwe, 15264, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service drowned in a vehicle accident on Dora River Bridge, Raffingora, 15 April 1966.

Fox, Nicholas Charles, 6450, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed on active service drowned in a vehicle accident on Dora River Bridge, Raffingora, 15 April 1966.

Lawrence, Lloyd William, 16061G, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed on active service drowned in a vehicle accident on Dora River Bridge, Raffingora, 15 April 1966.

Sparks, Michael, NCO (33), Depot, Royal Rhodesia Regiment, died on active service on the Salisbury to Bulawayo Road, 6 October 1966.

Bouch, Robert Albert 'Bob' 721196, MCM, WO2, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, when loading canoes on the Zambezi River, 12 October 1966.

Cahill, Michael Patrick 'Mick', 721381, MCM, Colour Sergeant, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, when loading canoes on the Zambezi River, 12 October 1966.

Wickenden, John, (3990 Attested April 1946) Superintendent, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, when loading canoes on the Zambezi River, 12 October 1966.

Wright, J. 'Geordie', 722400, MCM, Colour Sergeant, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, when loading canoes on the Zambezi River, 12 October 1966. (All four above were KOAS in an accidental explosion at the Zambezi River, near Chirundu. Maj Dudley Coventry of the SAS was about to lead a team of operatives on a clandestine mission into Zambia with the objective of destroying a bridge over the Kafue River. Waiting for night to fall, the team prepared their Klepper canoes and kit on the banks of the Zambezi River, opposite the Kafue River mouth. Water-proofed pentolite charges had been packed in a suitcase and stashed in one of the canoes, ready for Bouch and Cahill to set off, with Wright and Wickenden to follow later to exfiltrate their comrades. At about 19:00 disaster struck, as the explosives detonated prematurely. In the blast, WO2 Bob Bouch, Col Sgt Mick Cahill and Supt John Wickenden were killed instantly, with Col Sgt Geordie Wright dying in Dudley Coventry's arms minutes later, the latter surviving the blast with perforated eardrums.

Parsons, Douglas, Rifleman (20), B Company, Depot RRR, killed on active service in a shooting accident, Llewellin Barracks while on guard at the magazine, 15 October 1966.

Bailey, Geoffrey Paul, 3345, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service in a traffic accident on the Hatfield Road, 29 October 1966.

Korb, John G., 3079, Lance Corporal, 1 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service in a vehicle accident near Makuti, 15 November 1966.

Schonnberg, Geoffrey, R46130, Gunner (18), One Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, died on active service from injuries sustained five days earlier a vehicle accident near Makuti, 20 November 1966.

Ball, Brian, Corporal (19), Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service in an accident, 16 December 1966.

Maugue, F.J.J., 3699, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, 31 December 1966.

Sparks, M., killed in action, 1966.

Lawton, A. Dendy, (13970J) Field Reserve Pilot, Police Reserve Air Wing, killed on active service, in an air accident during an exercise. He hit a mountain on Toronto Farm, Penhalonga, 6 May 1967. His observer, W. Perkins, Police Reservist, survived with serious burns, Assistant Commissioner Eric White suffered severe burns. Lawton was dropping a message to a PATU stick.

Swondo, Private, R43286, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 17 May 1967.

Thorne-Large, Laurence Bolitho, Inspector, British South Africa Police, died on active service, 3 June 1967.

Dennis, R44158, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, 3 July 1967.

Kambante, Koroni, R43593, Private (21), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound at Inyantue, Wankie, on Op Nickel, 13 August 1967.

Mukombo, Davison, R41628, Lance Corporal/Acting Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound at Inyantue, Wankie, on Op Nickel, 13 August 1967.

Terblanche, Peter, Patrol Officer (25), Uniform Duty, British South African Police, died on active service after a motorcycle accident three days earlier, 21 August 1967

Pierson, Kenneth, 531, Lieutenant, E Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service in a shooting accident in Wankie Game Reserve on Operation Nickel, 22 August 1967.

Smith, Nicholas John, 590, Lieutenant (23), 1 Platoon, A Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact in Tjolotjo TTL (MJ630070), Operation Nickel, 22 August 1967. Cranborne High School.

Timitiya, Havahli, R3063, WO2 (42), 1 Platoon, A Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, Operation Nickel, 22 August 1967.

Mushure, Cosmos, Lance Corporal (26), E Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 23 August 1967.

Spencer-Thomas, Morgan (7009 Attested October 1963) Patrol Officer (23), Dog Section, British South Africa Police, Dog Section, killed in action on Operation Nickel in the Tjolotjo District, 23 August 1967.

Muchazorega, Nyika, R42580, Private (25), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact on Operation Nickel, 4 September 1967.

Viljoen, Charl, Second Lieutenant (20), 2 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, drowned at Kanyemba, 28 February 1968. Col Sgt Wally Ferreira tried to rescue him, but was unsuccessful; actions which earned him the President's Commendation for Bravery. Cremated at Warren Hills, Salisbury. Source: Death Notice and The Saints. Charl was a Cranborne High School old boy.

Simons, Victor, Lance Corporal (20), First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in an accident, 1 March 1968.

Chikudza, Erisha, R40349, Corporal (30), 14 Platoon, E Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, Operation Cauldron, 18 March 1968.

Ridge, Eric N.F., Trooper (19), 3 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 18 March 1968. The first Plumtree boy killed in action.

Binks, Reginald A., Recruit (17), First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound on Operation Cauldron, 26 March 1968.

Mullin, M., Trooper (21), Special Air Service, killed on active service, in a shooting accident on Operation Cauldron, 26 March 1968.

Wessels, C.D., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 26 March 1968.

Thornley, M.E., Trooper, 4 Troop, 1 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 10 April 1968. Cranborne High School.

Van der Heever, Johannes, Trooper (20), 1st Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service from injuries in an accident, 30 April 1968.

Fisher, C.F., R58879L, Lance Corporal (16), Rhodesian Army Services Corps, killed, 16 December 1968.

Sewenzo, Sergeant, Uniform Duty, British South Africa Police, died on active service in a vehicle accident five days previously, 9 August 1968.

Mehlo, Johane, Detective Constable, Commissioner's Commendation, Criminal Investigation, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in an accident at Wankie, 19 December 1968.

Johnson, Norman Denis, Trooper (23), First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in a training accident with a mortar, 23 December 1968.

Annandale, Donald, Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, died on active service, 9 January 1969, after being in an air accident, flying in a South African Police Cessna 185 No. 734 at Kutanga Range near Que Que, 7 January 1969, in which Lieutenant Johannes Hendrik van Heerden, SAP, the pilot, was killed.

Cary, James Bernard, Sergeant (24), Support Group, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in a shooting accident when returning to camp near Kanyemba in the Zambezi Valley, 29 January 1969.

Akalutu, 15179, Constable (33), Dog Section, died on active service, British South Africa Police, 6 March 1969. Died suddenly after a very short illness, aged 33 (b. 1936 in Barotseland). On completion of his recruits' course he was posted to Bulawayo where he served in the Urban Branch until transferring to the Dog Section in July, 1963. He later returned to Bulawayo after training as a dog handler and served in the Bulawayo Dog Section until his sudden death. Described as a quiet conscientious man, his military funeral was held at the Hyde Park Cemetery, Bulawayo, on 8 March. Attested 14 Jan 1959. Source Outpost (BSAP journal), which does not give his first name.

Kapunga, Ernest, Sergeant (47), Uniform Branch, British South Africa Police, died at Umtali, 8 April 1969.

Bushnell, Kenneth Edwin, (4036 -Attested: Jun-1946) Chief Inspector, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 21 April 1969

Vaughn-Davies, Patrol Officer (20), Duty Uniform, British South African Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident on the Golden cirs Road, Salisbury, 25 April 1969.

Pittaway, Alick, WO2 (46), New Sarum, RhAF, killed on active service in a motorcycle accident in Salisbury, 29 April 1969.

Johnston, Alan Thomas, Trooper (23), First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, struck by the blades of a helicopter at Kanyemba, Sipolilo District, 13 May 1969. Cranborne High School.

Keche, Constable, Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident on the Salisbury-Norton Road, 19 June 1969.

Potgieter, Hendrik Elperus Johannes (8001 Attested June 1968) Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident on the Salisbury-Bulawayo, 27 June 1969;

Shaw, T.G.C., Prov Inspector (36), British South Africa Police, killed after hitting a hillside on Las Anod Farm in the Vumba on active service, in an air accident., 19 July 1969.

Springer, William J., Field Reservist Pilot (55), British South Africa Police, Air Wing, killed after hitting a hillside on Las Anod Farm in the Vumba on active service, in an air accident. His observer, W. Perkins, extricated him but Springer died of his injuries, 19 July 1969. Educated at Johannesburg Technical College, Bill came to Rhodesia in 1938 to join Duly's Bulawayo staff. In 1941 he enlisted in the RAF in this country and during his war service was a prominent sportsman. He was a Rhodesian wrestler between 1939 and 1942 and also represented the RAF in local rugby matches. In civilian life he owned a garage in Chipinga. Bill joined the Police Reserve in 1954 and became a founder member of the Air Wing in 1959. His MBE citation states; 'Throughout his service, Police Reserve Pilot Springer has carried out the exacting duties required of him in an efficient, cheerful and devoted manner. On numerous occasions he has shown a public spirited attitude, not only in respect of his Air Wing duties but, also in the assistance he has rendered in flying sick and injured members of the public to hospitals from remote areas of the country. This was often done with considerable inconvenience, and expense, to himself. In all, he has made some thirty flights on such missions, usually at no cost to the people concerned.' He was commended by the Commissioner for his assistance to the Force on several occasions; nothing was too much trouble for him; he would willingly drop all he was doing to assist in any way possible.

Lankshear, Graham, Patrol Office (21), Uniform Duty and PATU, British South Africa Police, died on active service after a motorcycle accident two days previously, 9 August 1969.

Hooper, Neil, Patrol Officer (21), PATU, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a motorcycle accident of Glen Cove, Highlands, Salisbury, 16 August 1969.

Naik, Chotubai, Private (22), National Service, Rhodesian Army, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 2 September 1969.

Jeffrey, Percival Lewis, Temporary Colour Sergeant (40), Regular Army, died on active service of a heart attack, 5 September 1969.

Snell, Gregory, Detective Section Officer (29), Criminal Investigation Department, British South Africa Police, died on active service, 1 November 1969.

Ferreira, Wally, Colour Sergeant (25), 2 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in a vehicle accident on the Widdecombe Road, Salisbury, 11 November 1969.

Jansen van Vuuren, Johan, Senior Technician (20), Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service in a vehicle accident at New Sarum, 30 November 1969.

East, Teddy Renald, Trooper (18), First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, died on active service in a shooting accident, 8 December 1969.

Allan, Ian, Officer (Dentist)(52)

Anasi, Ignasio Mugani, Private (29), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact on Operation Teak south of the Victoria Falls, 22 January 1970.

Brading, Anthony John, Trooper (21), First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound in the Mangula District, 22 January 1970.

Mambetsha, Alec, Sergeant (34), British South Africa Police, killed in a vehicle accident on Mafeking Road, Bulawayo, 23 January 1970.

Moorcroft, Anthony, Detective Section Officer, CID, British South Africa Police, died on active service, 7 February 1970.

Reynolds, Kenneth, Sergeant (22), 3 Commando First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion of 32Z rifle grenade when he was packing it back into its tube at Sipolilo Police Station at the end of a patrol, 11 February 1970.

Tinarwo, 20062 Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a shooting accident at Chatsworth Police Station, 11 February 1970.

Blundell, Leslie Thomas, PR73350 Rifleman (18), Depot Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a vehicle accident at Dahlia, Lupane, 24 February 1970.

Edwards, Nicholas, P35176 Lance Corporal (27), Depot Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 24 February 1970.

Fleming, James Murray, PR73717 Rifleman (18), Depot Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident at Dahlia, Lupane, 24 February 1970.

Allan, Brian John Fraser, PR75801 Rifleman (20), Depot Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident on 24 February died 26 February 1970. David Scott-Donelan The newly formed TCU was called up for Operation TEAK in Matabeleland. We were based in Lupane with the RAR and one morning my 4-man team was tasked to drive in a Ford 250 up to the Wankie National Park as there had been a siting of terrorists, in what I recall as the Bumbuzi area. Were accompanied by 7 National Service troops with a driver and soon departed for Wankie. After spending several hours scouring the area of the alleged sighting we found no sign of any terrorist tracks. The decision was made to return to Lupane. As we had no rations and were hungry, I told the driver to divert from the main road to a hotel in Wankie town for something to eat. After having lunch with no alcohol, we set out back to Lupane. No problems so far but while going over a rise in the road with no vision of the road ahead, we were surprised to see a herd of cattle crossing the road directly ahead of. Ernie Black and I were in the cab with the other trackers, Gordon Cormack and Nick Ed wards, were with the other 6 National Service men in the rear of the truck. I shouted 'Don't Swerve' to the driver but he did anyway, driving around the milling herd passing them with out hitting any. We were almost off the road on the right and the driver attempted to swerve back onto the tarmac but over-correcting the steering wheel. Over the 250 went and rolled for 183 feet down the down the slope of the road to stop, right side up, in a ditch on right hand side if the road. I must have been unconscious as I came to caught behind to seat by my camo jacket entangled with the springs. Ernie and the driver were nowhere to be seen. Getting out, i staggered back along the road only to see the pax in the rear of the truck strewn all over the road. Nick Edwards was dead as was the driver who was thrown out of the vehicle on the first roll. Gordon Cormack was seriously injured and later had to have 152 stitches in his face alone. Of the remaining passengers, two were dead but Ernie and another remaining soldier were absolutely injury free. The radio which we took with us was destroyed and out of action so we could not call for assistance. It was amazing but true that not a single vehicle passed along the road from either direction for several hours, except for a bus which smartly turned around and disappeared South along the road, Eventually help arrived and started to clear the scene. I had a broken collar bone, broken wrist and serious internal head injuries which still affects me today by one eye slightly out of alignment with the other necessitating permanent placed lens in both eyes to bring both back in the same focus. I do remember soldiers who attended us but I was driven to a close by Mission Hospital where I was promptly given an injection. Asking what it was, I was told 'penicillin' of which I am allergic. The hospital pharmacist had to be quickly called to give me an anti-penicillin injection. John Pierson: A wonderfully detailed post that brings the whole awful scene back into my memory - not that it needed much jogging. Do you realise that was 50 years ago? I remembere 4 deaths but was confused as at the start of this thread you mentioned 1 in the photo killed in a vehicle accident. At the time l was an RAR captain attached to the JOC at Lupane. I don't remember how it was reported but it was considerably after it happened. Immediately the Brigade Commander tasked me with driving the MO to the scene. The PRAW pilot, Ted Strever an amazing man who hijacked an Italian flying boat during The Desert Campaign (a story in itself) took off immediately and was in radio contact with me. As you say there was not a vehicle on the road. It was early afternoon and blisteringly hot. Within minutes Ted was over the scene and described it in graphic detail, bodies all over the road and not a single other vehicle in sight. Ted asked the JOC for permission to land to assist the injured but this was turned down. It took me an agonising 30 minutes to get there. An appalling scene with most of the injured lying bent and twisted, moaning on the hot tarmac. It must be remembered in those days we had no trauma trained combat medics. The MO was a fat useless regular Lt Col pill pusher who did little to administer help and comfort and seemed to be in no rush to do anything to examine the injured. Thank God for the water jerricans on my Land Rover, as l left in such a rush it didn't strike me as a real necessity which it certainly was. My immediate priority was to organise shade for the injured on the tar who had been lying there for almost two hours, as there was nothing I could do to spur the useless pill- pusher on. Of course l remember you from my platoon at Brady, Cranborne, SAS and beyond Dave. It's easy to remember the good and the bad (like Kriedeman) but the average becomes a blur over time.

McFarlane, John, (8020) Patrol Officer (19), Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident on Kariba Heights, 11 March 1970.

Campbell, Colin, Acting Corporal (22), Rhodesian Signals Corps, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident on the Karoi Road, Sinoia, 28 March 1970.

Covarr, Peter Thain, Signaller (20), Rhodesian Signals Corps, Rhodesian Signals Corps, killed on active service, in the same vehicle accident on the Karoi Road, Sinoia, 28 March 1970.

Gibson, Robert Ruric, Rifleman, 2 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service by elephants Charara River area, Kariba, 8 May 1970.

Nyamayaro, Musarutwa, Corporal (42), School of Infantry, died on active service of asphyxiation, 23 May 1970.

Lottering, Christopher William, Rifleman (20), Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, Kanyemba, Zambezi Valley, 29 May 1970. When he was putting on his webbing after break his grenade exploded severing his iliac artery. He was a miner on a copper mine near Fort Victoria.

Ashmead, Robin, Trooper (21), Signals Depot, 1st Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service in a vehicle accident on the Salisbury-Umtali Road, 8 June 1970.

Hill, Michael Richard, Flight Lieutenant (29), Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying an Alouette IIIB R5117 near New Sarum, 1 July 1970.

Nettleton, Gordon Edward, Squadron Leader (40), Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying an Alouette IIIB R5117 near New Sarum, 1 July 1970.

Sutton, Carl, Trooper (19), C Squadron, Special Air Service, killed on active service in a vehicle accident on the Gatooma-Salisbury Road, 12 September 1970.

Smee, Peter, Captain (44), HQ Rhodesian African Rifles, died on active service, 10 October 1970.

Sexton, Neville, Patrol Officer (21), Duty Uniform, killed on active service in a vehicle accident on the Que Que-Gatooma Road, 3 November 1970. Cranborne Boys High School.

Bennett, Thomas, Lieutenant (23), First Battalion, Rhodesian Africa Rifles, killed on active servie on the Salisbury/Bulawayo Road, 20 November 1970.

Mutengizanwa, Never, R44047, Private (25), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, based at Brady Barracks, killed on active service, died of wounds received on Grey Street, Bulawayo, 21 November 1970.

Bornman, Hermanus Johannes, Rifleman (20), Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, shot at Binga by a sentry after failing to answer a challenge, 4 December 1970.

Tshuma, Ignatius, Constable, British South Africa Police, murdered on active service while off duty in Makokoba Township, Bulawyo, 23 December 1970.

Young, Harry Davidson, Sergeant (24), Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion when mixing flash powder for practice bombs on 24 March. He died of his burns, 26 March 1971.

Meyer, George David, Trooper (26), Support Group, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a landmine, at Mukumbura in Mozambique, 27 April 1971.

Wentzel, Trevor Henry Clifford, Corporal (23), Support Group, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a landmine at Mukumbura in Mozambique, 27 April 1971. Northlea High School.

Moorcroft, Leonard William Henry, Lance Corporal (24), Support Group, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a landmine, at Mukumbura in Mozambique, died 28 April 1971. With limited space on the helicopter, Len was first taken to the American-run Mavuradonha Mission, and from there casevaced by Dakota to Salisbury. Len had been wearing his wife's watch at the time, but this was blown off by the explosion. That night he kept asking his comrades to try to find it for him.

Straw, Rodney, Technical Sergeant (28), Rhodesian Air Force, Thornhill Air Base, Gwelo, died on active service cardio-respiratory failure, 10 May 1971.

Visser, Bertie, Trooper (18), 2 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident at Shumbi, Kanyemba, 11 May 1971.

Dzvimbo, Constable (25), Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident on the Gatooma-Hartley Road, 16 May 1971.

Urely, Christopher, Patrol Officer, Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a shooting incident at Epworth, 31 May 1971.

Burrow, Robert Elton, R42072 Rifleman (22), Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, 30 June 1971.

Kerswell, Alistair John, Trooper (22), First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, 30 June 1971.

Oosthuizen, Michael Patrick, Trooper (17), First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service in Bindura area, 1 July 1971.

Rhodesia, Sergeant, Uniform Duty, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident in the Bulawayo area, 27 July 1971.

Makofi, Newton, Private (24), HQ 1 Brigade, killed on active service at RAR Methuen Barracks, 2 August 1971.

Newton, 644159, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 8 August 1971.

Weitsz, William Theunis, Rifleman (20), Depot, the Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, 8 August 1971.

Ziwewe, Constable (27), Uniform Duty, British South Africa Police, killed on active service when knocked down by a truck near Sinoia Caves on the main road to Chirundu, 12 August 1971.

Heard, Barrington, Pilot (23), Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service in a vehicle accident at Guinea Fowl, 22 August 1971.

Sheasby, Michael, Senior Aircraftsman (21), Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service in a vehicle accident at Guinea Fowl, 22 August 1971.

Weitsz, William, National Service Trainee Mechanic (20), Depot Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in Bulawayo, 31 August 1971.

Alexander, R43531 Private (30), Headquarters Two Brigade, died on active service, 24 September 1971.

Cronin, Denis, Section Officer (29), British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident near Salisbury, 24 September 1971

Rames-Taylor, David Hamish Malcolm (8280 Attested June 1969) Patrol Officer, Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident at Karoi, 29 September 1971.

Ross-Kent, Hugh, Section Officer (33), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, died on active service on a training run, 15 November 1971.

Robertson, Guy Neil, Air Lieutenant (25), Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident at Little Matopos Farm, Twentydales Road, Hatfield, while flying a Canberra B2 near New Sarum, 16 November 1971.

Roughead, Alexander Gilbert, Flight Lieutenant (29), Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident at Little Matopos Farm, Twentydales Road, Hatfield, while flying a Canberra B2 near New Sarum, 16 November 1971.

Joubert, Solomon, Flight Sergeant Drill and PT instructor (30), Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in a training accident after falling 400 feet while climbing the Chimanimani Mountains on an Outward Bound course, 11 December 1971.

Gerricke, Lionel, Signalman (25), Rhodesian Corps of Signals, killed in an accident on the Bulawayo-Salisbury Road, 14 January 1972.

Tingle, Dennis, Corporal (29), Rhodesian Army, killed in a vehicle accident, 15 January 1972.

Munton-Jackson, Guy, 4187 Air Lieutenant (26), Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying an Alouette IIIB R5077 in heavy weather near Gwelo at 0300hrs, 17 January 1972.

Garden, Peter John, 5395 Flight Sergeant (28), Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying Alouette IIIB R5077 near Gwelo at 0300hrs, 17 January 1972.

Hill, Michael, Patrol Officer (20), British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident near Marandellas, 13 February 1972.

Smith, Gerald, Trooper (19), First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in an accident, 3 March 1972.

Slatem, Denis, Patrol Officer (22) Uniform Duty, British South Africa Police, killed in an accident, 3 April 1972.

Chausina, Fanuel Nharo, R44526 Private (23), C Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, drowned in Lake Kariba in the Deka area, 5 April 1972. Died from drowning in Kariba whilst on border control in the Deka area, Northern Matabeleland. They had been picked up at the end of a patrol by a small boat with a powerful outboard motor, but upon sudden deceleration, the following wave swamped the boat. Source: Mick McKenna. His body was not found.

Gwatiringa, Adam Hugo, R44489 Lance Corporal (21), C Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, drowned in Lake Kariba in the Deka area, 5 April 1972.

Madziyanyika, William Jephta, R22710 Private (22), C Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, drowned in Lake Kariba in the Deka area, 5 April 1972.

Tourle, Albert Knight, BCR, 0768 Lieutenant (32), Two (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service by a lion, 9 April 1972.

Daynes, Stanley, MBE, Auxillary Inspector (58), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, died on active service in Gwelo Hospital, 22 April 1972. (b. January 1914 at Bethnal Green, London, England). Joining at the age of 13, Stan served with the Royal Navy until 1946, seeing active service during WWII as a Petty Officer (Gunner's Mate) and a Deep Diver. Seeing action in the Russian convoys, the Pacific, and 'H' Force in the Mediterranean, five of the eight ships he served on were sunk underneath him. He also worked dredging up unexploded bombs in a variety of places from the Port of London to the Suez Canal. In 1946, Stan joined the Southern Rhodesia Staff Corps where, after 18 years, attained the rank of RSM in charge of territorials and cadets in the Midlands military district. He was then attached to the Southern Rhodesia Corps of Military Police, and was also Garrison Sergeant Major at Brady Barracks. Stan saw active service in Nyasaland in 1960, where he again found himself on water, guarding the vessel M.V. Ilala on Lake Nyasa. Stan retired from the Army in 1964 and, six months later, he was awarded the MBE in recognition of his long and loyal service to the Royal Rhodesia Regiment. Not one to remain idle, he joined the staff of the Midlands Provincial Auxiliary Services as an NCO. Described as a man who had a happy knack of getting the best out of people, Stan was given a full military funeral in Gwelo on 25 April, attended by senior representatives from all the military services and the various branches of the British South Africa Police.

Musabayane, Elton, Private (18), 1st Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, died on active service from septicaemia, 27 April 1972.

Chapange, Phinias, R43804 Private (32), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service on border control, drowned when his troop carrier overturned into a dam in the Fuller Forest area, 19 May 1972.

Dudzirayi, Silvanos Mashona, R41949 Lance Corporal (31), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service on border control, drowned when his troop carrier overturned on a dam wall into a dam in the Fuller Forest area, 19 May 1972.

Manduna, Thomas, R43864 Private (26), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service on border control, drowned when his troop carrier overturned into a dam in the Fuller Forest area, 19 May 1972.

Mangandura, Josephat, R43761 Private (29), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service on border control, drowned when his troop carrier overturned into a dam in the Fuller Forest area, 19 May 1972.

Muchato, Kefasi, R42452 Lance Corporal (30) First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service on border control, drowned when his troop carrier overturned into a dam in the Fuller Forest area, 19 May 1972.

Murambiwa, Benjamin, R43901, Private (32), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service on border control, drowned when his troop carrier overturned into a dam in the Fuller Forest area, 19 May 1972.

Ndaza, Tshaye, 3936 Lance Corporal (44), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service on border control, drowned when his troop carrier overturned into a dam in the Fuller Forest area, 19 May 1972.

Ngorovani, Godfrey, R42764 Corporal (34) First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service on border control, drowned when his troop carrier overturned into a dam in the Fuller Forest area, 19 May 1972.

Nyikadzino, Marandu, R43724 Private (30), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service on border control, drowned when his troop carrier overturned into a dam in the Fuller Forest area, 19 May 1972.

Ranganayi, Chirambgwa, 42792 Private (32), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service on border control, drowned when his troop carrier overturned into a dam in the Fuller Forest area, 19 May 1972.

Takawira, Ernest, R64741, Colour Sergeant (Drum Major) ESM (Posthumous), R4741 (38), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service on border control, drowned when his troop carrier overturned into a dam in the Fuller Forest area, 19 May 1972.

Wunganayi, M., R43457 Private (29), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service on border control, drowned when his troop carrier overturned into a dam in the Fuller Forest area, 19 May 1972.

Baldwin, Jeffrey Lynton, PR87545 Rifleman (18), Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service with severe head injuries, 24 June 1972.

Nyasala, Enias, R44182, Private (25), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, died on active service from malaria, 3 July 1972

Moyo, (20170) Constable, Support Unit British South Africa Police, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 16 July 1972.

Paradza, (13054) Constable, Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, stoned to death while guarding a dip tank in the Ndanga Tribal Trust Lands, 16 July 1972.

Brotherton, Raymond Allan, 2959 Sergeant (26), Two (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, based at Kariba killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 21 July 1972.

Engela, Gerrit, Captain (44), School of Infantry, died of heart failure, 28 July 1972.

Makazza, Claudio, Private (26), 10 Support Platoon, 2 Brigade, killed on active service, 1 August 1972.

Brown, David D., Air Sub-Lieutenant (21), Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when flying a Vampire T11 R4222 on the Umvuma Road seven miles from Gwelo near Thornhill, 4 August 1972.

Yuncker, Krag George, 5507 Trooper (21), Support Group, 1st Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, 29 September 1972.

Brett, Russell, Patrol Officer (19), Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed on active service on 19 October 1972. He had been shot in the face 16 days earlier.

Hill, Jeffrey, PR1743 Sergeant (29), Sixth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a ZAPU-laid landmine in the Chete Game Reserve, 28 October 1972.

Anderson, Kenneth, Section Officer (30), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident in Southerton, Salisbury, 10 November 1972.

Rubenstein, Terence Joseph, R93246T Private (18), Transport Section, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed on active service, 18 November 1972.

Mukandastama, Fire Fighter (18), Rhodesian Air Force, drowned in Diana's Pool, Melsetter, 28 November 1972.

Dzingai, Emilio, Sergeant (45), Depot, Rhodesian Army Services Corps, died on active service at Inkomo Hospital, 6 December 1972.

Bredenkamp, Leon, Lance Corporal (19), First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service in a vehicle accident in Salisbury, 16 December 1972.

Moore, Norman David Richard, 4553 Corporal (29), First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a landmine near Altena Farm, Centenary, 29 December 1972.

Borrett, David, Detective Inspector, (36), British South Africa Police, 6 January 1973.

Potgeiter, Jacobus J., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a vehicle accident on the Bulawayo-Victoria Falls Road, 7 January 1973.

Sim, Kenneth, Rhodesian Air Force, died on active service, 9 January 1973.

Wilmot, Frank L., Acting Sergeant Special Air Service, killed when both his parachutes failed to open on a night drop into Mozambique, in Rhodesia's first airborne operation since 'C' Squadron, SAS had operated in Malaya, 19 January 1973.

Mandivengereyi, George, R44419, Private (23), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service by a head wound in a shooting accident in the Dande TTL, Sipolilo, 6 February 1973.

Johnston, Robert, Colonel, Directorate of Military Studies, died on active service in Salisbury, 9 February 1973.

Schoultz, Cornelius J., Rifleman (36), Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine on McLear Farm, 13 February 1973.

Smart, John E., Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when flying an Alouette IIIB R7500 near Rushinga, 21 February 1973.

Smithdorff, Kevin 'Tinker', Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when flying an Alouette IIIB R7500 near Rushinga, 21 February 1973.

Chitsunge, Joseph, Detective Constable (40), British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident in the Rusambo area, 8 March 1973.

Stacey, David Michael, (9776) Field Reservist, PATU, British South Africa Police, died from wounds received in action with FROLIZI in the Mukwichi Tribal Trust Land, 9 March 1973.

Scott-Rodge, Anthony, Patrol Officer (27), British South Africa Police, killed on active service in an electrical accident, 11 March 1973.

Langton, R44535, Private (25), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, head injuries, 3 March 1973.

George, R44757 Private (19), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service in a shooting accident at Sipolilo, 20 March 1973.

Birkett, H., WO1, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 23 March 1973.

Masarakufa, Mashona, Temporary/Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, murdered on leave by terrorists in the Mount Darwin area, 23 March 1973.

Vincent, Delville, (12295N) Field Reservist, 44, Police Anti-Terrorist Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact near Charmwood Farm, he was leading the Centenary PATU stick, 3 April 1973.

Davison, Hunyena, R44904, Private (19), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in the Mazarabani TTL, Centenary Operation Hurricane, 8 April 1973.

Mamubume, Adreas, 644901, Acting Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by gunshot, 8 April 1973.

Cockroft, Mark B., Lance Corporal (20), OPA, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a vehicle ambush in the Mukumbura TTL, 23 April 1973.

Davison, Bruce, Corporal (23), Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a vehicle ambush in the Mukumbura TTL, 23 April 1973.

Forbes, John T.V., Rifleman (21), OPA, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a vehicle ambush in the Mukumbura TTL, 23 April 1973.

Matangira, Fanny, Private (22), Ten Supply Platoon, Rhodesian Army Services Corps, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a vehicle ambush in the Mukumbura TTL, 23 April 1973.

Rosedale, David D., Corporal (33), Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, Bedford RL rolled, 7 May 1973.

Clinton, Y., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on operations, 8 May 1973.

Nharo, R44846, Private (20), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact in the north-east, 9 May 1973.

George, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 2 June 1973.

Cooksley, C.A.C., Gunner, First Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident on the Mukumbura Road in the Kandeya TTL, 4 June 1973.

Lapham, J.A., Bombardier, First Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident on the Mukumbura Road in the Kandeya TTL, 4 June 1973.

Wells, Michael B., Sergeant (29), First Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident on the Mukumbura Road in the Kandeya TTL on 4 June 1973.

Manaso, Jere, R44821, Private (30), D Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact in the Dande TTL, Sipolilo, Operation Hurricane, 24 June 1973.

Chinyani, Shadreck Misheck, R44156, Corporal (27), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact in Operation Hurricane, 5 July 1973.

Campbell, Joseph, Radio Fitter (22), Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service by being electrocuted at New Sarum, 2 August 1973.

Kembo, R43741, Corporal (31), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound at Mukumbura, Mount Darwin area, 3 August 1973.

Mendes, Joao Paulo Grata, Trooper (18), Special Air Service, killed in action by a landmine in the Tete Province, Mozambique, 22 August 1973. Cranborne Boys High School.

Manoi, Msanasuth Christopher, Constable, British South African Police, was killed on operations, 30 August 1973.

Haskins, Daniel, Sergeant (39), Territorial Force, died on active service of a pulmonary embolism, 7 September 1973.

Pinda, (21217) Constable, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 9 September 1973.

Rabie, Andre Paulus, MLM, Sergeant (28), Special Air Service/Selous Scouts, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, through a map reading error, 16 September 1973.

Donegan, Kevin A., Trooper (22), 8 Troop, 2 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound in the Mukumbura TTL, 18 September 1973.

Makaya, (20531) Constable, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, murdered by terrorists in the Mount Darwin area, 22 September 1973.

Mhizha, (19420) Constable, Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, at Mount Darwin, 22 September 1973. (Both of these policemen were killed by terrorists in the Mount Darwin area, Op Hurricane. The Rhodesian government publication “Anatomy of Terror”, states that Csts Makaya and Mizha were found bayonetted to death on 8 October 1973. When I (Adrian Haggett) extracted this date of death I queried the date with Gerry and the records have now been corrected to read as per the government publication.)

Hughes, Robin S., Second Lieutenant, Tracker Combat Unit/Selous Scouts, killed in action by a gunshot wound, during a pseudo operation and a contact, with ZANLA, 18 October 1973.

Anstruther, Robert David, Lance Corporal, (26), Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident at a low level bridge near Kemphaven Farm, Mount Darwin, Operation Hurricane, 23 October 1973.

Casal, Patrick Carlos Alberto de Aruajo, Rifleman (20), 4 Troop, 1 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound during an external operation at Seguranca in Mozambique, 24 October 1973. Twelve members of 4 Troop were deployed to find a suspected ZANLA camp, and upon finding the camp with an estimated 200 CTs, a further twenty men were sent in. The troops overran the well concealed camp, accounting for a large number of CTs. On their return they stopped for a smoke break when they were ambushed and Carlos shot in the throat by a CT using a PPSH Russian-made sub-machine gun. Cranborne Boys High School.

Sealy, Richard B., Rifleman (26), D Company, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action when his Land Rover detonated a landmine in the Masoso TTL, 8 November 1973.

Wright, Denis Keith, Rifleman (31), D Company, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action when his Land Rover detonated a landmine in the Masoso TTL, 8 November 1973. (Gavin Baker, Lance Corporal PR75651 writes: I was present when Sealy and Wright were killed when their Land Rover had a rear wheel detonation while returning to base at Rushinga. We had been part of a double pick up after a 3 day patrol and one of the Bedford RMs broke down so a Land Rover was sent out with orders to stay behind the RM. When we were picked up the Land Rover turned around first and led the convoy in the belief that since they had come that way the road was safe. A tragic miscalculation. Corporal Sarel Cilliers lost a leg and Rfn Skalzeny suffered horrendous wounds and was in Hospital for some months. We were due to go home the following day.)

Nyakaza, Kephas, Corporal (32), General Service Unit, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action by a landmine two kilometres west of Marymount Mission, 19 November 1973.

Brown, Kevin R., Corporal, 2 Signals Squadron, Rhodesian Signals Corps, killed on active service, in a shooting accident in the African Barracks, JOC Bindura, 20 November 1973. Kevin and a friend were playing a Halloween prank, with masks, when the shooting occurred. Suspicions surrounded the shooting because the African soldier, who shot Kevin, had a loaded and cocked FN in the barracks. The friend served a prison sentence for his part in the prank.

Mylie, Graham, Airman (20), Security, TF, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service in a shooting accident in Centenary, 3 December 1973.

Stacey, M. died, 1973.

Hahn, Manfred, Police Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a shooting accident while guarding a farmhouse in the Bindura District, 6 January 1974.

Tinarwo, (18038) Constable, Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, murdered by terrorists on Brunswick Farm in the Gatooma/Hartley area, 8 January 1974.

Severino, Stephen, R45161, Private (26), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact by a gunshot wound, Centenary, Operation Hurricane, 17 January 1974.

Robinson, Leigh Anthony, 4413 Trooper, First Battalion Rhodesian Light Infantry, died on active service from a pulmonary embolism after a motorcycle accident, 24 January 1974. He had 'borrowed' Bruce McGregore's Honda 305 and hit a billboard.

Mahove, Regis, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered near Kasimbwe Beer Hall, Shamva district, 29 January 1974. He and two other DAs were caught by the terrorists, beaten and bound and left by the side of the road and then shot. The other two survived.

Morris, Michael J., Trooper (20), Special Air Service, killed on active service, in a shooting accident in Mozambique when a member of his patrol mistook him for the enemy in the dark, 31 January 1974.

Gandidzwana, Ernest, Constable (27), British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident near Mrewa, 1 February 1974.

Dube, Paul, Constable (22), British South Africa Police, killed on active service hit by a vehicle on cycle patrol, 11 February 1974.

Helley, Edward, Flight Sergeant (49), Rhodesian Air Force, died on active service at Forward Air Field, Kariba, 13 February 1974.

Willis, Nigel, Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action, in an ambush, in Mozambique, 14 February 1974.

Murray, Alan, Patrol Officer (26), Police Anti-Terrorist Unit, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 17 February 1974.

Rouse, P., (17495Q) Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact at Mount Darwin, 18 February 1974. died from gunshot wounds received in a follow-up contact , Op Hurricane, at the age of 29. The Death Notice gives Nieuveld Farm, Centenary, as place of death. He was in hot-pursuit of the CT gang that shot and killed Mr and Mrs Fletcher the day before. On completing his schooling at Lord Malvern High, Paul enlisted with the RLI, serving for three years as a regimental policeman. He then took up farming, working for two years as a farm assistant in the Horseshoe Block, Sipolilo, before buying Riviera Farm in Centenary. Paul enlisted with the local Police Reserve in August 1970, but feeling he could contribute more, requested transfer to PATU. Earlier in 1974, whilst checking his tobacco barns, he was set upon by a gang of a dozen CTs, but managed to drive them off, armed only with his pistol.

Kwanyangara, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mount Darwin, 26 February 1974.

Van Staden, J.J., Trooper (MAG gunner), Support Group, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 15 March 1974, on Operation Whirlwind a combined RLI-SAS operation in Mozambique. His RLI stick was van Staden, Paul Holdt, Bugs Williams, Ronny Buck and Tony Kruger.

Chowa, John, R432110, Lance Corporal (33), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, 21 March 1974

Airey, Walter Richard, 4272 Air Sub-Lieutenant, Navigator, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when flying a Canberra B2 near Musengedzi, 4 April 1974. Killed in an air accident when flying a Canberra B2 R2514, Musengedzi River near Macombe in Mozambique. It was carrying out a low level bombing attack north of the border in the Macombe area. It was armed with 96 x 20 lb fragmentation bombs. It was presumed that one of the 20lb frag bombs had hit another that was armed and that this resulted in a chain reaction. Died aged 23. Source: Death Notice. Born in Tunbridge Wells, UK. No 25 PTC. Cremated and buried at Warren Hills Cemetery, Salisbury. A Mount Pleasant High School old boy. See also Goddard.

Goddard, Keith William, 4294, Air Sub-Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when flying a Canberra B2 near Musengedzi, 4 April 1974. Killed in an air accident when flying a Canberra B2 R2514, Musengedzi River near Macombe in Mozambique. It was carrying out a low level bombing attack north of the border in the Macombe area. It was armed with 96 x 20 lb fragmentation bombs. It was presumed that one of the 20lb frag bombs had hit another that was armed and that this resulted in a chain reaction. Died aged 23. Source: Death Notice. No 26 PTC. Buried at Warren Hills Cemetery, Salisbury. Keith is an Ellis Robins High School old boy. See also Airey.

Cracknell, Anthony, Sergeant (28), 1 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident in a convoy in the Mavuradonha Mountains on the way to Mukumbura, 5 April 1974.

Enias, (A16867) Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in active service, 11 April 1974.

Moyo, Ismael, Constable (25), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed on active service by shotgun wound to his head in British South Africa Police Camp, Mount Darwin, 12 April 1974.

Durrett, Patrick R., Senior Aircraftsman (19), Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in a Trojan aircraft, R3244, when shot down by an SAM7 in Mozambique near Rushinga, 14 April 1974. Northlea High School.

Weinmann, Barry Christopher, Flight Lieutenant (28), Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in a Trojan aircraft, R3244, when shot down by an SAM7 in Mozambique near Rushinga, 14 April 1974.

Andrews, Roger S., Flight Sergeant (27), Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in a Trojan aircraft, R3427, when shot down by a SAM7 in Mozambique near Rushinga, 20 April 1974.

Wilson, Robert J., Air Sub-Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in a Trojan aircraft, R3427, when shot down by an SAM7 in Mozambique near Rushinga while looking for Flight Lieutenant Weinman's shot down aircraft. Weinman's aircraft had been camouflaged by the enemy, 20 April 1974.

Greyling, Charles, Rifleman (19), Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a motorcycle accident on Crete Road, Waterfalls, Salisbury, 24 April 1974.

Dambuza, Joseph, Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Concession, 30 April 1974.

Banga, David Constable (24), British South Africa Police, killed in action on Launch P16, Zambezi, by Zambian troops, 5 May 1974.

Hombasha, Wyson (30), ADF, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists at US695705, Kandeya TTL, Mt Dawin District, 10 May 1974.

Whitehead, John, Field Reservist, Police Anti-Terrorist Unit, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident in Fort Victoria, 18 May 1974. whilst returning from PATU training. On joining the force, John served briefly in Umtali but, with the outbreak of WWII, was posted to Ft Victoria where he was to stay for the rest of his career and life. After 14 years service, John retired to go farming, but remained an active policeman, joining PATU in addition to his 'A' Reserve duties.

Maduwa, Joseph, Signaller (35), 4 Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Signals, killed on active service in a shooting accident at Goromonzi, 24 May 1974.

Martin, Norman, Trooper (20), C Squadron, Special Air Service, killed on active service on the Hatfield Road, Salisbury, 1 June 1974.

Chatyora, Sickten, District Assistant (23), died on active service from malaria, 3 June 1974.

Smith, Kenneth Richard, Lance Corporal (23), C Squadron, Special Air Service, born 27 December 1951 in Colchester, Essex, UK, served in Vietnam with the Australian infantry, completed Australian SAS training, visited Rhodesia and joined C Squadron, wounded in action by a landmine, losing a leg, in an external operation near Chimoio, Mozambique, died from a fatty embolism in the blood stream, 8 June 1974.

Matambo, R., (18919) Constable (24), C Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a mortar and small arms attack on his base camp at Nyamahoboko, Chesa African Purchase Area, 26 June 1974. Tom Thomas SB Selous Scouts was there.

Fouche, Edgar, Staff Sergeant (35), HQ Rhodesian Military Police, died on active service in Wilkins Diseases Hospital, Salisbury, from a pulmonary embolism, 7 July 1974.

Turner, Laurence, Acting Corporal (22), Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service by a thunder flash, at Llewellin Barracks, 11 July 1974.

Stec, Jerzy, Field Reservist (44), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, died on active service from a heart attack at Mukumbura, 16 July 1974.

Evans, James, Rifleman (21), 10th Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died on active service from chemical poisoning, 26 July 1974.

Whittingham, Roger, Staff Sergeant (29), School of Signals, Rhodesian Corps of Signals, died on active service of malaria and Leukaemia, 29 July 1974.

Coetzer, Bill, Chief Inspector, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, died on active service, 1 August 1974.

Makachi, Ben, Dip Attendant (65), ADF Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists at Matope Kraal, Mount Darwin, 9 August 1974.

Addams, Ernest Charles 'Doomps', V2021, Major (45), Headquarters 2 Brigade, killed in action by an insurgent hiding in a tree when deployed with Major Peter Burford's D Company, First Battalion Rhodesian African Rifles, near Madziwa, 14 August 1974. Died in Bindura Hospital from a gunshot wound. Farmed Hull Farm. Addams Barracks, the home of 5 and 6 Indep Companies. Later the home of 3RAR.(flow by John Blythe-Wood and Peter McCabe and died in the helicopter en route to Bindura Hospital.

Lloyd, Gary J., Corporal (18), 3 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 22 August 1974.

Partridge, Walter M., Lance Corporal (19), 3 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 22 August 1974.

Plant, M., Rifleman, 3 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 23 August 1974. These 3 (Indep) Coy soldiers died in a landmine explosion on the Bveke-Mukumbura loop road, Kandeya TTL, Mt Darwin, Op Hurricane (US688695)and Rfn Michael Plant passed away the next day) Northlea High School.

Mufachiva, Stephen, Field Assistant (28), Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Shamva, 24 August 1974. in an ambush on the Chironga Mission Road, Kandeya TTL, Mt Darwin, Op Hurricane (US560599).

Tambe, Jaisi, Field Assistant (30), Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists at Nyamanja Kraal US479538 at Mount Darwin, 31 August 1974.

Penton, Colin B., Cadet District Officer (21), Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine at Mount Darwin, 4 September 1974. Colin had been driving a truck to Dotito to collect bricks for the keep he was building at Pachanza. About half-way between Pachanza and the Nembire turn-off, they detonated a landmine. The DO at Nembire, Bob Holland, reacted immediately, going to the scene. Sadly Colin died on the casevac helicopter. Source: Andy Olver who was DO Dotito at the time and actually heard the explosion. The Intaf training barracks at Chikurubi were named after Colin. Northlea High School.

Walsh, John Gregory, Trooper (18), C Squadron, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in a shooting accident during training in the Kariba area, 5 September 1974.

Nyahuye, D., Field Assistant (18), Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine on the road to Dotito Keep, Mount Darwin, 13 September 1974.

Lord, Charles Philip, Lance Corporal, Support Group, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, (Kenya) killed in action in a contact in the Chiswiti TTL, Mount Darwin District, 19 September 1974.

Ziracha, Henry Rodney, R43081, Corporal (36), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 23 September 1974.

Seager, Alan R., Rifleman, Headquarters 2 Brigade, killed in action by a landmine in Concession, 1 October 1974.

Wunganayi, Andreas, F (19), Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine at Concession, 1 October 1974.

Bailey, Michael, Temporary Lance Corporal (23), 1st Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, died on active service from chemical poisoning on the western bank of the Mazoe Dam, 4 October 1974.

Ndlovu, Kerah Rhodes, Sergeant (35), Uniform Britsh South Africa Police, based at Enkeldoorn, died on active service at Kariba African Hospital after an asthma attack, 8 October 1974.

Charlsley, R., (2558E) Field Reservist (55), British South Africa Police, killed on active service from multiple injuries in the Mount Darwin area, 13 October 1974.

Robinson, Paul, Patrol Officer (20), Uniform British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident near Enkeldoorn on the main road to Salisbury, 13 October 1974. He had passed out from Morris Depot three weeks previously. His brother, Leigh Anthony, had died on active service on 24 January 1974.

Ruzive, Zive, Private (25), Headquarters 2 Brigade, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident on Dote Valley Road, Bindura, 24 October 1974.

Stockhill-Gill, R.V., Trooper (21), Support Group, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, by drowning when his ankle was trapped by the truck he was driving when it overturned while crossing a very low bridge on the Ruya River, Mount Darwin, that was nearly under water, 27 October 1974.

Aves, Michael A., Trooper (19), 1 Commando, 1st Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a vehicle ambush at Dotito, Mount Darwin, 31 October 1974.

Gumunyu, Lazarus, District Assistant (32), Internal Affairs, killed on active service in a vehicle accident on the Mukumbura Road, Mount Darwin village, 19 November 1974.

Pfidze, Tongai, District Assistant (23), Internal Affairs, killed on active service in a vehicle accident on the Mukumbura Road, Mount Darwin village, 19 November 1974.

Mabiza, Thomas, Private, (21), Support Company, Two Brigade, Rhodesian Army, killed on active service in a vehicle accident on the Lomagundi Road, 23 November 1974.

Nhawu, Peter, Sergeant (45), Rhodesian Corps of Signals, died on active service, 27 November 1974.

Pereira, Patrick, Staff Sergeant (22), 2 Transport Company, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed on active service, 30 November 1974.

Freebairn, Charles, Inspector (32), British South Africa Police, died on active service, 1 December, 1 December 1974.

Zwinogumba, Titus, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 5 December 1974.

Dzingai, Emilio, Sergeant (45), Rhodesian Army Services Corps, died on active service, 6 December 1974.

John, Private, 646914, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in the Karoi District, 7 December 1974.

Kangayi, 644157, Lance Corporal (29), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, Karoi, 7 December 1974.

Haylock-Smith, Owen, Patrol Officer (22), died on active service from injuries in a vehicle accident a week earlier, 10 December 1974.

Murdoch, Brian, Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying Trojan R4326 at night at Mushumbi Pools, 17 December 1974. They took off at night with the airstrip having been lit with flares. Unfortunately, the party who prepared the runway had parked their Land Rover at the end of the plane's take-off path, and as the plane lifted off the ground its undercarriage hit the vehicle, causing the aircraft to crash. All on board were killed in the tragedy.

Parker, Thomas Michael, Corporal (27), Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, wound in action by a landmine, killed in an air accident while flying in Trojan R4326 at Mushumbi Pools, 17 December 1974.

Povey, Roger John, Lance Corporal (24), Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by while being casevaced by Trojan R4326 at Mushumbi Pools after being injured in a landmine explosion, 17 December 1974.

Mandaza, (21666) Constable, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in an ambush, on the Mazoe River, presumed drowned, 23 December 1974.

Gallagher, Peter, Rifleman (20), Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, 26 December 1974.

Kaluwe, George, Sergeant (37), Rhodesian Corps of Signals, killed on active service in a vehicle accident on the Salisbury-Mtoko Road, 11 January 1975.

Temba, Sibindi, Private (36), Support Company, 2 Brigade, died on active service, 18 January 1975.

Darley, John, Rifleman, (19), Depot, Rhodesian Artillery, killed in a vehicle accident on the Rusape-Inyazura Road while on a weekend pass to Umtali, 17 January 1975.

MacDonald, Robert, Lance Corporal (23), First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in a vehicle accident on the Widdecombe Road, Salisbury, 19 January 1975.

Brown, Marsha, Woman Police Officer (19), Drugs Section, Criminal Investigation Department, British South Africa Police, killed in a vehicle accident, 23 January 1975.

Makombe, Parents, District Assistant (30), Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine on the Mukumbura Road, Mount Darwin, 31 January 1975.

Mativenga, Sylvester, Constable (28), British South Africa Police, died on active service, 12 February 1975.

Brummer, Jack J.J., 724070, Sergeant (42), Rhodesian Army Service Corps died on active service, 23 February 1975.

Rungano, Manyangire, 640353, Sergeant (38), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a landmine, died in Wankie Hospital of multiple injuries, 3 March 1975.

Nash, A., Private, 1 Protection Company, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident on the Alpha Trail, Gutsa, 4 March 1975.

Pakayi, Albert, Field Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action in a contact US680621 Bveke Road Mount Darwin, 5 March 1975.

Davy, Clive John, Officer Cadet (26), A Company, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound in an ambush 30 kilometres from Marymount Mission, 5 March 1975.

Chitsunge, Joseph Zakaria (14393 Attested January 1956) Detective Constable, Criminal Investigation Department, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a shooting accident in Mount Darwin area, 8 March 1975.

Walton, Wayne R., Trooper (20), A Troop, Special Air Service, killed on active service in a shooting accident which resulted gunshot wound to his femoral artery in the confused aftermath of an ambush in Mozambique, 14 March 1975.

Tegere, Mtanho, Private (33), Selous Scouts, killed on active service, 26 March 1975.

Munemo, Poncian, 644717, Lance Corporal, (22), B Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact in the north-eastern area, 2 April 1975. Jim Hill recalls: 2 Lt Norman Steane, 2 Cdo RLI, was killed in the same contact. Poncian and Zinyemba were B Company and this was a very early joint fire force operation with integrated sticks. All three men mentioned here were killed in a single burst of fire from an RPD. The fourth member of the stick (RLI) took out the RPD gunner who had utilised an enfiladed position to maximum effect. Poncian was an outstanding young NCO.

Zinyemba, Saltiel, 644769, Private (21), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact in the north-east, 2 April 1975.

Steane, Norman D., (21) Second Lieutenant, 2 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in an ambush, 2 April 1975.

Chiswashira, Arthur, ADF, murdered, 6 April 1975.

Wilson, Allan, Field Assistant (62), ADF Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists at Wankie after being abducted at night from the DC's Ndlovu Camp near Bethesda Mission in the Wankie TTL, 11 April 1975.

Benjamin, Cornius, Acting Lance Corporal, 2 Protection Company, Rhodesia Defencce Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident in the Madziwa TTL, 24 April 1975.

Muchechwa, Maxwell, (19294) Constable (26), Special Branch, British South Africa Police/Selous Scouts, killed in action at Mount Darwin by a gunshot fired by 'turned terr' Habakuku Gumbo of ZANLA, 28 April 1975.

Muchenje, Fanwell, 645102 Lance Corporal (23), Selous Scouts, killed in action at Mount Darwin by a gunshot fired by 'turned terr' Habakuku Gumbo of ZANLA, 28 April 1975.

Musafare, Edward, 644830 Trooper (24), Selous Scouts, killed in action at Mount Darwin by a gunshot fired by 'turned terr' Habakuku Gumbo of ZANLA, 28 April 1975.

Pakayi, Israel P., 645183 Private (20), Selous Scouts, killed in action at Mount Darwin by a gunshot fired by 'turned terr' Habakuku Gumbo of ZANLA, 28 April 1975.

Zaranyika, (20916) Constable (22), Special Branch/Selous Scouts, British South Africa Police, killed in action at Mount Darwin by a gunshot fired by 'turned terr' Habakuku Gumbo of ZANLA, 28 April 1975.

Young, Colin A.S., (12461) Field Reservist (42), British South Africa Police, killed in action, encounter with a terrorist at a road block, 29 April 1975. Colin was a member of a stick of reservists that had been called out to react to a cash robbery from a Melsetter Council vehicle at Skyline Junction. They waited in ambush in the mountains on a path they believed the gang would take. A contact occurred in which Young was shot and killed.

Davidson, Roger, Section Officer, British South African Police, died on active service, 1 May 1975.

Pakayi, Albert, District Security Assistant (25), Internal Affairs, killed action in a contact on the Bveke Road, Mount Darwin District, 5 May 1975.

Knight, Peter James Osborne, (10766/previously regular force Sergeant 3848) Field Reservist (58), British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact in the Lomagundi, 17 May 1975.

Sparks, Michael, died on active service, 19 May 1975.

Small, Thomas, AF Fitter (21), No 4 Squadron, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service in a vehicle accident on the Umvuma Road next to the Thornhill runway, 25 May 1975.

Njovana, Ismael, Private (20), Rhodesian Army Services Corps, killed on active service in a shooting accident at Inkomo Barracks, 26 May 1975.

Fitch, Derek, (9253 -Attested: Oct-1974) Section Officer (T) (43), Special Branch, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a shooting accident at Mtoko Police Station, 27 May 1975. .

Mayhew, Alfred John Miles, PR47433 Rifleman (25), Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident at Dotito, Mount Darwin District, 27 May 1975.

Delport, Barry M., Officer Cadet, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying a Vampire T55 near Gwelo, 3 June 1975.

Wright, Victor, Recruit (16), 1st Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service in a shooting accident on the Beatrice Rifle Range, 8 June 1975.

O'Reilly, P.A., 724380, Acting Sergeant (23), Rhodesian Army Services Corps, killed on active service in an accident, died in Wankie Colliery Hospital, 9 June 1975.

Boulter, Raymond J., Air Sub-Lieutenant (26), Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, flying Provost T52 R6309 six miles south-east of Gwelo, 19 June 1975.

Labuschagne, Daniel Johannes, Sergeant, 05533419PE, 19 Squadron, South African Air Force, killed on active service in a vehicle accident in Rhodesia, 19 June 1975.

Masiyambira, (A11918) Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 24 June 1975.

Dudzayi, Stephen, Corporal (32), 2 Signals Squadron, Rhodesian Signals Corps, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident on the Mount Darwin-Bindura Road, 28 June 1975.

Emerick, Willem G.C., Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by shrapnel in the Kandeya TTL, Mount Darwin, 4 July 1975.

Majoni, Nicholas, Constable (23), Uniform Duty, British South Africa Police, killed on active service at Darwendale, 16 July 1975.

Bain, Tazewil Garnet, Temporary WO2 (26), Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound in the Masoso TTL, 19 July 1975. CTs concealed in a riverbed, opened fire, killing Taz and Eben Potgieter instantly.

de Beer, Marthinus Johannes, Lance Corporal (22), First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 19 July 1975. Killed by a gunshot wound during a contact at night, Masoso TTL, near Rushinga, Mt Darwin, Op Hurricane. Earlier that day, the same CTs, concealed in a riverbed, shot and killed WO2 Taz Bain , Rfn Hennie Potgieter and Cpl John Coey. At last light, the troops were placed in ambush positions around the CT position. That night, a firefight ensued as CTs tried breaking out, during which Jannie was shot and killed and one of his men wounded. He had transferred from the South African Defence Forces and was a Support Group 1 RLI mortar training specialist.

Coey, John Alan, Corporal (24), First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 19 July 1975. As a medic (attached to 2 Cdo from the RhAMC), John was sent into the riverbed to attend to the two soldiers (above) when he was also shot and killed. Ex SAS, the unit he joined in 1972, he hailed from Colombus, Ohio. John, as a qualified combat medic, participated in over 60 Fire Force missions. He was buried in the Fourie family plot, in Que Que, having been engaged to Louis' Fourie's eldest sister, France. At the request of John's parents, Phyllis and George (Louis' family) arranged for John's body to be exhumed for burial in the Lutheran Church Cemetery, Hide Away Hills, West Liberty, Ohio, USA, where a small American flag marks his grave. He had always maintained that his destiny was in Rhodesia. John was the first US national to be KIA in the Rhodesian Bush War. Lt Joe du Plooy, who was also wounded in this action, was later killed in action when a Puma helicopter was shot down in Mozambique on 6 September 1979, Op Uric.

Potgeiter, Eben, Rifleman (18), First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound, 19 July 1975. After elements of the RR had initiated a contact, RLI Fire Force from Mt Darwin was flown to the scene. RR soldier WO2 Taz Bain and RLI Rfn Hennie Potgieter had been wounded in the initial contact, but it was not known if they were still alive. A medic (attached to 2 Cdo from the RhAMC), Cpl John Coey, was sent into the riverbed to attend to the soldiers when he was also shot and killed. Sadly, the two soldiers he went to assist had already succumbed to their wounds.

Goromondo, Wilson, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 31 July 1975.

Nyamayaro, Teddy, District Assistant (60), Internal Affairs, murdered while on leave at Guyu CV in the Maramba TTL, Mrewa, 4 August 1975.

Pfeil, Herman G., Lance Corporal, 14 Troop, 3 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 20 August 1975. from a gunshot in a contact near Pachanza Keep, Karuyana, Mt Darwin, Op Hurricane. As a result of intelligence received about a CT crossing, elements of 3 Cdo were deployed at the Intaf keep at Pachanza, from where, that night, they would walk to the border to set up ambush sites. As Harry's stick was preparing the ambush site, with trip flares and arcs of fire, particularly for the MAG, a gang of CTs walked into them. A brief concentrated firefight ensued in which Harry was shot and killed.

Taylor, Bryan, Corporal (36), 2 Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed on active service in an accident on the Karoi-Chirundu Road, 26 August 1975.

Bartlett, Basil, Captain (47), 5 Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Signals, died on active service in Salisbury from pneumonia and diabetes, 27 August 1975.

Eeson, Aiden, Lance Corporal (19), 3 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a vehicle accident on the Inyanga-Rusape Road, 30 August 1975

Baropayi, Celestino, 645270 Private (27), E Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact in the Umfurudzi Wild Life Area, Shamva, Operation Hurricane, 31 August 1975.

Bennett, Thomas Hart, 780755 Lieutenant (23), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service in a vehicle accident on the Salisbury/Bulawayo Road, 31 August 1975.

Turnbull, Martin A.C., Gunner (19), First Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, killed in action by a gunshot wound in an ambush in the Pfungwe TTL, 1 September 1975.

Cunningham, Finnbar Evans, Instructor Technician (27), New Sarum, Rhodesian Air Force, died on active service in a motorcycle accident, 2 September 1975.

Storie, Kelvin J., Corporal, C Squadron, Special Air Service, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact with FRELIMO on the Luia River in Mozambique, 2 September 1975.

Madzika, 643553, Corporal (30), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, died on active service of liver failure at Llewellin Barracks, 8 September 1975.

Griffiths, Norman, Technician (21), Thornhill, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, 12 September 1975.

Templemore-Walters, Donald, Corporal (20), 1 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a shooting accident at 1 (Indep) Barracks, Wankie, 13 September 1975.

Jackman, D.J., Corporal (27), Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound near Marymount Mission, Rushinga, 22 September 1975.

Bremner, Alexander, Sergeant Technician (24), Thornhill, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service in a vehicle accident on the Salisbury to Enkeldoorn, 26 September 1975.

Miller, Amos B., Private (19), 3 Protection Company, Reinforcement Holding Unit, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 8 October 1975.

Chihambakwe, Rameck, Private (33), HQ 2 Brigade, died on active service on Farm 26 Nyazvidizi African Purchase Area, Gutu, 20 October 1975.

Abrahams, Edwin David, R430337, 30, Acting Sergeant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed on active service in vehicle accident on the Ardbennie Road, Salisbury, 23 October 1975.

Kee, Thomas J., Corporal, Depot, Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident in the Ngorima TTL, Melsetter, on 25 October 1975.

Chinhema, Zebediah, Constable (24), Kilo Troop Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed when a Bedford RL rolled twelve kilometres north of Nyamapanda, 26 October 1975.

Shand, Robin, Aircraftsman (18), died on active service from malaria, 28 October 1975.

Zvomuya, Fanwell, District Assistant (40), Internal Affairss, killed on active service in an accident four kilometres south of Ditito on the Mukumbura Road, Mount Darwin, 1 November 1975.

Graham, John Barry, 725359 Corporal (22), Selous Scouts, killed on active service, in a shooting accident at Kariba, 13 November 1975.

Tshuma, Sayino Runyowa, 640142, WOII (37), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, murdered by terrorists while on leave at his home in the Mfungo Hills, Nemangwe, Gokwe, 22 November 1975. He is buried in Gokwe. Sayino joined 1RAR in 1958, after which his ability and and enthusiasm were reflected in his steady promotion through the ranks to his appointment as Platoon Warrant Officer in 1972. From 1973 to 1975 he acted as the Company Sergeant Major of JOC Mtoko.

Scallan, Matthew, Rifleman (18), National Serviceman, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a vehicle accident on the Salisbury-Bulawayo Road, 6 December 1975.

Rudolf, Allen, Private (23), Rhodesia Defence Regiment, died on active service in an accident, 10 December 1975.

Muneri, Zacharia, 643811, Private (33), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service in a vehicle accident at the Lunga River bridge on the Essexvale Road, 13 December 1975.

Myers, Clive, Corporal (25) Regular Army, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 17 December 1975.

Mulemba, Shadreck, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 20 December 1975.

Vangani, Simbarashe, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in the Chibi area, 21 December 1975.

Van Rensburg, Pieter, Sergeant South African Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while visiting troops in the field at Christmas, flying in a South African Alouette 111 which hit an overhead wire, 23 December 1975.

Lamb, J.B., Captain, Headquarters 3 Brigade, killed on active service, in an air accident, while visiting troops in the field at Christmas, travelling in an Alouette 111 which hit an overhead wire, 23 December 1975.

Parker, David G., Colonel, Headquarters 3 Brigade, killed on active service, in an air accident, while visiting troops in the field at Christmas, travelling in an Alouette 111 which hit an overhead wire, 23 December 1975.

Robertson, Ian A.B., Captain, Second in Command, 5 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in an air accident, while visiting troops in the field at Christmas, travelling in an Alouette 111 which hit an overhead wire, 23 December 1975.

Shaw, John R., Major General, Chief of Staff, Rhodesian Army, killed on active service, in an air accident, while visiting troops in the field at Christmas, travelling in an Alouette III which hit an overhead wire, 23 December 1975.

Stoddard, Eugene Jonathan, R109858T Private (18), Rhodesia Defence Regiment, died on active service, heart attack torn aorta, 25 December 1975.

Ben, N., Dip Supervisor, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Inyanga, 6 January 1976.

Callow, Bill, Senior Assistant Commissioner, (54), British South Africa Police, died on active service in Fort Victoria, 15 January 1976.

Severino, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 16 January 1976.

Kriek, Johannes Jurie, PR53400 Rifleman (38), Sixth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, gunshot wound to the chest, 23 January 1976.

Nyakudaya, Alois, (22589) Constable (28), Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, gunshot wound to the chest, in an ambush north of Nyamapanda new Musawu Keep in the Mtoko District, 1 February 1976.

Regenaas, B.G., (21591) Field Reservist (26), British South Africa Police, killed on active service, by drowning, 4 February 1976.

Chipunze, Fararira, Field Assistant (25), Internal Affairs, killed in action in a vehicle ambush on the Nyakasora Road, Rushinga, 7 February 1976.

Baker, Bruce Macley, (9182 Attested: April 1974) (23) Patrol Officer, Ground Coverage, British South Africa Police, killed in action, multiple gunshot wounds, in an ambush, in Ngarwe TTL, Nyamapanda area, 9 February 1976. In the late evening he had visited and debriefed a contact not knowing he had been turned. The contact told him not to leave by his usual route and he was ambushed.

Tavengwa, David, (21283 Attested: February 1971) Constable Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed in action, multiple gunshot wounds, in an ambush, in Ngarwe TTL, Nyamapanda area, 9 February 1976.

Smith, Stella (49), Rhodesian Women Service, died from an accident, 9 February 1976.

Billing, David Anthony Michael, PR32274 Corporal (34), Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound on Mukumbura Road on 14 February 1976.

Ncube, Amos Sila, 645250, Recruit (21), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident on Umtali-Fort Victoria Road in the Bikita area, 14 February 1976.

Maguri, Elson, 646723, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed on active service in a road accident on main Kariba Road, opposite Nkomo Barracks, 15 February 1976.

Marisa, Felix, 646767, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed on active service in a road accident on main Kariba Road, opposite Nkomo Barracks, 15 February 1976.

Maponga, Wankie, 646704, Trooper (19), Selous Scouts, died on active service after a vehicle accident on 15 February on the Kariba Road, 16 February 1976.

Routledge, Gerard Anthony, (36) Squadron Leader, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident at Perrem Airfield near Umtali, on 16 February 1976. His young SAAF pilot attempted to overshoot, stalled and killed Routledge, after a botched landing of his overloaded Cessna 185.

Parkin, Gerald James, PR100097 Rifleman (19), Support Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact in the Sangwe TTL VM158694, on 24 February 1976.

Cookson, Douglas John, 726854 Lance Corporal, 1 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound in the Mount Darwin area, on 28 February 1976.

Diedericks, Christie, 727333 Trooper (22), 1 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound in the Mount Darwin area, on 28 February 1976.

Smith, Richard M., PR63559 Sergeant, Tracker Combat Unit, One Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action by a gunshot wound to the chest in a contact in the Mount Darwin area, on 28 February 1976.

Tachi, Kenneth, 645843 Trooper, Selous Scouts, died on active service by suicide at the Selous Scouts Camp, Bindura, 28 February 1976.

White, Peter Cyril O'Brien, BCR, 725494 Temporary Sergeant, 1 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact in the Mount Darwin area, on 28 February 1976.

Chatiza, Dzingayi Albert, (14663) Sergeant (46), Ground Coverage, British South Africa Police, killed in action by a rocket in an ambush by 12 terrorrists at the Pungwe Business Centre, Holdenby TTL in the Honde Valley, 29 February 1976.

Chikwakwa, Lancelot, (21927) Constable (22), Ground Coverage, British South Africa Police, killed in action by a rocket in an ambush by 12 terrorrists at the Pungwe Business Centre, Holdenby TTL in the Honde Valley, 29 February 1976.

Mawire, Jestinos, (22151 Attested: April 1974) Ground Coverage (26), dog handler, British South Africa Police, killed in action by a rocket in an ambush by 12 terrorrists at the Pungwe Business Centre, Holdenby TTL in the Honde Valley, 29 February 1976.

Nasho, M.M., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Mudzi, March 1976.

Muparamoto, Gift, 646652 Private, Three Brigade Support Company, killed on active service, in a shooting accident in a kraal on West Riding Farm, Chipinga, 7 March 1976.

Jackson, Patrick, R110572T Private, (18) Three Protection Company, killed in action by a landmine on the Chesa Road, Mount Darwin US790531, 11 March 1976.

Holland, Goode, 109331 Private (18), Three Protection Company, killed in action fractured skull, Karanda Mission, Mount Darwin, 13 March 1976.

Nasho, Michael, Field Assistant (25), Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists at Msau Kraal, Mkota TTL, Mudzi, 13 March 13.

de Klerk, William Christoffel, PR40808 Lance Corporal (31) (from Wankie), Sixth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident at La Belle Esperance Farm, Mount Darwin. Two patrols on ambush walked into each other, 16 March 1976. Northlea High School.

Rose, George Edward, PR75231 Rifleman (24), 1 Independent Company, Rhodesia Regiment, died on active service by suicide at 1 Independent Company Barracks, 16 March 1976.

Chaniwana, Matekenya, Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists in the Mount Darwin area, 17 March 1976.

Ainslie, Michael John Forbes, 780644 Major (28), A Company First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, in a helicopter by ground fire while commanding a Fire Force action in the Ngarwe TTL, Mtoko, 27 March 1976. After assuming command of A Company, its kill-rate increased dramatically. The same bullet that ended Mike's life also hit the K-car pilot Perry Childs, in the leg. After Mike had been casevaced, by G-car, Perry was able to keep flying the K-car until the contact was over. It is believed that the terrorist responsible for Mike's death might have been Luckson Tiniboyi who was captured and sentenced to death.

Fereira, John Frederick, 727056 Trooper (18), First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, died on active service, suicide at KGCVI Barracks Camp Hospital, 27 March 1976.

Tinosi, Chidaushe, Lance Corporal (aged 31), HQ2 Brigade, died of cancer, Gutuza Kraal, Gutu TTL, 2 April 1976.

Black, Robert Andrew, PR765773 Rifleman (23), Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound in an ambush, 6 April 1976.

Murray, Ian Anthony, PR62396 Lance Corporal (26), Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service through the accidental discharge of an MAG machine-gun, 8 April 1976.

Mtongi, Nelson Tagoneyi. (17681) Sergeant Major (37), November Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed on active servise in a shooting accident in the Masoso TTL when he walked into an SF ambush, 8 April 1976.

Njekela, Nelson, (18156) Constable, November Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed on active service in an RAR ambush in the Masoso TTL, Mount Darwin VS620610, brother of Chief Nkalakata, 8 April 1976.

Abrams, Henry James, PR33877 Corporal (33), Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 9 April 1976. Northlea High School.

Tafireyi, Jaiseri, (11503) Sergeant Major (43), Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action by gunshot wound to the head in a vehicle ambush on the Dotito Road, in the Kandeya TTL, Mount Darwin, 9 April 1976.

Kamaka, Nevermind, Field Assistant (20), Internal Affairs, killed in action by a gunshot on the Bveke Road, Kandeya TTL, Mount Darwin, 10 April 1976. Internal Affairs Cadet Anthony Templemore-Walters (19) was wounded and would die on 25 August 1980 from his wound. Brian Goddard was also injured.

Chinoyi, E.T., Extension Assistant Supervisor (50), Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine one kilometre west of Makaha Keep, Mudzi, VR535892 15 April 1976.

Bennett, Ismael, 93478T Corporal (21), 4 Protection Company, killed on active service in the Chiredzi area, 21 April 1976.

Botha, Gilbert, Rifleman (19), A National Service Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound in an ambush in the Mabalauta area, 23 April 1976.

Muredzi, Jeremanus, (22691) Constable (21), T Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact in the Sangwe TTL, Chiredzi, 24 April 1976.

Donald, John Sinclair, (23259F) Field Reservist (26), British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 26 April 1976.

James, D.C., (17864R) Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 26 April 1976.

Tutani, A.G., (13470) Detective Sergeant Major (45), Special Branch, British South Africa Police, CID, killed in action by a landmine, (his wife was killed with him), 26 April 1976. Their baby, Esther, survived. They were returning to their home in Madziwa.

Parkinson, J.J., (21366Y) Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 26 April 1976.

James, Sylvia, Private (17), 1st Field Regiment, RWS, died on active service from leukaemia in Salisbury, 1 May 1975.

Mandipaza, Michael, Field Assistant (21), Internal Affairs, killed in action on Gaeresi Ranch VR906024 in Inyanga, 1 May 1976.

Sarutani, Caspar, Field Assistant (26), Internal Affairs, killed in action on Gaeresi Ranch VR906024 in Inyanga, 1 May 1976.

Kudzayi, Philip, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Bikita 3 May 1976.

Maguwaza, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Rusape, 4 May 1976.

Manasa, Z., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered on Farm 245, Mshawasha African Purchase Area, Fort Victoria, 4 May 1976.

Nyiwana, P., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Belingwe, 4 May 1976.

Vrachas, Anthony Michael, PR103810 Rifleman (19), 3 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in an ambush in the Inyanga area, 4 May 1976. The 45 truck they were driving on 4 May 1976 was hit by an RPG7, just below the driver's window, killing Tony instantly. Intake 147. Cranborne Boys High School.

Mawire, Wilson, Agriculture Demonstrator, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists in the Mtoko area, 5 May 1976.

Mhando, M., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists at Mount Darwin, 5 May 1976.

Muchenje, W., Demonstrator, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mtoko, 5 May 1976.

Mviyo, Masungwa Tobias, 64456, Private (24), 8 Platoon, C Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact at Ruda, Honde Valley, Mutasa TTL, Operation Thrasher, 5 May 1976.

Shambani, Richard Keni, 644277, Corporal (28), 2 Platoon, A Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service in a gun accident, 6 May 1976. Keni was Section Commander of his Platoon. He will long be remembered by all who knew him for his tremendous sense of humour and diligent approach to everything that he attempted.

Muchakbarwa, C., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Concession, 6 May 1976.

Ngawaite, Ben, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed on active service in Inyanga, Operation Thrasher, 6 May 1976.

Puncheon, Arthur Gabriel, Rifleman, (21) 1 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, mortally wounded in action, in an ambush, 6 May 1976.

Makuwa, James, BCR (Posthumous), 644759 Corporal (26), A Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in an ambush on his vehicle when a 60mm mortar bomb exploded next to him, Uzumba, Mrewa, 9 May 1976. . His B.C.R. citation states that his success in a fire force action in April 1976 was attributed to his initiative, personal courage and leadership qualities. Prior to his death he had been put forward for promotion to Acting Sergeant, a position he would have assumed on 01 June. After completing his training in 1971, James joined A Company, where this keen athlete proved to be a cheerful and popular member.

Chivere, Fourpance, Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mudzi, 10 May 1976.

Muchada, Rodwell, District Assistant (29), Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine six kilometres east of Benson Mine on the road to Mtoko at Mudzi, 10 May 1976.

Bint, Frederick Walter Henry, PR70993, Rifleman (33), 3 Platoon, A Company, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a convoy ambush in the Chikwarakwara area, 12 May 1976.

Blignaut, Pieter Willem, PR44208, Rifleman (28), 3 Platoon, A Company, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a convoy ambush in the Chikwarakwara area, 12 May 1976. Northlea High School.

Van Tonder, Theunis John, XR2190 Corporal (33), 3 Platoon, A Company, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a convoy ambush in the Chikwarakwara area, 12 May 1976. (All three 9th Bn soldiers, above, were killed by gunshot wounds to the chest in a vehicle ambush in the Beitbridge area. The company was on its way home to Brady Barracks, travelling along the Tshiturapadzi to Chikwarakwara road when the ambush occurred and, as the troops debussed to defend their position, Rfn Frederick Bint, Rfn Pieter Blignaut (died in the helicopter during a casevac, having received multiple gunshot wounds to the chest and head) and Cpl Theunis van Tonder were fatally wounded. Cpl Marthinus Kelly and Rfn Niall Campbell, both sustained abdominal wounds in the ambush and died, in hospital, of their wounds on 15 May 1976 and 23 May 1976 respectively.)

Mukoni, Dzingirayi, 646372, Private (21), 3 Platoon, A Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact in Mtoko, Operation Hurricane, 13 May 1976.

Kelly, Marthinus Johannes, XR5021, Corporal (21), 3 Platoon, A Company, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died of injuries from a vehicle ambush in the Chikwarakwara area on 12 May, 15 May 1976. Northlea High School.

Da Silva-Chalheiros, Nicolau Antonia, PR1132, Rifleman (23), MFC(Ops)(Post), A Company, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush on the Fort Victoria – Rutenga Road, 17 May 1976.

Edwards, Brian John, PR75387, Corporal, A Company, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush on the Fort Victoria – Rutenga Road, 17 May 1976. (Both of these men died in the same incident from gunshot wounds in a vehicle ambush at the 116.5 km peg on the Ft Victoria/Beitbridge road, Nuanetsi district. Nick was driving the lead vehicle in a 5-vehicle convoy when they came under heavy rocket, machine gun and rifle fire. His vehicle took most of the hits, killing Cpl Brian J. Edwards and wounding Nick. Nick refused help from his platoon commander stationed next to him, and continued to drive out of the ambush zone. He later died from his wounds. His courage in doing so prevented further casualties.)

Pitch, Leonard Paul, V2145 Captain (35), attached to 13 Troop, 3 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact in Karuyana, Mount Darwin, 17 May 1976. 1976 – Capt Leonard “Len” Pitch (aged 35), Attached to 13 Tp, 3 Cdo, 1st Bn RLI, KIA. Died in the Andrew Fleming Hospital from a gunshot wound received on 14 May in a contact in Karuyana, Mt Darwin, Op Hurricane. Elements of 3 Cdo Fire Force, reacting to a reported sighting of CTs, were deployed from Mt Darwin to the Karuyana River, the border of Largo Farm in the east of the Centenary Farming Area and the Kandeya TTL. As members of 13 Troop were dropped by helicopter next to the Karuyana River, heavy small arms fire directed at the aircraft confirmed a CT presence in thick bush on the riverbank. The alighting troops immediately engaged the CTs at almost point blank range, and in the firefight, Len was shot in the chest.

Whitehead, John Vivian (3770 previously regular Sergeant Attested June 1938), Police Anti-Terrorist Unit British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 18 May 1976.

Youroukelis, Stephen Peter, Temporary Corporal, 3 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, died from wounds received in a vehicle ambush in Inyanga on 4 May, 18 May 1976. The 45 they were travelling in was hit by an RPG7 just below the driver's window, killing Anthony Vrachas instantly. Steph, blown out of the truck by the blast and in deep shock, ran off down the road in the opposite direction. As a casevac helicopter was about to lift off with another casualty, an African was spotted carrying the severely wounded Steph towards the aircraft. Emergency care was given and the men were casevaced to Umtali.

Mabika, Mukwna, District Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Bikita, 19 May 1976.

Ngeni, Never, Dip Attendant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists at Umtali, 19 May 1976.

Sikwekwete, Joel, Extension Assistant Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists at Rusape, 19 May 1976.

Ebiza, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mudzi, 20 May 1976.

Chimusaru, Azariah, Constable (46), Uniform Duty, British South Africa Police, at Zaka, died on active service of meningitis in the Howard Institute Hospital, Chiweshe, 22 May 1976.

Stidston-Broadbent, David, Rifleman (35), C Company, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact in Mtoko area, 22 May 1976. (Gavin Baker, Lance Corporal PR75651 writes: My stick was first on the scene after Rfn Broadbent was killed. His night ambush position had been caught in return fire. One other SF was wounded and one CT was wounded in this contact and died when we caught up with him the following morning. Once again we were due to go home the following day and on the way out my Rodef 4.5 hit a land mine! A makeshift “fireforce” from JOC Mtoko comprising of trackers, cooks, and bottlewashers was called out and serendipitously flew over the group of CTs responsible and had a successful contact about 10kms from our position. For some odd reason we were not allowed to join in.)

Campbell, Neill C., Rifleman (33), 3 Platoon, A Company, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment,. Died in Andrew Fleming Hospital, Salisbury, 23 May 1976 from a gunshot wound to the abdomen, on 12 May 1976. His company was on its way home to Brady Barracks, travelling along the Tshiturapadzi to Chikwarakwara road when the ambush was sprung and, as the troops debussed to defend their position, Rfn Frederick Bint, Rfn Pieter Blignaut and Cpl Theunis van Tonder were fatally wounded.

Hebberd, Michael, Corporal (21), Regular Army, killed on active service in an accident, 23 May 1976

Mutamangira, Matongondiwona G., District Assistant (27), Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists in the Mutambara TTL at Melsetter, 23 May 1976.

Wienand, Carl, Rifleman (18), 3 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in an accidental grenade explosion near the Gairezi River VR949054, 27 May 1976. Intake 147.

Walker, Terry W., killed, 27 May 1976.

Chuonda, Michael, 644632, Private (25), First Battalion Rhodesian African Rifles, based at the School of Infantry, killed on active service in a vehicle accident on the main Salisbury/Bulawayo, 28 May 1976.

Mann, Simon L.P., Rifleman (30), C Company, 10th Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a night ambush in the Rusambo area, Operation Hurricane, 31 May 1976.

Makumbe, Alfonse, 645716, Lance Corporal (19), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service in a vehicle accident in Gwelo, 1 June 1976.

Moores, Alexander, Superintendant (43), Special Branch, British South Africa Police, died on active service from a heart attack, 1 June 1976.

Tavugara, Murira, 644772, Temporary Corporal (23), C Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 4 June 1976. Mortally wounded by shrapnel, Tavugara died in Salisbury Hospital his stick was based at the DC camp near Pungwe and was resting at a store close by when CTs initiated an attack with an RPG2 rocket. The explosion mortally wounded Murira and peppered Sergeant Wapwanyika Hofisi that and a burst of RPD fire and a second rocket wounded Privates Tobias Sibindi, Sekaindihwe Nyapimbi and Paul Matika.

Jemwa, Stanley, (23088) Constable (21), Support Unit, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact in the Downs, the farm north of the Kuwanisa Agricultural Research Station on the western border of the Mutasa North TTL on the Juliasdale-Watsomba Road, 6 June 1976.

Kuweni, Ben, Dip Superintendent, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists at the Nyatsanga Business Centre, St Swithins TTL, Inyanga VR825423, 6 June 1976.

Mapanyure, Alexious T., 646199 Trooper (34), Selous Scouts, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, Mount Darwin, 9 June 1976.

Gerber, Lourence, Rifleman (22), Rhodesia Regiment, died on active service from a carcinoma, 11 June 1976.

Chaka, Emmanuel (19), 66317, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 13 June 1976.

Muzorori, Eneas, Sergeant (36), Police General HQ, British South Africa Police, died of injuries received in a vehicle accident on 11 June, 14 June 1976. The accident occurred when Eneas was conveying mourners from Constable Stanley Jemwa's military funeral in Enkeldoorn.

Bates, Douglas I., Sapper (24), 3 Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush while clearing roads in the Honde Valley, 15 June 1976.

Crewe, John G., Rifleman (19), Five (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact in the Nagaone Business Centre, Chipinga, 15 June 1976. Northlea High School.

Torrington, Mark, Rifleman (19), 5 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact in the Nagaone Business Centre, Chipinga, 15 June 1976.

Skinner, Christopher, Trooper (24), 1 Squadron, Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment, killed on active service in a shooting accident at Addams Barracks, Umtali, 15 June 1976.

Klopper, Lucas, Acting Corporal (25), 10 Troop, 2 Commando, 1st Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service in an accident at Gatooma, 19 June 1976.

Van Rooyen, Martin B., Rifleman (20), C Company Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact at 0930hrs in an ambush while patrolling on foot at Kotwa airstrip in the Ngarwe TTL, 21 June 1976. Northlea High School.

Mupita, Temba Luxton, (22338) Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, murdered on leave in Penhalonga by terrorists, 26 June 1976.

Nel, Jan Andries, MLM, 724447 WO2, 4 Troop, Selous Scouts, killed in action in a contact during Operation Long John, Mapai, 26 June 1976. from gunshot wounds whilst trying to clear a double-storey house in Mapai, Mozambique - Op Long John. His posthumous citation states that he was deployed on small three-man clandestine ops for almost 2 years, many of which were successful. He displayed outstanding qualities of leadership and courage. Lt Dale Collett SCR was seriously wounded, and paralyzed, in this same attempt at clearing this house. Tim Bax was also wounded in this scene

Kabasa, Michael, Field Assistant (28), Internal Affairs, murdered by gunshots at VR172950 Mtoko, 27 June 1976, he was abducted by a group of terrorists on 14 June but his body was only found two weeks later.

Taundi, Dip Attendant, ADF Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 28 June 1976.

Kabasa, Lazaro, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action near Mtoko, 29 June 1976.

Allen, Peter David (9082 Attested: December 1973) Patrol Officer (21), British South Africa Police, killed on active service, gunshot wound to the head at British South Africa Police Lomagundi District HQ, Sinoia, 2 July 1976

Sibanda, S., (22078) Constable (23), British South Africa Police, killed in action, abducted and murdered in Tuli District, by terrorists, 6 July 1976.

Laurent, Richard H., Rifleman (23), Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a vehicle accident on the Filabusi-Balla Balla Road, 7 July 1976

Mabiba, Stephen Mapepa, (17925) Constable, Duty Uniform Ground Coverage, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, murdered on leave by terrorists in the Chibi District, 8 July 1976.

Sithole, Mashanga, District Assistant (26), Internal Affairs, killed on active service hit by a vehicle in Nuanetsi, on 8 July 1976.

Takaindisa, J., Guard, 2 Group, PV Protection, Guard Force Chipinga, died on active service, 8 July 1976.

Ginyilitshe, A., 644568 Trooper (20), Selous Scouts, killed in action in a contact in Mount Darwin, on 9 July 1976.

Chekayi, Patrick, Trooper (23), Selous Scouts, killed on active service at Inkomo Barracks, 11 July 1976.

Mahogo, Charles, 646356, Private (19), Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, suicide, self inflicted gunshot to the head at Fort Victoria, 12 July 1976.

Graham, John Patrick, Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action by ground fire while flying in Amber Lead, Alouette IIIB R5076, piloted by Daniel Svoboda, near Elim Mission in the Inyanga North TTL, on 18 July 1976. Tom Fulton was sitting next to him.

Nugent, Steve R., Rifleman, 3 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact near the Mtararzi Falls in the Honde Valley, on 18 July 1976.

Reay, Alan Edward, Rifleman (24), 3 Platoon, A Company, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact at Mashoko Mission near Bikita, on 19 July 1976.

Byrne, Stephen P., Rifleman (20), C Company, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident at Kotwa Base Camp, 25 July 1976. A fellow soldier was cleaning his weapon when he had an accidental discharge which also wounded a sergeant major. The accident was blamed on a lack of re-training of a soldier recalled to active service long after completing national service.

Chiri, Samson (18941 Attested February 1966) Constable (31), Duty Uniform, Ground Coverage, British South Africa Police, killed in action, abducted and murdered in the Mutasa South TTL, Operation Thrasher, 25 July 1976. His body was found on 9 September and only identified in December 1976.

Wevell, Michael, Rifleman (18), 3 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact near Five Fingers in the Honde Valley he was the leading scout and walked first into the ambush, 29 July 1976.

France, Thomas, Sergeant (55), Army, died on active service, 1 August 1976.

Moses, Moyo, (16858) Sergeant (35), Zulu Bravo Troop, British South Africa Police Support Unit, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush near the Maitengwe Dam, Madhlambuzi in Bulalima-Mangwe District in Southern Matabeleland, 6 August 1976. Two African men and an African woman also were killed.

Njunube, Headman, (19437) Detective Constable (27), Special Branch, British South Africa Police, CID Bulawayo, killed in action in a vehicle ambush near the Maitengwe Dam, Madhlambuzi in Bulalima-Mangwe District in Southern Matabeleland, 6 August 1976.

Nyati, Maplana, (A15629) Field Reservist, Scout (52), British South Africa Police, killed in action in a vehicle ambush near the Maitengwe Dam, Madhlambuzi in Bulalima-Mangwe District in Southern Matabeleland, 6 August 1976.

Bredenkamp, Machiel Johan, Lance Corporal (22), F Company, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a base camp on Mrs Micklethwaite's Makore Farm on the edge of the Burma Valley, mortared by FRELIMO, 8 August 1976.

Clipston, Maurice Ward, WO2 (48), F Company, F Company, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a base camp on Mrs Micklethwaite's Makore Farm on the edge of the Burma Valley, mortared by FRELIMO, 8 August 1976.

Klew, Jeffrey Alfred, Rifleman (25), F Company, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a base camp on Mrs Micklethwaite's Makore Farm on the edge of the Burma Valley, mortared by FRELIMO, 8 August 1976.

Lunderstedt, Howard Arnold, Sergeant (47), F Company, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a base camp on Mrs Micklethwaite's Makore Farm on the edge of the Burma Valley, mortared by FRELIMO, 8 August 1976.

Halberstadt, Frederick Wilhelm Theodorus, Rifleman (20), F Company, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact in the Burma Valley on the follow-up of the incident on the previous day, 9 August 1976.

Wilson, A.G., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Wankie, 10 August 1976.

Hudson-Beck, John E., District Officer, Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine near Melsetter, 12 August 1976.

Britland, Peter, (9247 Attested: October 1974) Patrol Officer (19), Ground Coverage, British South Africa Police, killed in action, Nyamapanda Police Camp, 15 August 1976. (Both British South Africa Police members above were KIA from shrapnel wounds in a mortar attack, Nyamapanda Police Camp, Mudzi district, Op Hurricane. In the early hours of that Sunday, the camp came under an unprovoked but planned attack by elements of the Mozambique Army from within Rhodesia.)

Muduve, Gift, (23007) Constable (20), Yankee Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact at Nyamapanda Police Camp, 15 August 1976.

Crane, Anthony G., Lance Corporal (27), Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion at Ruda in the Mutasa TTL, Operation Thrasher, 17 August 1976.

Titlestad, Pierre, Corporal (23) Two (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in a helicopter during a contact during a contact in the Masoso TTL, Mount Darwin, 17 August 1976.

Jiri, Chakanyuka, Recruit (20), Selous Scouts, killed on active service in a shooting accident at Inkomo Barracks, 19 August 1976.

Gamble, Francis S., R58879T, Acting Corporal (32), 1 Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action in a contact, 19 August 1976.

Arnold, Guy, Private (18), Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed on active service in a shooting accident at Sarahuru Base Camp, Nuanetsi, 21 August 1976.

Grierson, James H., Cadet (21), Internal Affairs, killed in action, Wankie, 21 August 1976.

Hendrix, Pharoah, Private (18), 6 Protection Company, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed on active service by drowning in the Pungwe River, Ruda, Mutasa TTL, 21 August 1976.

Kalosa, Rosebreck, Corporal (23), Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed on active service, stabbed in the neck, 21 August 1976.

Gorojena, Peter N., District Assistant (20), Internal Affairs, killed in action, Mazarabani, Centenary District, 25 August 1976.

Mahomed, Yusuf, Private (23), 1 Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action in a contact, 25 August 1976.

Carshalton, David A., Trooper (26), B Troop, Grey Scouts, killed in action in a contact in the Chiredzi area, 27 August 1976. Dave was with call-sign 24 Bravo that was on the spoor of about 70 CTs in the Gona-re-Zhou area. The spoor was being rapidly followed in an attempt to make contact before the group reached Mozambique. After about five hours, the troops encountered a well-prepared ambush, and in the initial firefight, Dave was shot and killed. He was the lead scout on the left flank, thus initiating the contact. This moment allowed the other members of the patrol time to dismount and skirmish towards where Dave had fallen. G Cars and K Cars deployed elements of a 2 RAR Fire Force to assist the horse troop, resulting in at least 40 kills and several captures. Dave was on his own horse, a mare by the name of 'Nuisance', at the time of the contact. The horse survived and was discovered and recovered sometime later when she was spotted by engineers escorting a convoy through the contact area.

Kudzayi, Philip, District Assistant (29), Internal Affairrs, murdered by terrorists on Devuli Ranch, Bikita, Operation Repulse, 27 August 1976.

Matangira, Fanuel, Constable (26), Uniform Duty, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident in Mtoko, 27 August 1976.

Muchini, Simeon, District Assistant (33), Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Nyahunda Purchase Area, Bikita, 27 August 1976.

Gardner, Adrian, Rifleman (25), Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment, died on active service from a head wound, 30 August 1976.

Austen, Ronald Rhodes Walter, Corporal (32), Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service by 'friendly fire' in a contact in the Mrewa Area, 31 August 1976.

Mberi, Luckson, Constable (38), Uniform Duty, died on active service from TB, 31 August 1976.

Belstead, Herbert F., 'Beef' Sergeant Technician (27), Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in his Alouette III R7524, flown by John Annan, when it was hit by ground fire in Matibi 2 TTL in the Chiredzi District, Operation Repulse, 1 September 1976.

Mananube, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action on the Mozambique border in the Inyanga area, 1 September 1976.

Ncube, Walker, Constable, (23) British South Africa Police, killed in action on the Mozambique border in the Inyanga area 1 September 1976.

Jeffery, Henry John (8660 Attested July 1971) Detective Section Officer (29), Special Branch, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in a terrorist incident in a night operation in Luveve Township, Bulawayo, 2 September 1976.

Stevens, 'Bill' Henry William Harold, Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, in his Lynx R3413, by ground fire while supporting an external operation over north-east border in Mozambique in the Ruenya River area just over the border from the Inyanga North, 2 September 1976. He was enticed deliberately by a ZANLA group who had infiltrated Rhodesia and then withdrew to a position where a large force of FRELIMO were waiting in ambush. His body was recovered and the aircraft was blown up by Rhodesian engineers. The Lynx had not yet been fitted with machine-guns.

Groom, Peter John, Rifleman (18), Two (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 3 September 1976.

Mudzi, Davison, (24375) Constable (19), Golf Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a shooting accident training exercise on Lonely Park Farm, Goromonzi, 3 September 1976.

Nyiwana, Muranda, Sergeant (50), Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists at Nyiwana Kraal, Chingoma, Belingwe, 4 September 1976.

Muchakabarwa, Cannias, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by gunshot at Mudzima Kraal, Mutema TTL, Chipinga, Operation Thrasher VN363742. He was based in Chiweshe but was home on leave, 6 September 1976.

Ferreira, David James, National Service Patrol Officer, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, 6 September 1976.

Abudu, Ahmed, R100666T Private (19), Three Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact at Kanyemba, terrorists overran their camp south of the BSAP station, on 13 September 1976.

Frank, Rodwell, R107395T Private (23), Three Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action in a contact at Kanyemba, terrorists overran their camp, 13 September 1976.

Kala, Keshav G., R16267T Lance Corporal (42), Three Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action in a contact at Kanyemba, terrorists overran their camp, 13 September 1976.

Smythe, Patrick, R40387T Private (33), Three Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action in a contact at Kanyemba, terrorists overran their camp, 13 September 1976.

Valentine, Ozias P., Private (42), Three Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action in a contact at Kanyemba, terrorists overran their camp, 13 September 1976.

Kaschula, M. Frederick, 104068 Rifleman (20), D Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in an ambush at Chikwarakwara, Sengwe TTL, 15 September 1976.

O'Reilly, Patrick M., PR103557 Lance Corporal, D Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, in an ambush at Chikwarakwara, Sengwe TTL, 15 September 1976. Northlea High School.

Sullivan, Michael Gordon (8590 Attested: January 1971) Detective Patrol Officer (24), Special Branch, British South Africa Police, killed in action, when a Police launch on Zambezi River was fired on from the Zambian bank at Kanyemba, 17 September 1976. Two police launches from Kanyemba were patrolling the Zambezi River looking for CT crossing points when they came under heavy fire from Zambia. PO Rob Campbell and DPO Mike Sullivan both received head wounds, but the latter sadly died. Seven members of the British South Africa Police received bravery awards for their subsequent actions on the river during the incident.

Mbiza, Josephat, District Security Assistant (22), Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action by gunshot wounds to the upper body, 21 September 1976.

Darck, Roy C., Corporal (24), A (National Service) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident in the south-east, 25 September 1976.

Gutza, Richard, (22271), Constable (23), L Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact in the Chiduku TTL, Makoni District, 25 September 1976.

Jobson, Arthur, Private (18), Six Protection Company, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident at Ruda in the Holdenby TTL 27 September 1976.

Jacobz, Gert, Rifleman (24), National Service Army, killed on active service from gunshot at the Fairmile Motel, Gwelo.

Fulton, Donald K., Gunner (28), First Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident at New Years Gift Store, 20 miles from Chipinga, 4 October 1976.

Mpofu, Amon, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 7 October 1976.

Chipwanya, Custom, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed on active service in a shooting accident in the barrack room of Pachanza Keep, Kandeya TTL, Mount Darwin District, 8 October 1976.

Stainthorpe, Anthony, Officer Cadet (35), Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact at Mount Darwin, 8 October 1976.

Manyegna, Innocent, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Mudzi, 9 October 1976.

Hope, Richard J., Trooper, 9 Troop, 2 Commando, 1st Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action in the Chipinga area, 11 October 1976. en route by helicopter to a CT sighting. The aircraft was subjected to CT ground fire, taking two hits, resulting in Bob's death.

Hardy, Anthony John, Corporal (19), 3 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a mortar and small arms attack in the Buhera District, 14 October 1976.

Hayworth, Roderick Charles, Temporary Warrant Officer, Class Two (38), F Company, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a mortar and small arms attack in the Buhera District, 14 October 1976.

Lovie, Alan Gray, Rifleman, F Company, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a mortar and small arms attack in the Buhera District, 14 October 1976.

Newman, Alfred C., Temporary Corporal (31), Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact at the Muti-Usina-Zita Sales Pens, Buhera District, 15 October 1976.

Tonhora, Francis, District Assistant (25), Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed on active service in a vehicle accident four kilometres from Nikiwa Keep, Mrewa 15 October 1976.

Human, J.A., (9487L) Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, died on active service, 17 October 1976.

Makumbe, F., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mtoko 17 October 1976.

Chipara, Issaac, (23442) Constable (24), D Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, Support Unit, killed in action in a contact in Inyanga North TTL, 20 October 1976.

Musodza, Mathias, (21649) Constable, Zulu 1 Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact in Chiduku TTL, Makoni, 20 October 1976. The incident occurred in the course of ordinary investigations, when he was brutally murdered by a member of a terrorist gang.

Mutova, C., (18362) Sergeant Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, murdered on leave in Soswe TTL by CTs, 20 October 1976.

Chaneara, N.E., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Marandellas, 21 October 1976.

Hulley, Roy R., Flight Lieutenant (27), Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, while flying Vampire T11 R1833 at Katanga Range near Que Que, 21 October 1976.

Mudzimiri, Martin, (23635) Constable (20), Z1 Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action died of wounds received in action in the Silverstreams area near Chipinga, 21 October 1976.

Flight, William K., 727720, Corporal (41), Rhodesia Army Services Corps, died on active service, 22 October 1976.

Tarusarira, Julian Chinaka, 646091, Private (signaller) (21), 6 Platoon, D Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a gun accident, 23 October 1976.

Changara, Naison, District Assistant (30), Internal Affairs, killed in action near Marandellas, 26 October 1976.

Mutova, Chakanaka, Sergeant (30), Uniform British South Africa Police, killed in action, 26 October 1976. Dirihori Township, Soswe TTL, Marandellas, Op Thrasher. Naison was on patrol with Cst Chakanaka Mutova at the time, when the two of them were abducted by CTs, publicly humiliated, and finally shot in cold blood.

Paradza, Reuben, District Assistant (25), Internal Affairs, killed in action in the Chiredzi area, 26 October 1976.

Armstrong, Phillip John, Rifleman (25), First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact in the Mtoko area, 27 October 1976.

Chivende, Elliot, District Assistant (23), Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Sabi North TTL, Charter District, 27 October 1976.

Pasipamire, Luke, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists in the Charewa, Mtoko, 28 October 1976.

Tasapamare, G. Chimteka, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mtoko, 28 October 1976.

Gondoro, Johane, (12339) Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, murdered on leave by terrorists, 30 October 1976.

White, Deon McAlistair, Rifleman [posthumous] BCR, 20, C Company, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died of a wound sustained in action on 28 October, 30 October 1976. In the north-eastern operational area was part of a small group who had completed an all-night ambush. At 0545 hrs after moving out, they were resting when White, on the extreme right of an exposed position saw a group of terrorists moving past at a distance of 12 metres. He alerted the soldier on his left and stood up opening firing with his MAG. He continued to fire, standing in full view of the enemy and exposed to their fire while his companions withdrew into cover. By holding continuous fire, White drew all the immediate heavy fire onto himself. In the process he killed six terrorists. After his group had engaged the terrorists from fire positions five more terrorists were killed but while kneeling to clear a stoppage to his MAG Rifleman White sustained a gunshot wound to the head from which he subsequently died on Saturday, 30 October.

Fanner, Graeme Richard, Rifleman (19), National Service Medic in 2 Troop, 1 Commando, 1st Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact at Seguranca on Operation Mardon in Mozambique, 31 October 1976, in an attack on a ZANLA base on the Luia (Ruya) River. Elements of 1 Cdo had walked 15 km at night towards the CT camp, with the intention of calling in an artillery strike once the camp was observed. The exhausted and out-of-water troops reached the Luia where they immediately quenched their thirsts and assisted those who were badly dehydrated. As they were crossing the river, Frelimo opened fire with an RPD, fatally wounding Graeme in the stomach. The troops went on to overrun the camp, accounting for many CTs. A Prince Edward School old boy and winner of a gold medal in the President's Award Scheme, Fanner intended to study medicine at the University of Rhodesia. Mortally wounded, he was casevaced to Karanda Mission Hospital. Despite 17 pints of blood, the American missionary surgeon, Dr Roland Stephens, was unable to save Fanner's life. Stevens had been a leading neuro-surgeon before becoming a missionary.

Lotringer, Emil, Trooper, C Squadron Special Air Service, killed on active service by friendly fire while on Operation Mardon in Mozambique, 31 October 1976.

Sanhani, District Assistant (30), Internal Affairs, killed in action at VR450790 Kapondoro Consolidated Village, in the Mtoko District, 31 October 1976.

Sanhani, Dumaira, Private (22), 2 Matabeleland Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment murdered by terrorists, 31 October 1976.

Chitiyo, Benjamin, 647427, Recruit (19), Depot, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, accidental shooting in the Umzingwane area, Operation Tangent, 1 November 1976.

Katiyo, Benjamin, Recruit, Depot, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in an accidental shooting, 1 November 1976.

Madhende, Francis, (22084) Constable (20), Crime Protection Unit British South Africa Police, murdered in Budja African Purchase Area by terrorists, 3 November 1976. Francis, on leave at the time, was a passenger in a car driven by a friend, when the vehicle was ambushed by CTs and set on fire, causing the occupants to burn to death.

Vermaak, Charles W., Rifleman (21), Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact at Raza Dam in the Chibi TTL, 6 November 1976.

Lamb, Mathew Charles, Lance Corporal (28), of 12 Troop, 3 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact in the Mutema TTL, south-east of Birchenough Bridge, 7 November 1976. Matt was leader of Stop 2, dropped off by helicopter in the vicinity of an OP sighting of CTs. As they advanced northwards in a sweep line along a dry stream and with the sun beginning to set, automatic fire brought the patrol to the ground. In the initial confusion of the firefight and in poor light, one of the troopers fired twice at a fleeting shadow only 16 metres in front of him. Tragically, it was Matt he had shot, both rounds entering his chest. Matt's body was casevaced out the following morning and taken to Chipinga Hospital. The bodies of six CTs were found at the scene. Matt, Canadian born, also served with the SAS.

Gregory, Nicholas J.R., Rifleman (25), Rhodesian Intelligence Corps-Psychological Operations Unit, National Parks tracker, killed in action in a contact in the Mount Darwin District, 9 November 1976. Following a major contact late that afternoon in which several terrorists were killed, the security forces split into two groups for the night. As Nick and his stick were settling in, a lone terrorist, separated from the main group, fired a random burst resulting in a stray bullet entering Nick's chest. He died in the casevac helicopter en route to Mt Darwin.

Dongo, Zacharia, (23529) Constable (21), Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact in the Chikore TTL, Makoni TTL, 10 November 1976. He was travelling in a convoy when it was ambushed by terrorists. His vehicle was struck by a rocket and strafed with small-arms fire.

Tatton, Norman, (64072H) Diesel Mechanic (56), British South Africa Police, killed in action, at Kanyemba, 10 November 1976.

Bayayi, B., (A20445) Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 12 November 1976.

Chakananka, N.J., (A20446) Field Reservist, Police Anti-Terrorist Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 12 November 1976.

Kuba, N., (A20450) Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 12 November 1976.

Mashingauta, Conrad, (14260) Constable (38), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, murdered on leave at the St Triashill diptank by terrorists, 12 November 1976. Whilst on leave at his home, a gang of CTs interrupted a beer-drink. He was identified as a member of the British South Africa Police, and then shot in front of his wife and other kraal-dwellers. He was unarmed.

Mwasireni, M., (A29458) Field Reservist, Police Anti-Terrorist Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 12 November 1976.

Stoki, Joseph, Corporal (24), Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed in a vehicle accident on the Melfort Road, 12 November 1976.

Suikepi, M.C., (A20461) Field Reservist, Police Anti-Terrorist Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 12 November 1976.

West, Gregory J., Sergeant (19), 3 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact in Operation Thrasher, 12 November 1976.

Chinoya, Willas, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in an ambush at Kazozo Kraal, Inyanga North TTL, 13 November 1976.

Coghill, Anthony Robin, Lance Corporal (22), 4 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident at Deka Drum, 13 November 1976.

Chikasma, Clarius, (23309) Constable (21), N Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact at Bveke in Mount Darwin area, 15 November 1976.

Da Costa, Fransisco, Trooper (31), 11 Troop, 3 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action in a contact during the Battle of Hill 31 in the Mutasa TTL, 15 November 1976. Op Thrasher (VQ744430). He was shot and killed by a lone terrorist running away from the sweep-line. He was casevaced to Ruda and then Umtali. 31 CTs were killed in this 12-hour combined RLI/RAR/4RR Tracker Unit/10RR/RhAF battle in the Honde Valley.

Hunt, Gary Vivian, (23982) Field Reservist (23), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed in action in an ambush in the Figtree area, 16 November 1976.

Bhebe, Agrippa, District Assistant (23), Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action, executed by ZIPRA after Ndhlovu Camp five kilometres east of the Bethesda Mission in the Wankie TTL was overrun, 17 November 1976.

Chimere, Allnear, District Assistant (21), Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action, executed by ZIPRA after Ndhlovu Camp five kilometres east of the Bethesda Mission in the Wankie TTL was overrun, 17 November 1976.

Moyo, Albert, District Assistant (29), Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action, executed by ZIPRA after Ndhlovu Camp five kilometres east of the Bethesda Mission in the Wankie TTL was overrun, 17 November 1976.

Ndebele, Doctor, District Assistant (26), Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action, executed by ZIPRA after Ndhlovu Camp five kilometres east of the Bethesda Mission in the Wankie TTL was overrun, 17 November 1976.

Nyoni, Dumisane, District Assistant (21), Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action, executed by ZIPRA after Ndhlovu Camp five kilometres east of the Bethesda Mission in the Wankie TTL was overrun, 17 November 1976.

Ferreira, Albertus Johannes, Rifleman (19), 5 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, Intake 147, killed in action in a contact next Silver Streams, Operation Thrasher, 18 November 1976. A group of four terrorists were sighted near a weir where the stick had been in ambush. Three were accounted for, but the fourth returned fire, killing Joe. His headstone, in Afrikaans, reads 'It is beautiful for a hero to fall at the feet of the country that he served'.

Jones, Jeremy R., Rifleman (35), Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine in the Kariba area, 19 November 1976.

Zvirevo, Epison, (23242) Constable, Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, abducted and murdered by terrorists in the Chiredzi District, 20 November 1976. His body found 31 December 1976.

Mungazi, G., (23177) Constable (21), J Troop, Support Unit British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, in the Wedza area, 21 November 1976. He was on a night patrol with his troop in the operational area when he was killed by an accidental discharge.

Mynhardt, Barend J., Field Assistant (54), ADF Internal Affairs, killed in action in an ambush in Bikita, 22 November 1976.

Revai, Elias, District Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Bikita, 23 November 1976.

Chichurungwa, Francis, District Assistant (25), Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action in the Manyika TTL, Mrewa, 24 November 1976.

Joketera, Gervas, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in Bikita, 24 November 1976.

Nahwire, Nyarirayi, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Bikita, 24 November 1976.

Koen, Frederick C., Rifleman (20), 3 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact in the Tanda TTL, Makoni District, 25 November 1976. Koen was the Bren gunner in a stick of four, led by Cpl Chris Goosen, which had been deployed late at night to set up OPs and ambush positions. As they crossed the Inyangombe River out of Nyanga district, they sighted a very large group of ZANLA CTs estimated at more than two hundred, including a company of heavy weaponry such as recoilless rifles, anti-aircraft guns and mortars. In the firefight that ensued, Koen received a fatal wound to the stomach and Goosen was wounded. Cranborne Boys High School.

Sanders, Phillip, Private (20), Rhodesian Defence Regiment, died of injuries from a vehicle accident, 25 November 1976.

Tivavone, H. Phineas, Agric Demonstrator (50), Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists at Chirorwe School in the Bikita area, 25 November 1976.

Munengwa, Constantine Gora, MFC(Ops) (13.9.74), 642671, Sergeant (34), 11 Platoon, D Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact in the Bikita District, Operation Repulse, 28 November 1976. The most senior Sergeant in his Company, he was widely respected for the excellent work he did on operations. He was a highly professional soldier as well as a keen sportsman, playing basketball and football for the Company. He had been recommended for promotion at the time of his death.

Ndaza, Tapson Dube, 644514, Corporal (27), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact in the Bikita District, 28 November 1976.

Garwe, Wonder (23), District Assistant (23), Internal Affairs, killed in an action by an accidental shooting at the Muyawiri DC's Camp, Chinamora TTL, Goromonzi, 5 December 1976.

Dzingwa, Tasisiyo, District Assistant (20), Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in an action by an landmine six kilometres from Kanyemba, 6 December 1976.

Locke, Keith P., Corporal, Support Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action in a contact in the Kandeya TTL, Mount Darwin area, 6 December 1976. The previous night, a group of ZANLA CTs walked into an ambush of Spt Cdo troops under Cpl Keith Locke, but only one CT was wounded. At first light, and in drizzling rain, the patrol started a follow-up, moving through thick bush where it was suspected the CTs had gone to ground. A fire-fight quickly ensued and the K-Car commander ordered his troops on the ground to move forward. A lone CT, in a well concealed position, waited for the troops to get very close before opening fire. Keith was shot and killed instantly, and L/Cpl J. Fourie badly wounded. Fourie, however, his thoughts with the other casualty, lobbed grenades at the CT position before withdrawing, actions which would earn him the BCR. The CT was eventually flushed out and killed. Northlea High School.

Mashavira, Calisto, District Assistant (24), Internal Affairs, killed in an action by a landmine six kilometres from Kanyemba, 6 December 1976.

Makara, Stephen, Constable (25), Crime Prevention Unit, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in Harare Township, 9 December 1976. Died when stabbed in the Nyenyere Hostel, Harare Township, Salisbury. Stephen was participating in a CPU raid in the township when, whilst trying to arrest a suspect, he was stabbed through the heart. His murderer absconded but was later arrested.

McLeod, C., Lance Corporal, Five Protection Company, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed in action, in Kambazuma Township, 11 December 1976.

Alexander, Ronald Eugene 'Butch', 725132, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, in Mozambique, 16 December 1976. Died of gunshot wounds in Mozambique during a combined RLI/SAS attack on a ZANLA camp at Rambanayi. The camp, also housing a platoon of Tanzanian troops, was defended by a complex of trenches and bunkers covered by large logs and soil, and it was when Butch jumped into the command bunker occupied by the enemy, that he was shot and killed.. Source: Tom Maidwell. Died aged 24. Buried at Warren Hills, Salisbury. Source: Death Notice. A Churchill High School old boy.

Burrell, Bruce, Second Lieutenant, Special Air Service, killed in action by a landmine, when returning from Mozambique, 16 December 1976.

Van Staden, E., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action by a landmine when returning from Mozambique, 16 December 1976.

Lotz, André P., Rifleman, Two (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact south of Mukumbura in the Mount Darwin district, 16 December 1976.

Carr, Anthony John, V3130, Second Lieutenant (25), C Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact while walking on the road to the Eastern Highlands Tea Estate in the Honde Valley, Operation Thrasher, 17 December 1976. A school teacher at Vainona High School, Salisbury.

Crouch, Paul Ellott, (90111) Field Reservist (25), British South Africa Police, Police, Anti-Terrorist Unit, killed in action in a vehicle ambush on David Chadwick's Manyangau Farm, Karoi District on the border of the Mukwichi TTL, 17 December 1976.

Nielsen, Michael, (22654Y) Field Reservist, Police, Anti-Terrorist Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a vehicle ambush on David Chadwick's Manyangau Farm, Karoi District on the border of the Mukwichi TTL, 17 December 1976.

Sidambe, Dennis (also Kenneth), 647020, Private (16), C Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact in the Honde Valley, Operation Thrasher, 17 December 1976.

Goddard, Raffic, R1059271, Private (19), Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed on active service, 19 December 1976. Killed in unknown circumstances. David Manickum trained, at Llewellin Barracks, with the three RDR members associated with these deaths. The bodies were found, in the early morning, on the railway-line between Bannockburn and Rutenga (The Hell-Run), near Garare Siding when the RDR were based at Sarahura. The CTs had, previously, left a note with an ultimatum date, to leave the area - claiming that the war was between blacks and whites - 'coloured' folk had no part in it. David Manickum is convinced that the three were not killed by CTs, there being no signs of a contact. Perhaps it was 'friendly fire' from another SF unit? Raffic was 19 years old. Source: Death Notice. Raffic is a Founders High School old boy. See also G Millin and A Phipps.

Millin, Gordon, Private (19), Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed on active service, 19 December 1976.

Phipps, Andrew, Private (22), Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed on active service, 19 December 1976.

Murphy, Aubrey C., Lance Corporal (19), Six (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 20 December 1976.

Connolly, Kevin (90822 Attested: Jan 1975/former NSPO 900822) Field Reservist: killed in action attack on police base, 19 Dec 1976, Binga (Operation Tangent) At last light on 20 December 1976, a British South Africa Police stick, comprising field reservists and a national serviceman, sent to investigate a terrorist presence in the Mucheni area of Binga District, stopped for the night at an old Roads Department camp. At about 0500 hrs the following morning, their camp came under heavy terrorist attack. Caught unawares, in the ensuing one-sided firefight, five lost their lives. The stick leader, wounded through the leg, managed to escape and caught a bus to Binga to fetch help.

Ndhlovu, J., (20570) Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, at Binga, Operation Tangent, 20 December 1976.

Nyoni, K., (20572) Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, at Binga, 20 December 1976.

Threadingham, Trevor, (901870 Attested: April 1976) National Service Patrol Officer (21), British South Africa Police, killed in action attack on police base, Binga area, 20 December 1976.

Walker, Thomas William (NS901877 Attested: Apr 1976) National Service Patrol Officer (18): killed in action attack on police base, 20 December 1976, Binga District (Operation Tangent).

Vangani, S., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Chibi, 21 December 1976.

Nel, J.G. 'Boet', Lance Corporal (24), Special Air Service, killed in action in a contact in the Nyajena TTL, Fort Victoria, 22 December 1976

Seymour, Steve, Trooper (23), Special Air Service, a native of the Channel Islands, killed in action in a contact in the Nyajena TTL, Fort Victoria, 22 December 1976.

Shereni, Peter, 644678, Corporal, A Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a mortar attack in the Matibi II TTL, 22 December 1976.

Ali, Mafiyo Gibson, (18381) Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, Special Branch, killed in action by a gunshot wound, in an ambush in the Belingwe TTL (Operation Repulse), 23 December 1976.

Bashford, David P., (22650) Field Reservist (35), British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident with a pantechnicon north of Karoi when manning a roadblock, 24 December 1976.

Bathhurst, Arnold, (17456Y) Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident with a pantechnicon north of Karoi, 24 December 1976.

Bezuidenhout, Daniel, Private (18), First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed on active service, 24 December 1976.

Borrett, Hugh Francis, Inspector (38), British South Africa Police, died on active service, heart attack at home in Salisbury, 25 December 1976.

Muchenje, Raphael, 647507, Recruit (26), Depot, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service after falling off a cliff, died in Binga Hospital, 25 December 1976.

Julius, Tshengena, Internal Affairs, killed in action in Beit Bridge area, 27 December 1976.

Reyani, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in Beit Bridge area, 27 December 1976.

Dube, Artford, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Nuanetsi 31 December 1976.

Sani, T., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, Chipinga, 31 December 1976.

Mpala, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Wankie, 1 January 1977.

McKay, Duncan Hope, (7961) Section Officer, Ground Coverage, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in a vehicle ambush, in the Mutema TTL, Chipinga area, 2 January 1977.

Mujeki, Chandi, (23048) Constable (20), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, abducted & murdered in Bikita District by CTs, 2 January 1977.

Lombard, Erwin B., (902706) NS Patrol Officer (19), Uniform Branch, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 4 January 1977.

Wilson, Robin, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a shooting accident at 1 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment Barracks, Wankie, 4 January 1977.

Moyo, Tshababa Dick, 645726, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 6 January 1977.

Barnett, Peter A., DDM, Squadron Leader, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when the Dakota, R7034, he was flying hit an overhead wire after taking off from Buffalo Range and while flying low, which he disliked, 6 January 1977.

Mallett, David E., Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when the Dakota, R7034, he was flying hit an overhead wire after taking off from Buffalo Range and while flying low, 6 January 1977.

Bradley, Anthony, Corporal, HQ RR (Mash) killed on active service, in an air accident, when the Dakota, R7034, he was flying in hit an overhead wire after taking off from Buffalo Range and while flying low, 6 January 1977.

Calder, Basil, (21251) Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action by a landmine on Bar G Ranch, near the Lion & Elephant Motel on the Bubye River in the Low Veld, 8 January 1977.

Gough, Raymond Frederick, (24795) Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, the Deputy Headmaster of Mount Pleasant School, Salisbury, killed in action by a landmine on Bar G Ranch, near the Lion & Elephant Motel on the Bubye River in the Low Veld, 8 January 1977.

Hapelt, Basil Carl, (17623E) Field Reservist, Police Reserve Air Wing, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a shooting accident, 8 January 1977.

Lilford, Warwick Powys, (19895Z) Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, injured on active service in a vehicle accident on 26 December 1976 with a pantechnicon north of Karoi, 24 December 1976, died 9 January 1977.

Chanowa, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Sipolio, 10 January 1977.

Chitima, Petros, Agricultural Demonstrator, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists in the Melsetter area, 10 January 1977.

Mangezo, Hermani, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action at Makoni, 11 January 1977.

Mutero, Joseph, Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists in the Chiredzi area, 11 January 1977.

Donaldson, Ian H., Flight Lieutenant Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, while flying a Canberra B2 in Mozambique, when hit by ground fire from Malvernia during Operation Manyatela, 12 January 1977.

Hawkes, David, Air Sub-Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, while flying a Canberra B2 in Mozambique, when hit by ground fire from Malvernia during Operation Manyatela, 12 January 1977.

Warraker, R.S.S., SCR, 780749 Captain, Selous Scouts, killed in action, while flying in a Canberra B2 in Mozambique, when hit by ground fire from Malvernia during Operation Manyatela, 12 January 1977.

Green, Kevin, Rifleman, (19), Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed in a shooting accident, 15 January 1977.

Venturas, George, (91662) National Service Patrol Officer (20), Ground Coverage, British South Africa Police, killed in action in an ambush in the Belingwe area, 15 January 1977.

Ncube, Erick, Constable (22), Ground Coverage, British South Africa Police, killed in action, murdered by terrorists in Wankie TTL, 17 January 1977.

Ntini, Nhlalo (18631 Attested: Jul 1965) Constable (37) Special Branch: Abducted and murdered by terrorists, 17 Jan 1977, Wankie TTL (Operation Tangent)

Brnjac, Brian, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service in an accidental explosion, 19 January 1977.

Logan, Noel Richard, Vedette, Internal Affairs, killed in action in an ambush in the Soswe TTL, Marandellas, 19 January 1977.

Sengerayi, Mumani M., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in an ambush in the Soswe TTL, Marandellas, 19 January 1977.

Muchemwa, Marufu, 644539, Sergeant, A Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident en route to Fort Victoria, 20 January 1977.

Malamba, M., Dip Attendant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terroristss at Chipinga, 21 January 1977.

Collcutt, James Edwin, (13678R) Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 23 January 1977.

Cremer, William Peter, (21733X) Field Reservist (31), Police Anti-Terrorist Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in an ambush in the Bindura area, 26 January 1977.

Payne, Norman G., (12953D) Field Reservist (38), Anti-Terrorist Unit, British South Africa Police, Police, killed in action in an ambush in the Bindura area, 26 January 1977.

Mutimbanyoka, Phillip, (23075) Constable (22), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 27 January 1977.

Rawstrone, Bernard Herman, Rifleman, I Company, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in an accidental explosion, 30 January 1977.

Bundwe, J., Guard, Guard Force, killed on active service in a shooting accident, 31 January 1977.

Sutherland, Colin G., Lance Corporal, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a vehicle ambush, 31 January 1977.

Topdlesu, Godfrey, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in a contact in the Chiredzi area, 31 January 1977.

Macdonald, E. British South Africa Police, killed in action, January 1977.

MacKenzie, Derek Guy, Trooper, 7 Troop, 2 Commando (OC Craig Naude), First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action in a contact by terrorists in a cave in the Makoni TTL, 1 February 1977. Basil O'Connell hit in the top of his head, experienced death. During a heavy thunderstorm, four stop groups from 2 Commando briefed by Andy Samuels were deployed in hilly country following an OP sighting of about 15 ZANLA CTS. As the Stop 2 leader, Simon Godly, moved his men including Guy with the MAG, in a sweep around the CT position, the enemy opened fire, killing Guy instantly and wounding Trooper Basil O'Connell-Jones. Stop 4, under Lance Corporal Jimmy Swan attacked the rear of the cave stronghold, killing three CTs, actions which would earn him the MFC(Ops). Mike Borlace flew the casevac.

Nyati, Dennis, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 1 February 1977.

Alexander, William Robert. PR39628, Rifleman (32), PR39628 Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a gunshot wound in an ambush near Filabusi, 5 February 1977.

Madziwa, Sampson, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa, 5 February 1977.

Matunga, Amon, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa, 5 February 1977.

Tagwira, Lot, (21656 -Attested: Jun-1973) Constable (25), Ground Coverage, British South Africa Police, murdered by terrorists in the Gwanda District, 10 February 1977.

Zombu, James, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Gokwe, 11 February 1977.

Zowah, Winston, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action at Pachanza Keep, Mount Darwin, 11 February 1977.

Jack, John, WO2 Sixth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 15 February 1977.

Ndlovu, Grady, (23180) Constable (28), J Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 15 February 1977.

Ndokanga, Phanuel, Corporal Grey's Scouts, killed in action in a contact in Kotwa, 15 February 1977. He had passed his examination as a Master Horseman (the only African to do so) but died not knowing he had.

Heard, Alan D., Rifleman (20), 1 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 17 February 1977.

Vaughan, Allan, Rifleman (22), Support Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact in the Soswe TTL near Marandellas, 17 February 1977.

Chawaiwa, Robson District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Shamva, 18 February 1977.

Fourie, P.C., PDO Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Buhera, 18 February 1977.

Harlow, Michael John, 38 (7221/5743 Attested December 1964) Detective Inspector, Special Branch, British South Africa Police, killed in action on Botswana border on hot pursuit, 18 February 1977. was killed in a contact in the Botswana border area during a hot pursuit operation from Maitengwe TTL, Bulalima Mangwe district, Op Tangent. A team of five had set out that morning to recce the immediate Botswana area in search of a ZIPRA presence. As they entered a kraal in Botswana, terrorists initiated a contact. Mike was shot and killed in the fire fight and FR John McLean severely wounded. Fearing retaliation from the Botswana Defence Force and unable to take Mike's body back the 8-10 km to Rhodesia, the policemen stripped Mike's body so as to avoid any possible identification, and left the body at the kraal together with the critically wounded McLean. Early the following morning, a helicopter recovered McLean, but it was discovered that Mike's body had been removed to Francistown. Negotiations got underway, and on 22 February, Mike's body was returned to Rhodesia.

Kashanga District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Rushinga, 18 February 1977.

Tzeki, K., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Buhera, 18 February 1977.

Moyo, Patrick (22240 Attested May 1974) Constable, E Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, died in Harare Hospital on 19 January of wounds sustained in an ambush on 17 February in the Soswe TTL in the Wedza District.

Lomas, Ronald Robert, (22578Q Attested, August 1975) Field Reservist (46), British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact when he entered a hut in which a terrorist was hiding, 22 February 1977.

Sibanda, Petros, 645549, Private, D Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service in a shooting accident, 22 February 1977.

Hewitt, Timothy Charles, PDG (posthumous), (8525 Attested October 1970) Section Officer (22), OC, E Troop, Support Unit British South Africa Police, died of wounds after an ambush on 17 February in the Soswe TTL in the Wedza District, 23 February 1977.

Maimbo, E., Extension Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists in Chipinga, 26 February 1977.

Van der Horn, Keith L., PR015163 Rifleman, Fourth Platoon, B Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in an ambush in the Matibi No 2 TTL, 26 February 1977. Northlea High School.

Silvesta, T., Lance Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action in a contact, 27 February 1977.

Kohwai, Sylvesteer Tichawona, 645167 Lance Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action in a contact VR190940, 27 February 1977.

Dube, Stanford, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 1 March 1977.

Mubaywa, W., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Mrewa, 1 March 1977.

Temple-Miller, Anthony, Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Shamva 1 March 1977.

Gwenda, Patrick, (18708 Attested August 1965) Detective Constable, Criminal Investigation Department, British South Africa Police, killed in action in an ambush, 3 March 1977.

Waters, Neville Richard, Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 5 March 1977.

Kleto, Mudavanhu, Constable (37), British South Africa Police, died from injuries received on the previous day in a road accident, 5 March 1977.

Matandadzi, R., Guard, Guard Force, murdered by terrorists while on leave in the Nyajena TTL, Victoria, 6 March 1977.

Buranda, Julias Nyoni, (19124 Attested June 1966) Detective Constable (32) (posthumous promotion to Detective Sergeant), Special Branch, British South Africa Police, died of a stomach wound received in action in an ambush on 1 March on a three-vehicle convoy driving from Beit Bridge to Tshiturapadzi in the Beit Bridge area, Buranda was driving a Land Rover, 7 March 1977.

Crouch, Gary, Corporal, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine in the Rutenga area, 7 March 1977.

Cunningham, Neill A., Field Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action at Chibi, 7 March 1977.

Lopes, Ventura, PR110710 Rifleman, Five (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident. His 45 truck braked suddenly to avoid a collision with a civilian car and Lopes was flung from the truck and killed, 7 March 1977.

Makatore, Japhter, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in a contact at Mount Darwin, 7 March 1977.

Capell, Colin Andrew, (144444Z) Field Reservist (42), British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 9 March 1977. Grandson of Lieutenant-Colonel A.E. Capell CBE DSO, CO Second Rhodesia Regiment in WW1 and Commissioner British South Africa Police 1923-1926.

Ndlovu, Abednicho, (21587 Attested May 1973) Constable (22), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed in action in an ambush in Matabeleland South, 9 March 1977.

Nkala, Thomas, (19939 Attested December 1968) Constable, Ground Coverage, British South Africa Police, killed in action in an ambush in Matabeleland South, 9 March 1977.

Van Slageren, Cornelius Johannes P., (24508N) Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 9 March 1977.

Scott, Alasdair Ian Murray (8344 Attested November 1969) Patrol Officer (25), British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a electrical accident in Burnside, Bulawayo, 9 March 1977;

Bramford, Alexander James (17773) former Detective Inspector Field Reservist (35), British South Africa Police, (born in Stoke-on-Trent February 1942) attached to Special Branch, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact in the Maranke TTL, Operation Thrasher, 10 March 1977. Alec started in the uniform branch in Bulawayo, but soon progressed into C.I.D. where he wore plain clothes. He quickly progressed up the ranks and became the youngest Detective Inspector at the time, based in Highfields, Salisbury. He was instrumental in having Joshua Nkomo put inside. He was ambushed by a gang of 17 terrorists - he and his group were called to the Maranke TTL on a suspected terrorist presence - a hoax call. On returning to base camp he was driving the leading Land Rover, and as they entered a drift the terrorists opened fire from the river banks. Alec and a fellow black policeman were killed, as well as one other in the second vehicle. He left behind his widow, Jill and five young children, the eldest only 13 years old.

Marove, Kumanikwa, Private, A Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service in a shooting accident, 10 March 1977.

Botha, Petrus P., Rifleman, (20), First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 11 March 1977.

Brewer, Robert M., Rifleman (27), Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact in an ambush in the Maranke TTL, 11 March 1977.

Smith, Malcolm H., Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact in the north-east. As Malcolm's patrol crossed a drive riverbed at night when they encountered a group of terrorists at the range of three metres in front of them, 11 March 1977.

Mason, Clive, 726873 Temporary/Sergeant and sniper, Selous Scouts, killed at Malvernia during an exchange of fire with FRELIMO, he killed six, 15 March 1977.

Yeats, Philip A., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 16 March 1977.

Argent, Henry Walter Alfred, Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 17 March 1977.

O'Neill, Keith, Private, 3 Protection Company, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 17 March 1977.

Musiyiwa, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, in Gutu 18 March 1977.

Barnard, Jeffrey, Depot, Rhodesian Regiment, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 20 March 1977.

Chimuphose, Alec, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine explosion near Pachanza, Mount Darwin, 20 March 1977.

Nel, Christoffel, B Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 20 March 1977.

Bell, Gerald William Andrew, Second Lieutenant, attached to Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a vehicle ambush in the Zambezi Valley. He was returning to Mana Pools via Rekomeche to re-join National Parks, 22 March 1977. Gerry was returning from a call-up to Mana Pools via Rukomechi to take up his job with National Parks when they were ambushed by a group of ZIPRA terrorists. A single bullet entered the door-less Land Rover striking him in the chest and resulting in his death. A natural leader and highly skilled in bush craft, this ranger with National Parks served his call ups with the RAR.

Chizengwe, Pearson, (23282) Constable (22), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed in action in ambush in the Honde Valley when travelling in a two Land Rover convoy from Ruda heading for Umtali, 22 March 1977.

Kahari, Peter, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed on active service near Sipolilo, 22 March 1977.

Clarke, E.C., Corporal, Two (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in a vehicle accident, 23 March 1977.

Evason, Graham John, (19564) Field Reservist (29), British South Africa Police, killed in action in a two-vehicle ambush in the afternoon in the Maranda TTL, Operation Repulse, 23 March 1977. The ZANLA ambushers fired rifles and a machine-gun. Other Police Reservists were unable to reach them due to flooded rivers.

Mashonganyika, Samuel Killian (22721 Attested: Sep 1974) Constable (23), Special Branch: killed in action in a vehicle ambush, 23 Mar 1977, Maranda TTL (Operation Repulse).

Mashona, Masarakufu, Temporary Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed while on leave in Mount Darwin area, 23 March 1977.

Terblanche, Johannes Gideon, (8689 Attested October 1971) Detective Patrol Officer (24), Criminal Investigation Department, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a vehicle ambush in the Maranda TTL, Operation Repulse, 23 March 1977.

Chait, Andrew, MLM, Sergeant (27), Special Air Service, killed in action during the SAS attack on Chioco, Tete Province, Mozambique, 24 March 1977.

Morgan, Christopher John, (9380 Attested March 1975) Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a shooting accident with a shotgun, having been mistaken for the enemy by a police reservist during a sweep in a mealie field in the Chipinga area after a reported sighting, 25 March 1977.

Smith, John William, Temporary Corporal, 1 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact near Rutenga, 26 March 1977.

Smith, D.G., Trooper, Selous Scouts, died on active service, 26 March 1977.

Van Wyk, D.P., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, died on active service, 26 March 1977.

Johnson, C.F., Trooper, Grey's Scouts, killed in action in a contact in the Nyajena TTL, 28 March 1977. See Bushney ep 214 Fighting Men.

Yates, John Bruce (9625 Attested May 1976) Patrol Officer (19), Ground Coverage, British South Africa Police, killed in action in an ambush of a two-vehicle convoy at Pande Mine (bauxite) in the Beit Bridge District terrorists initiated the ambush from both sides of the road with RPD machine-guns. John was lured into the ambush by false information from locals, 29 March 1977.

Kafuramutorwa, Jeffrey, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed on active service new Mount Darwin, 30 March 1977.

Nguni, Muchete, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed on active service near Gokwe, 30 March 1977.

Bungwe, Johannes, District Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action, at Chipinga, 31 March 1977.

Chigwedza, Felix, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in a contact at St Michael's School in the Honde Valley, Holdenbury TTL, 1 April 1977.

Mapuranga, Laverty (23586 Attested: Jun 1975) Constable (21), Duty Uniform: Murdered by terrorists on leave at home in the Zaka District, Operation Repulse, 2 April 1977.

Heckler, Richard A., Lance Corporal (24), 1 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a vehicle ambush by an RPG7 on the main Bulwayo Road near Dett, 4 April 1977. Two riflemen were wounded.

Kamba, ADF Assistant, murdered by terrorists, 4 April 1977.

Barton, Ronald A., Rifleman, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action at Melsetter, 6 April 1977.

Dodd, Douglas McFadzean (23726 Attested: May 1976) Field Reservist (31), Police Anti-Terrorist Unit: killed in action ambush in the Mtoroshanga area, 6 April 1977, Operation Hurricane.

Makani, ADF Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists at Mount Darwein, 7 April 1977.

Boyina, Magara, 644660 Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 8 April 1977.

Warnick, Edgar, Trooper, Support Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, died from wounds received in a contact a week before, 9 April 1977.

Chaza, Daniel, Exttension Assistant, ADF Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 14 April 1977.

Dunezwe, B., Guard, PV Protection Group, Guard Force, murdered by terrorists, 16 April 1977.

MacLaren, D., Rifleman, 2 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, 16 April 1977.

Mashingaidze, R., Guard, PV Protection Group, Guard Force, 16 April 1977.

Mucheka, Tadios, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, died on active service, 17 April 1977.

Zirobwa, Munashe, (20881) Constable, Ground Coverage, British South Africa Police, killed in action in an ambush, 17 April 1977.

Malapela, George (16914 Attested: Jun 1962) Detective Constable (41), Criminal Investigation Department, British South Africa Police, killed in action contact in Matsai TTL, Ndanga District, Operation Repulse and engagement with terrorists, he was part of an investigation team, 18 April 1977.

Madziise, Rogers Simon (23226 Attested: Mar 1975) Constable (25), Duty Uniform: killed in action attack on police post, 20 April 1977, Tjolotjo District (Operation Tangent).

Moyo, Keeper Richard (23343 Attested: Apr 1975) Constable (22), Duty Uniform: killed in action attack on police post, 20 April 1977, Tjolotjo District (Operation Tangent).

Mereki, John, Corporal, Sinoia Horse Troop, Internal Affairs, murdered in the Sinoia District, murdered after being abducted by terrorists and paraded around the Magondi TTL, 21 April 1977.

Musabayane, Elton, R44831, Private (18), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, died on active service of scepticaemia, 27 April 1977.

Matthee, William, Rifleman, 1st Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a bullet to the femoral artery in the Mtoko area, 29 April 1977.

Magogo, R., Recruit, Deport, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, 1 May 1977.

Potgeiter, Cornelius Hendrik, PR84558, Lance Corporal, Sixth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in an ambush, 2 May 1977.

Chikwavira, Tichaona Christopher (22195 Attested: Apr 1969) Constable (25), Duty Uniform: killed on active service vehicle accident, 3 May 1977.

Mutema, Tinarwo, 646312, Private, B Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in a vehicle accident, 3 May 1977.

Tauya, David, 644751, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 3 May 1977.

Brown, Compton William David, Aircraftsman (27), Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service in an air accident in a Lynx, 4 May 1977. Lynx F337 R4306. He was a passenger in the aircraft, flown by Rob Griffiths, which crashed into a mountainside during a training exercise. Griffiths survived, but with multiple burns - Eastern Highlands, Op Thrasher. No 24 PTC.

Masuku, Almath (24204 Attested: Mar 1976) Constable (22), Ground Coverage: killed on active service shooting accident, 4 May 1977, Operation Thrasher.

Miller, Dennis, Colour Sergeant, 5 May 1977.

Chakanetsa, Lovemore, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, died on active service in Wedza, 6 May 1977.

Thomas, Alan G., 99531, Rifleman, Five (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed, 8 May 1977. Northlea High School.

Dube, Kunyama, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection Internal Affairs, killed on active service at Nyamandhlovu, Operation Tangent, 9 May 1977.

Habakkuk, Eric, Rifleman, 5 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact in the Honde Valley, 10 May 1977.

Ward, Frank, Private, 2 Protection Company, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, died on active service, 11 May 1977.

Mukucha, Abraham (16140 Attested: Mar 1961) Sergeant (35), Duty Uniform: killed on active service Murdered by terrorists, 12 May 1977, Zaka District (Operation Repulse) Abraham was returning to the Zaka police station after visiting a local hospital in the course of his duties. He and a constable stopped at a store to buy some goods and whilst doing so were identified by four terrorists in the store. The constable managed to escape but, Abraham was shot dead by the terrorists.

Nicholas, Edward Phillip, (9846 Attested December 1976), (19) British South Africa Police, killed in a vehicle ambush, ten kilometres from Chipinga when acting as front Bren-gunner on a BSAP Madza pick-up for a convoy, 12 May 1977. Thereafter, the gunner's position was protected.

Maguire, Raymond, Lance Corporal, 1 Commando, 1st Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, died on active service falling from a tree, 14 May 1977.

Ncube, Effah, Woman Constable (25), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 14 May 1977.

Stuhardt, V. Sergeant, Protection Company, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, died on active service, 14 May 1977.

Clarke, George W, 728197 Trooper (28), Support Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action near Rogogo Airstrip VR318817 east of Mayo, Makoni District, 15 May 1977. Fire Force had been deployed by helicopter and Dakota to a suspected ZANLA camp, situated among large rocks and boulders. Stop groups 2 and 3 engaged and killed three CTs but, in the firefight, George was badly wounded. He died in the helicopter whilst being casevaced to Mtoko. Late that afternoon, a Canberra bomber neutralised the CT stronghold. He was born in Canada and came from a large family of 9 children. He was a Vietnam veteran, serving in the United States Marine Corps, and was twice decorated with the Purple Heart during his Marine career. He had served as a paramedic in British Columbia before joining the RLI. Tpr Earl MacDonald was killed in the same action. This easy going Californian volunteer in the Rhodesian Army was charming, popular and always smiling. He was Canadian born, and emigrated to the United States at an early age with his 9 siblings. His family settled in the carefree, post-WW2 suburban utopia that was California in the 1950s. Despite his easy-going upbringing, some deep inside him called him to be a troopie. Clarke was already a veteran troopie by the time he came to Rhodesia. He had previously fought with the United States Marine Corps during the vicious Battle of Hue City in the Vietnam War. During his time in Vietnam, he wounded twice, and awarded two Purple Hearts. That didn't stop him. He re-enlisted shortly being discharged from the USMC, this time in the Rhodesian Army - Basic Training Intake 156. It was a grueling experience, training under the hot African sun, under the watch gaze of strict Rhodesian NCOs. This didn't faze him, he was still smiling, he was a Marine. After his Rhodesian infantry training, he was enrolled in Support Commando, one of four active commandos of the Rhodesian Light Infantry. On May 15, 1977, Clarke was on a foot patrol in Mtoko in support of Operation Hurricane, when he heard something in the bush. Instinctively, he warned his comrades and engaged a group of communist terrorists that had been hidden from the patrol's view. With complete disregard for his own safety, he engaged the terrorists and foiled their plan for a hasty ambush. He was killed in the ensuing skirmish, his early contact warning likely saving several lives.”

MacDonald, Earl A.C, Trooper (18), Support Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in his first contact near Rogogo Airstrip VR318817, 15 May 1977. Fire Force had been deployed by helicopter and Dakota to a suspected ZANLA camp, situated among large rocks and boulders. Stop group 1 met stiff resistance from two CTs, and in the engagement, Earl was shot and killed. Having previously worked in the bush canteens only, being too young for active duty, he died days after turning 18 on this his first active bush trip.

Pittaway, Kenneth Allan 'Ken', PR84421 Rifleman, H Company, 1st Battalion Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact near Pachanza, Mt Darwin, Op Hurricane 17 May 1977. His stick, under Sgt Sid Versveld, had engaged a group of terrorists and was on a follow up when one of CTs lobbed a grenade at the Rhodesian troops. Ken died on the spot and three other soldiers were injured.

Kagoro, German, Extension Assistant, ADF Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists in Umzingwane, Op Tangent, 18 May 1977.

Nelson, Rob G., Senior Aircraftsman, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, when hit by ground fire while trooping in an Alouette IIIB piloted by Flight Lieutenant R.J. Watt, 18 May 1977. The G-Car, manned by pilot Roger Watt and Tech/Gnr Rob Nelson, came under heavy small arms fire as they took off after dropping two trackers in a contact LZ. Watt banked the chopper to allow Nelson an opportunity to use his twin Brownings against the CTs on the ground. The chopper took several hits, a tracer round ignited the fuel tank and Watt performed an emergency landing as the cab filled with flame and smoke. Despite burns to his arms and back, Watt managed to land the chopper safely in a ploughed field. The two remaining Game Scouts, who also escaped from the burning chopper, told Watt that Rob Nelson had jumped out of the burning aircraft at about 300 feet - he died on impact with the ground. The G-Car burned out.

Charindapanze, Lazarus (22903 Attested: Mar 1975) Constable (22), A Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a vehicle ambush near Boli in the Matibi 2 TTL, Chiredzi District, 19 May 1977.

Clack, Craig, (902128) National Service Patrol Officer (19), A Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a vehicle ambush near Boli in the Matibi 2 TTL, Chiredzi District, 19 May 1977.

Machimbirike, Angel, (22273) Constable (25), A Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a vehicle ambush near Boli in the Matibi 2 TTL, Chiredzi District, 19 May 1977.

Kutsanzira, Petrus, Dip Attendant, ADF Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists in Makoni, 20 May 1977.

Samharu, January, S., District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed on active service in Mtoko, Operation Hurricane, 21 May 1977.

Chapman, Colin, Field Reservist (47), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in an accidental shooting when training in Melsetter, 22 May 1977.

Lee, Robert, Lance Corporal, 4 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a vehicle accident on the Wankie-Milibizi-Binga Road, 23 May 1977.

Ndlovu, Thomas, Chief's Staff, Internal Affairs, killed on active service in Matobo, Operation Tangent, 24 May 1977.

Ncube, Madiba, District Security Assistant (27), Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action in a vehicle ambush in Bikita, 26 May 1977.

Sibanda, Enos, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed on active service in the Gwanda area, 26 May 1977.

Chikonzo, Urayai (23953 Attested: Nov 1975) Constable (23), Duty Uniform: died of wounds received in action on 25 May vehicle ambush, 27 May 1977.

Masunga, Wilfred, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed on active service in Chipinga, 27 May 1977.

Moyo, Dennis, TM, Chief's Staff Intaf, killed on active service in Gwanda, 27 May 1977.

Shati, Jongwe, 643975 Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, murdered by terrorists on leave, 29 May 1977.

Collocott, Bruce, Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, taking off at Mapai during Operation Aztec in a Dakota when hit by small arms fire, the starboard engine was hit by an RPG7 rocket, 30 May 1977.

Edmunds, Christopher John 'Bobo', 727562 Trooper, 2 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 30 May 1977. Killed by ground fire whilst being choppered back from Mozambique en route from a ZANLA base called Rio on the Nuanetsi River UL4328 during Op Aztec (RLI and Selous Scouts). He was with a heli-borne group of RLI soldiers. “Tpr Chris Edmunds 2 Cdo was shot in a G-car. We were returning to Buffalo Range from Mozambique when the chopper came under ground fire. Chris was sitting in the front near the tech because he was so tall. I think Reggie Swan was sitting next to him.” – Source: Hugh Gatland

Bennett, Raymond, WO2, 1st Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry attached to School of Infantry, died of heart failure, May 1977.

Boyina, R., Corporal May 1977.

Kagoro, G., Ext Sup Internal Affairs, May 1977.

Ruwana, F., Private, May 1977.

Chihwayi, M., Private, C Company, 1RAR, killed in action in an ambush the Masera TTL 4 June 1977.

Brooks, Matthew Charles Thomas (90605/former NSPO 900605) Field Reservist (23), Police Anti-Terrorist Unit: killed on active service shooting accident while trying to apprehend a suspect in the Fort Victoria District, 5 June 1977, Near Fort Victoria (Operation Repulse).

Dzingai, V., Guard, PV Protection Group, Guard Force, killed in action, 9 June 1977.

Meyer, Karl, Trooper, 1st Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action when his vehicle detonated a landmine, 9 June 1977.

Meyer, Carl, Grey's Scouts, killed in action in a vehicle ambush while on guard duty during a resupply run from the base camp at Nyala, Gona-re-Zhou National Park, to Rutenga, 9 June 1977.

Bangojava, Jervis, Signalman, 4 Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Signals, died on active service, 10 June 1977.

Hamp-Adams, Frank, Corporal, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed when his vehicle hit a landmine near Ruangwa, St Swithin's TTTL, Inyanga District, 11 June 1977. Elements of Zulu Troop Support Unit were returning to the British South Africa Police base at Ruangwa after having been picked up upon completing their patrol. The convoy consisted of a Support Unit Hyena, an RIC Land Rover driven by Frank, and a Support Unit Bedford RL. The Bedford broke down and as they were fairly close to the base, Frank decided to continue as he had two terrorist sympathisers in the back of his vehicle who needed to be urgently questioned. After having travelled less than a km down the road, his vehicle detonated a landmine. Frank, who was critically injured, died in the helicopter that was sent to the scene to casevac the injured. Both the terrorist sympathisers also died.

Jeary, Alfred Clifford (8288 Attested: Jul 1969/previously regular force Section Officer 6304) Inspector (35), Duty Uniform: killed on active service in a vehicle accident, fell off a moving vehicle in Umfuli District, Operation Grapple, 11 Jun 1977, Umfuli District (Operation Grapple).

Heckler, Richard, Lance Corporal (24), Rhodesia Regiment, died on active service, 12 June 1977.

Holmes, Arthur, Lance Corporal (18), 3 Protection Company, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, died on active service, 12 June 1977.

Mapundo, Amos, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed on active service in Bikita, 12 June 1977.

McKop, Derek, Private (24), 3 Protection Unit, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 12 June 1977.

Mhuka, Mugara Zakaria, 644517, Corporal, K Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 12 June 1977.

Ncube, Stanley, 647576 Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, 12 June 1977.

Sibanda, Edson, Constable (23), British South Africa Police, killed in action in an ambush in the Bikita area, 12 June 1977.

Wilson, Alistair, Rifleman, Rhodesian Army, died on active service, 12 June 1977.

Sibanda, Edson, (21707 Attested: July 1973) Constable, Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 12 June 1977.

Jakata, Isaac, 643690, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, died on active service, 13 June 1977.

Karim, Faizel, Private, 3 Protection Company, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, 13 June 1977.

Nemachena, Edward, District Security Assistant (16), Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed on active service at Rushinga, Operation Hurricane, 15 June 1977.

Kingsley-Jones, Derek John, Second Lieutenant, 1 Platoon, 4 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles in an ambush in the Chundu Loop area, Victoria Falls National Park, 16 June 1977. With the assistance of two turned CTs, Derek's platoon was able to lure ZIPRA CTs across the Zambezi and into their ambush. Derek was shot and killed in the contact that ensued.

Blignaut, Jan, Field Reservist (31), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident in the Kariba area while off duty, 17 June 1977. A farmer from Banket.

Gangarahwe, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 18 June 1977.

Gurore, Joel, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 18 June 1977.

Kahondo, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 18 June 1977.

Mahonde, Tiberius, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 18 June 1977.

Matikenya, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 18 June 1977.

Murdoch, Gordon Ian, Selous Police Anti-Terrorist Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action by a gunshot wound after his vehicle had detonated a landmine in an ambush in the Shabani area, 18 June 1977.

Nhidza, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 18 June 1977.

Sibanda, Edward, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 18 June 1977.

Mapendere, Vudzijena, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 19 June 1977.

Mungate, District Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 19 June 1977.

Shuro, Oscar, (23240) Constable (22), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a shooting accident while on duty at Madabe Police Post near Plumtree, 21 June 1977.

Manning, Grainger, Corporal, HQ Protection Company, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, died on active service, 23 June 1977.

Zvirime, M., Guard, PV Protection Group, Guard Force, 23 June 1977.

Coleman, Andrew Roy, (9668 Attested June 1976) Patrol Officer (21), Salisbury Police Anti-Terrorist Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in ambush in the Sinoia Region 24 June 1977.

Brown, Ian Keith, Rifleman (18), 2 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a boosted landmine when his Bedford RL rolled, crushing him, the pins, preventing the roll bars from coming out, had not been inserted. 26 June 1977. Ian lived with his parents on a farm midway between Hartley and Gatooma. Sometime afterwards, both his parents were murdered when terrorists attacked their farm house later in the war. The family had another tragic incident when their younger brother Rob, was killed in a vehicle accident after completing his NS. He is survived by his elder brother and two sisters. The war really took its toll on this family.

Hill, Alan Michael, Lance Corporal (19), 2 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment killed in action by a boosted landmine when his Bedford RL rolled, crushing him, the pins, preventing the roll bars from coming out, had not been inserted. 26 June 1977. He was from Marandellas.

MacKenzie, Hayden Hector, Rifleman (20), 2 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment killed in action by a landmine when his Bedford RL rolled, crushing him, the pins, preventing the roll bars from coming out, had not been inserted. 26 June 1977. He was from Bulawayo.

Marumahoko, Davison, Field Reservist (23), killed in action, 26 June 1977. He was from Sipolilo.

Carey, David Eric (22508) Field Reservist (34), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed in action vehicle ambush, 28 Jun 1977, Kariba District (Operation Hurricane). The vehicle, carrying Kariba PATU members, was returning from a PATU training exercise when the ambush occurred.

Swan, George, Corporal, 1st Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, [1st Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artilley] killed on active service in an accidental explosion at Mukumbura, 28 June 1977. A mortar fired at CTs from the British South Africa Police camp hit a tree above his head, exploded and killed him. The bomb was deem faulty and the batch was withdrawn.

Jeche, Raphael, Constable, V Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, died on active service at home in Buhera while on R & R, 29 June 1977.

Sibanda, Edward, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, m urdered while on leave, 30 June 1977.

Summers, Gary Douglas, Corporal, 1 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service after slipping and falling from an OP on Mount Tundazi in the Siabuwa TTL across the valley from the British South Africa Police base during a bush fire started when burning rubbish, June 1977.

Edwards, Victor, Corporal, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, died on active service, June 1977.

Bosch, Michael C., Rifleman (26), PR686411, D Company, Sixth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a 61mm mortar bomb in the Mtetengwe TTL, Beit Bridge, 2 July 1977. Two others were wounded and flown to Messina Hospital in South Africa. Northlea High School.

Masimba, K., Junior Corporal, PV Protection Group, Guard Force, killed in action, 2 July 1977.

Galgard, Raymond, Rifleman, 1st Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 3 July 1977.

Hodes, Ernest Geoffrey, Corporal (45), Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed on active service in a vehicle accident while returning to Salisbury from Bulawayo, 3 July 1977.

Mutiziri, Tiatus, (19657) Sergeant (29), ZB Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in an ambush in the Plumtree area, 3 July 1977.

Njoli, Robert (23725 Attested: Aug 1975) Constable (22), ZB Troop, Support Unit: killed in action ambush in the Plumtree area, 3 July 1977.

Nyakwishira, Anthony Peter (23726 Attested: Aug 1975) Constable (25), ZB Troop, Support Unit: killed in action ambush in the Plumtree area, 3 July 1977.

Sadler, Richard, Second Lieutenant, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 3 July 1977.

Brackely, Norman, National Service Vedette, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 6 July 1977.

Masara, Garikayi, Keep Protection, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 6 July 1977.

Njenjera, Peter, Senior District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in a vehicle ambush late at night in the Honde/Cashel area, 6 July 1977. The white soldier in the vehicle was wounded but escaped. Njenjera was severely burnt and did not survive despite the rescue efforts made by Barry Zworestine who was first on the scene.

Barclay, David, Rifleman (20), Anti-Tank Troop, Support Commando, 1st Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact near Inyazura, 7 July 1977. His brother, Russell Barclay was in the same sweepline. Elements of Fire Force had been flown in by helicopter to engage a ZANLA position in a granite outcrop. Dave died a week before his 21st birthday. Russell Fulton was an MAG gunner in the same action. More than a dozen ZANLA died.

Kabunu, Albert, (15862) Constable, Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed in action in Lomagundi District on a bicycle patrol, 9 July 1977.

Pedley, Clive, Asst Commander, PV Protection Group, Guard Force, killed on active service in a shooting accident, 9 July 1977.

Njanina, John, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 11 July 1977.

Vengayi, Agricultural Demonstrator, ADF Internal Affairs, died on active service, 13 July 1977.

Patireki, Jeves, Guard, PV Protection Group, killed on active service in a shooting accident, 15 July 1977.

Mhlanga, Sibabi (23072 Attested: Jan 1975) Constable (28), Duty Uniform: killed in action vehicle ambush in the Tuli area, Operation Tangent, 18 July 1977.

Msembele, Mubayiwa, Corporal, Rhodesian Army Service Corps, died on active service, 20 July 1977.

Wilkinson, Neil, Rifleman, E Company, 10th Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 21 July 1977.

Kruger, David Bruce, PR94597 Corporal, 1 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a landmine in the Siabuwa TTL, 22 July 1977.

Orchard, Royden C.C., PR101659 Corporal, 1 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a landmine in the Siabuwa TTL, 22 July 1977.

Shipley, Tom, PR104114 Rifleman, 1 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a landmine in the Siabuwa TTL, 22 July 1977. (These three 1(Ind) Coy soldiers were all killed when the police Land Rover they were travelling in detonated a landmine, Binga, Op Splinter. The previous day, their call-sign 14A, under the leadership of Dave Kruger, had been deployed in the Karungwizi area of Siabuwa TTL, about 26 km from the British South Africa Police base at Siabuwa. They received a message at 11:00 hours on the 22nd, from their officer commanding, to make their way back to Siabuwa in preparation for an ambush on a store that intelligence had indicated was to be robbed by 15 CTs. A British South Africa Police Land Rover was sent from the base to assist with transporting them back in the heat of the Valley. At 12:15 hours, the returning vehicle, carrying the stick in the back, detonated a landmine. Dave Kruger, Roy Orchard and Tom Shipley all died and five from the same unit were injured.) Northlea High School.

Chikozho, Michael, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, murdered by terrorists, 24 July 1977.

Marufu, Tobias, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 28 July 1977.

Mugabe, Elias (21405 Attested: Jan 1973) Constable Duty Uniform attached to PATU, British South Africa Police, killed in action ambush, 28 July 1977.

Stanley, Patrick (16356 Attested: Aug 1967) Field Reservist (29), Police Anti-Terrorist Unit: killed in action contact and engagement with terrorists, 28 July 1977. Killed by an armour piercing bullet.

Bebington, Edwin John (90870 - Attested: Jan-1975/former NSPO 900870) Field Reservist (22): killed in action in a vehicle ambush in the Inyanga District, 29 July 1977, Operation Thrasher

Erasmus, Francois Jacobus, (10011 Attested March 1977) Patrol Officer (31), Special Branch, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a vehicle ambush in the Inyanga District, Operation Thrasher, 29 July 1977.

Mahanzu, Emson (24276 Attested: Apr 1975) Constable (19), Duty Uniform: killed in action in a vehicle ambush in the Inyanga District, 29 July 1977.

Dzimba, Fibion, 646478, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 31 July 1977.

Chitanga, S., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1977.

Dube, A., Signalman, killed in action, July 1977.

Gwanyanya, A., Ext Sup Internal Affairs, killed in action, July 1977.

Moore, P., Smn, killed in action, July 1977.

Muyotcha, Willie, Extension Assistant, ADF Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorstts, 3 August 1977.

Takonde, Bevan, Ext Ass Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 4 August 1977.

Lambert, Ismail Achmed, Lance Corporal, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed in action in an ambush near Mrewa, 6 August 1977.

Ndebele, John, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in the Lupane area, 7 August 1977.

Mlalazi, Patrick, 647515, Private, Support Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 8 August 1977.

Manunure, Tongesai Callisto, 642555, WO2, 1st Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 8 August 1977. Killed when going of leave. He was taken off his bus and shot dead.

Manunure, Ramison Phillip, Rhodesian African Rifles, was killed in Lupane 9-11 August when he was going to Gokwe to inform his parents about the death of WO2 Manunure.

Ruwana, Fanny Kudakwashe, 644922, Private, 1st Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in an ambush, 8 August 1977.

Kufakowenyu, Wereki Charles Mafuse, 645951, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in an ambush, 9 August 1977.

Fouche, Charl, Second Lieutenant, C Company, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in an ambush in a terrorist camp in the Maranda TTL, 11 August 1977. (Lt Fouche led a patrol on Towla Ranch searching for a suspected CT base. The base was found, and in an ensuing firefight, Fouche and van Wijk were both killed.)

Van Wijk, A., Rifleman, C Company, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in an ambush in a terrorist camp in the Maranda TTL, 11 August 1977.

Mashimbwe, Paul (19451 Attested: Sep 1967) Sergeant (29), J Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action contact and engagement with terrorists, 12 August 1977. The stick, led by Section Officer Lee le Crerar, was crossing a piece of open ground in the Chiduku TTL, Wedza (Op Thrasher), when they were fired upon by a group of about 15 CTs. In the ensuing firefight, Paul was killed. Elements of Juliet Troop made contact with the same CTs the following day, killing two of them.

Nyagano, Lazarus (21976 Attested: Nov 1973) Constable (25), D Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action contact and engagement with terrorists in the Maramba TTL in the Mrewa District, 12 August 1977. They were operating approximately 6 km north of the Delta Troop Base at Mutawatawa PV and on an OP. They sighted approximately 30 armed CTs and summoned Fire Force (2 Commando from Mtoko) who arrived in full force with a Dakota. The Delta call sign directed the Fire Force to where they were seen last but, no further sighting was made. Unfortunately the Delta call sign was moved into a stop line and then later fired on by call signs on the ground including the K-Car. Nyagano was killed and two others, including the sergeant major stick-leader were wounded. When the Fire Force left, another Delta call sign picked up tracks and followed them to the Nyadiri River. An RR Company was operating on the other side and they made contact with the CT group that evening, killing several. Paddy Allen, the Troop Commander had the difficult task of trying to improve morale within the troops only to be killed himself in a road accident the following month.

Manunure, Patrick, 64896, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, murdered on leave, 13 August 1977.

Vengayi, Agricultural Demonstrator, ADF, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 13 August 1977.

Hales, Christopher Allen, A/Corporal, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, murdered on leave in an ambush on the Solusi Road outside Bulawayo, 14 August 1977.

Manomano, Alexander, Constable (23), Uniform Duty, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident in the Chipinga area, 14 August 1977.

Theron, Mark William, (9562 Attested April 1975) Patrol Officer Duty Uniform, killed on active service, 14 August 1977;

Sibanda, Jonart, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, 15 August 1977.

Bekker, Elizabeth, No 3 Squadron, Rhodesian Air Force, Grand Reef, killed on active service in a vehicle accident near Juliasdale, Inyanga, while on leave, 16 August 1977.

Turkington, Graham (18), Trooper, 3 Troop, 1 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact near Birchenough Bridge, 16 August 1977. from neck and chest wounds received in action from a CT rifle grenade near Birchenough Bridge in the Nyanyadzi/Hot Springs area, Op Repulse. Graham's stick was at the top of a re-entrant when he was hit. He died in the casevac helicopter, in the arms of the RhAF tech, Beaver Shaw.

Wurayayi, Assistant, ADF Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 17 August 1977.

Chakayingeni, Daniel, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, 19 August 1977.

Small, Henri, Sergeant, Rhodesian Army Padre Corps, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 20 August 1978.

Robertson, Arthur (22662 Attested: Dec 1975) Field Reservist (36), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police killed on active service shooting accident in the Gwelo area, 21 August 1977.

Pasipanoda, K., District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 22 August 1977.

O'Driscoll, Gary, Corporal, 1 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, Fire Force contact with 20 terrorists in the Wedza TTL, 23 August 1977.

Shakespeare, Lawrence, Rifleman, 2 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 23 August 1977. Henry Atkinson: 'The story given to me at Kariba was that he had hit a landmine somewhere near Chirundu in the previous August, only two months into his deployment. He survived the blast and walked out of the vehicle and sat down on the roadside only to say that he felt he was 'buggered'. I have since discovered that he was driving a Nissan Croc when he hit the first landmine, which he survived without apparent injury. He then transferred as a passenger into the back of a Hippo, which had been driven up from base to recover the men from the first vehicle. The Hippo was a South African armoured vehicle based on the RL chassis and was constructed to deflect mine blasts, but it was fuelled by petrol and was one of the last army vehicles to use this highly flammable fuel. The Hippo then proceeded down the road from the wrecked Croc and hit another landmine 150 metres further on. The petrol tank ruptured and flashed into flame. There must have been a fire-ball and the lorry was in the middle of it. Larry was the last to come out and was the most badly burned. No helicopters were sent to casevac the injured, it being now almost night. National Park rangers came to their aid by road, risking further landmines in the dark, and it must have been many hours before Larry received proper medical treatment – I should think at least six or seven hours, maybe more. Some days later he died in hospital.

Cross, James, WO2, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 24 August 1977. KIA in a contact near Mashoko Mission whilst attached to a British South Africa Police Special Branch team. He was, together with elements of D Coy RAR, in a sweep line after a contact when he was shot by a wounded CT. An RAR soldier immediately killed the CT.

Reid, James, (26098) Field Reservist (37), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed in action contact and engagement with terrorists in the Bikita TTL while based at Mashaba, 24 Aug 1977, Operation Repulse

Ndhlovu, Morgan, 647573, Private, B Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action near Matetsi in the Wankie District, 28 August 1977. At midday, elements of B Company encountered a gang of 20-30 ZIPRA CTs, and in the ensuing contact, Morgan was fatally wounded. The CTs bomb-shelled and escaped.

Van Vastenhoven, Johannes, Master Technician (53), Rhodesian Air Force, died on active service, 28 August 1978.

Benyu, J., Private, August 1977.

Masterson, Maurice, Rifleman, Rhodesian Army, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, August 1977.

Muyotcha, W., Extension Assistant, Internal Affairs, August 1977.

Vengisayi, H., Private, Supply Company, Rhodesian Army Services Corps, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, August 1977.

Du Plessis, Andre Dennis Leon, Air Lieutenant, 23, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action by target fixation while attacking a ground target while flying a Lynx FTB337G R3042 in Mozambique, 20 miles south of Umtali, 2 September 1977. His father, Captain Jan du Plessis was shot down when flying the Viscount 'Umniati' on 12 February 1979. at the Southern end of the Honde Valley while attacking a group of insurgents during a Rhodesian Forces cross-border raid. It appeared that he had suffered “target fixation” and failed to timeously pull out of the dive after delivering his weapons.

Underwood, John S., 6110, Sergeant Technician (26), Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, when his pilot had target fixation while attacking a ground target while flying a Lynx, 2 September 1977.

Takendesa, Mhande, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, 3 September 1977.

Noble, Eugene, Rifleman (28), 2nd Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died on active service, 4 September 1977.

Chiramba, Timothy, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 5 September 1977.

Kande, J., Guard, PV Protection Group, Guard Force, killed in action in an ambush, 5 September 1977.

Mafundikwa, Bernard Benias, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 5 September 1977.

Sengu, Elaja, 648150, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, died on active service, 5 September 1977.

Standers, Kenneth Wood (8739 Attested January 1972) Section Officer (23), Crime Protection Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 6 September 1977. Ken was the Stick Leader of the PATU Stick Baliff Blue 3, deployed in the Dhlamini area of Tjolotjo, on foot-patrol when they received information that there were some terrorists in a nearby village. The stick skirmished through the village to find they had fled. The stick picked up the spoor and started tracking. They had gone about a kilometer when they walked into an ambush in thick bush. The stick hit the ground and returned fire, calling for backup. The firefight was short-lived as the ambushers ran without even being seen. Ken was very silent during the exchange of fire- he had been behind van Blerk who was the lead scout. When they called out to him they got no response. He had died some ten yards away having been hit twice.

Webber, Godfrey James Glanville 'Spider', 781165, Second Lieutenant, C Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in ambush in the Gwanda area, 7 September 1977. Spider and four trackers followed the spoor of terrorists for four days after they had abducted a fellow RAR soldier. They had entered a village where they were ambushed. An Umtali Boys High School old boy.

Allen, Patrick Brian (Paddy), (8821) Section Officer (25) D Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, rolling a Land Rover returning to Salisbury, 9 September 1977.

Emmanuel, Joe, WO2, Six Protection Company, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 9 September 1977.

Francis, Philip, Private (17), Six Protection Company, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 9 September 1977.

Makwelo, Makalima Alex, Dip Supervisor, ADF Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 9 September 1977.

McDonald, Michael John (Jock), Private (25), Six Protection Company, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 9 September 1977.

Woods, Michael Hamilton, Sergeant, C Squadron Special Air Service, killed in an accident, 9 September 1977.

Phillips, Robert, WO2, Ist Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, died on active service, 12 September 1977.

Procter, Ian Marshall, (24521 Attested: Jul 1976), Field Reservist (35), Police Anti-Terrorist Unit, Bulawayo, British South Africa Police, killed in action beyond Tjolotjo after stopping a bus full of abductees, 13 September 1977. A police patrol stopped a bus that had been hijacked by terrorists. In the ensuing gun battle, Ian and two terrorists were shot dead, and nine civilian hostages on the bus were killed when the bus was set aflame by an explosion. Another 16 injured African civilians were evacuated to hospital.

Ralston, Bruce David Mann, 22, (9956 Attested February 1977) Patrol Officer (22), British South Africa Police, killed in action by a landmine in the Lupane area, 13 September 1977.

Beckstrocampos, Mario, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 14 September.

De Campos, M.F.D.C., Trooper, 1 Commando, 1st Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 14 September.

Du Preez, Theunis, 1 Commando, 1st Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 14 September.

Panganayi, James, Dip Attendant, ADF Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 14 September 1977.

Soka, Godfrey, (24825) Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action at the Beit Bridge Rural Council Beerhall, 18 September 1977. Godfrey, off-duty at the time and unarmed, together with another reservist, tackled one of four terrorists who had started shooting in the beer hall. Another terrorist shot and killed Godfrey. Both policemen were awarded the Police Decoration for Gallantry for their actions - Godfrey's being a posthumous award.

Partridge, Derek, (382677) Field Reservist (47), Policc Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a shooting accident during training, 23 September 1977.

McCormick, I.R., Rifleman, 1st Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, died on active service, 25 September 1977.

Chanetsa, R., Private, Rhodesian Army Services Corps, killed on active service in a shooting accident, 27 September 1977.

Classen, Ebenhauser, Field Reservist (32), Police Anti-Terrorist Unit, British South Africa Police, died on active service at Odzi after being called out on a stock theft enquiry. Riding his horse, he went missing when crossing the fast-flowing Odzi River, 29 September 1977. His body was found three days later.

Fisher, Jeremy Lionel, 781005, Lieutenant (22), A Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a cave in the Bikita area, 1645hrs 29 September 1977. Jeremy's stick was with a Support Commando 1RLI Fire Force unit responding to a roadrunner signal in the Bikita TTL when they discovered CTs holed up in a cave. After efforts to flush them out had failed, Jeremy went in but was shot and killed. Source: General Mike Shute. He was 22 years old and came from Mangula. A Plumtree School old boy.

Dodds, Geoffrey, Field Reservist (49), British South Africa Police, died on active service by a heart attack while training, 29 September 1977. Only recently attested, Geoffrey was a member of Intake 7 Morris Depot, which had just completed a range exercise at Calgary Farm near Salisbury, when he had a fatal heart attack. He left the Royal Air Force as a Flight Sergeant in 1949 and came to Rhodesia in 1951.

Lake, Arthur, Chief Inspector (50), Uniform Duty, British South Africa Police, died on active service of a heart attack, 30 September 1977.

Murungweni, Godfrey, Guard, PV Protection Group, Guard Force, 30 September 1977.

Macdonald, Peter, National Service, Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in ambush in Lubimbi, Gwaai River, September 1977.

Mano, K., Guard, Guard Force September 1977.

Gamble, Leroy Everard, Sergeant, 2nd Battalion, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 2 October 1977

de Arbreu, James Albert, Private (35), 2nd Battalion, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 2 October 1977.

Adams, David James, Private R742627 (28), 1 Rhodesian Holding Unit, killed in action by a landmine, 3 October 1977.

Dube, Enock, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 3 October 1977.

Fynn, Edward Lewis, Corporal (27), Reserve Holding Unit, killed in action by a landmine, 3 October 1977.

Banga, Thomas, 646305, Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, died on active service, 4 October 1977.

Garnett, Peter MFC, Lance Corporal, 11 Troop, 3 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action on Operation Thrasher 4 October 1977. Garnett was walking ahead of his stick, following terrorists' tracks. There was a single shot and minutes later he was found resting against a tree, quite dead. The single bullet had ruptured his femoral artery and he bled to death within minutes. He received his MFC (Ops) for being 'particularly aggressive' during the Battle of Hill 31 in Mutasa TTL on 15 November 1976.

Chianike, Bernard, (20391) Constable (33), British South Africa Police, died on active service after a motorcycle accident two days previously, 5 October 1977.

Griffin, Clive, Trooper, 3 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 7 October 1977.

Grobbelaar, Coenraad, Rifleman, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 7 October 1977.

Lottering, Peter Christopher, Rifleman, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, Karoi, 7 October 1977. Cranborne Boys High School.

Van Zyl, Clarence D., Rifleman, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, Karoi, 7 October 1977. Cranborne Boys High School.

Chorwadza, Nevison (19992 Attested: Mar 1968) Sergeant Ground Coverage. British South Africa Police, Murdered by terrorists on duty while in plain clothes, 8 October 1977, Inyanga (Operation Thrasher). At the time of his death, he was travelling on a bus which was stopped by terrorists who removed the sergeant from the bus before shooting him and throwing his body down a mine shaft. His body was recovered four days later by local police.

Zimuna, F., 963849, Lance Corporal, 4 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed, 8 October 1977.

Nkomo, John, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists on leave while on leave on Buka Line, Tjolotjo, 9 October 1977.

Barbage, Nicholas, Private, 2 Protection Company, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, died on active service, 10 October 1977.

Murozvi, Addison, Extension Supervisor, ADF Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 10 October 1977.

Greig, William, Rifleman, National Service, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 11 October 1977.

Harris, Mark Anthony, Trooper, Grey's Scouts, killed in action at Borehole No 2, Chamabonda Vlei, Victoria Falls, 11 October 1977.

Beatie, Dennis, Rifleman, 3 RHU, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, died on active service, 12 October 1977.

Lester, Jeremy Oliver, (9314 Attested: January 1975) Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed on active service at Sipolilo in a shooting accident when an AK mounted on the back of a vehicle was fired during a morning maintenance check, 12 October 1977.

Naluso, Kelemes (14976 Attested: Feb 1969) Field Reservist Police Anti-Terrorist Unit: killed in action contact and engagement with terrorists in the Umfurudzi Safari Area, Shamva District, 13 October 1977.

Harmer, Anthony, Lance Corporal, 1st Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service in a vehicle accident.

Hlabiso, L., 648526, Recruit, Depot, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 14 October 1977.

Kurebwa, Tarirayi, 648005, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 14 October 1977.

Ashworth, Robert, Field Reservist, Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed on active service by a vehicle at a road block in Salisbury, 16 October 1977. He had only joined the Police Reserve two months previously.

Moyo, Samuel, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 18 October 1977.

Ndlovu, Clement, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 18 October 1977. killed when ZIPRA CTs ambushed his vehicle just before Toporo rest camp, Beitbridge district, Op Tangent.

Ndou, Joseph, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 18 October 1977. killed when ZIPRA CTs ambushed his vehicle just before Toporo rest camp, Beitbridge district, Op Tangent.

Duri, Denford, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 20 October 1977.

Hanson, Peter Leonard, (25913 Attested: May 1977) Field Reservist (31), PATU, British South Africa Police, killed in action in an ambush while on foot patrol in Melsetter area, 20 October 1977.

Holstenburg, Harald, (22437 Attested: Jul 1975) Field Reservist (31), PATU, British South Africa Police, killed in action in an ambush while on foot patrol, 20 October 1977.

Hunt, Robin Charles, (25558 Attested Mar 1977) Field Reservist PATU, British South Africa Police, killed in action in an ambush while on foot patrol, 20 October 1977. (All three of these PR members above were KIA from bullet wounds received in a contact, Melsetter, Op Thrasher. Hanson (stick leader), Hunt and Holstenburg, all members of the Melsetter community and part of the same PATU stick of four, sighted a group of 6-7 CTs heading towards the border. Contact was initiated in which a CT was wounded in the leg, going down in bracken-covered open ground. Over a short period of time, this CT shot and killed Hanson, Holstenburg and Hunt as the PATU stick repeatedly tried to neutralise him. The terrorist was eventually captured when support arrived.)

Nagar, Harischandra, Sergeant, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a shooting accident, 21 October 1977.

Mkorongo, Alick (20476) Field Reservist: killed on active service, 23 October 1977, Wankie District (Operation Tangent).

Armstrong, David, Field Reservist (46), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident near Fort Victoria, 22 October 1977.

Moss, Eric, Field Reservist (54), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident near Fort Victoria, 22 October 1977.

Pratt, Geoffrey, Inspector (T) (39), Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident near Fort Victoria, 22 October 1977.

Fungura, Alfred, Ext Assistant, ADF Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 24 October 1977.

Mavandudza, Alfonce, Field Reservist, Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed on active service falling off a moving vehicle, 25 October 1977.

Ash, Neil Thomas (23467 Attested: April 1976) Field Reservist (45), British South Africa Police, Police Reserve, killed in a landmine incident, 27 October 1977.

Herbst, Andries Daniel, Field Reservist, Karoi PATU, died on active service from a heart attack while on patrol, 27 October 1977.

Chilinde, Letala, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 28 October 1977.

Mashanda, Nhire, Senior District Assistant, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 31 October 1977.

Botes, Christopher, WO2, died on active service, October 1977.

De Vos, Jaochim, Rifleman, killed on active service in a shooting accident, October 1977.

Duri, D., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.

Dzsapasi, Sylvester, Sergeant Major, Rhodesian Army, died on active service, October 1977.

Furstenburg, J.P.A. Sergeant, Army died on active service, October 1977.

Lourens, Cornelius, Rifleman, killed in action in a shooting accident, October 1977.

Mamvura, G., Guard, PV Protection Group, Guard Force killed in action, October 1977.

Mawadze, Jeremiah, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.

Maynard, John, Private, died on active service, October 1977.

Muller, Leslie, Corporal, Army, killed on active service in a shooting accident, October 1977.

Mushonga, A., Private, 2 Maintenance Unit, Rhodesian Army Services Corps, died on active service, October 1977.

Ncube, Timothy, TM, Chiefs' Staff, Internal Affairs, died on active service, October 1977.

Nkomo, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, October 1977.

Zimuna, Fidias, Guard, Keep Protection Group, Guard Force, October 1977.

Geoffrey, C., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action by a landmine, 1 November 1977.

Munemo, O., Guard, Guard Force, died on active service, 1 November 1977.

Mbaiwa, P., Guard, Guard Force, died on active service, 1 November 1977.

Mugwaga, Nkeni, Sergeant, killed on active service, 1 November 1977.

Wilcox, M., Corporal, Rhodesian Army, killed in action by a landmine, 1 November 1977.

Coom, Nicholas J, Rifleman, Sixth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died on active service, 4 November 1977.

Mukapanda, Aaron, 647516, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 5 November 1977.

Bento, Edward, Rifleman, C Company, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a shooting accident, 6 November 1977. He was shot by his stick commander when he went to relieve himself after the stick had taken up all-round positions during the night. The accident was deemed the product of the lack of re-training of inexperienced soldiers.

Sibanda, Cephas, Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died on active service, 6 November 1977.

Davidson, Sydney Russell, WO1, Rhodesian Army Services Corps, killed in action when lifting a booby-trapped landmine, 8 November 1977. WO1 Sydney Davidson DMM, Sqn RhE, KIA when lifting a booby-trapped landmine near Mtoko. He was on R&R at the time and called from Salisbury to uplift the mine. He noticed that the mine was wrapped in mesh and knew, instantly, that it was booby-trapped. He was blowing the sand off the top of the trap but, a small clod kept rolling back into the middle. When he called for the 'puller' he decided to flick the clod and, in doing so, detonated the mine. The soldier passing the 'puller', by the name of Anderson, was just meters from the blast and survived only because it was a percussion mine and not shrapnel.

Johnson, Trevor Elliot, Army, died on active service, 8 November 1977.

Khumalo, Donald, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 12 November 1977.

Lindani, Kiwa (22716 Attested: Sep 1974) Constable (21), Duty Uniform Dog Handler: killed in action by an anti personnel mine, 12 November 1977, Tjolotjo District (Operation Tangent).

Muchemwa, Sulpisio (21386 Attested: Dec 1972) Constable (27), Duty Uniform: killed in action by an anti personnel mine, 12 November 1977, Tjolotjo District (Operation Tangent).

Jackson, Noel Richard (9700 Attested: Jul 1976) Patrol Officer (24), Special Branch on attachment: killed in action contact and engagement with terrorists, 13 November 1977, Honde Valley (Operation Thrasher).

Dube, Amon, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed on active service, 18 November 1977.

Miller, Andre C., Trooper, National Service Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment, died on active service, 18 November 1977.

McDonagh, Mark John (9571 Attested February 1976) Patrol Officer (19), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a shooting incident at Inyati, Matabeleland, 19 November 1977. Mark and other personnel had returned to Inyati police station. As everyone was alighting from the vehicle in the station yard, a shot was heard and it was found that Mark's weapon had accidentally discharged, severely wounding him. Mark was rushed to a Bulawayo hospital where he died shortly after arrival.

Dube, Amos, District Security Assistant (25), Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 22 November 1977.

Guest, Oliver, Private (19), One Protection Unit, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 22 November 1977.

Mpofu, Henry, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 22 November 1977.

Ngoshi, Ephraim, Guard (21), Guard Force, murdered by terrorists, 22 November 1977.

Nyati, Benzenie, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered on leave by terrorists in Goromonzi, 22 November 1977.

Tshuma, Buyisa, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 November 1977.

Tshuma, Teddy, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 November 1977.

Haigh, Philip W. MFC(Ops), Air Lieutenant, No 2 Squadron, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, while crash-landing a Vampire FB52 R1386 after being hit by anti-aircraft fire while attacking New Farm, Chimoio during Operation Dingo-Zulu 1, 23 November 1977.

Nel, Frans G.J., Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action by a gunshot wound, to the head while advancing in a sweep line against the ZANLA camp at Chimoio on Operation Dingo 23 November 1977.

Kirton, Thomas, Second Lieutenant, Six (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a shooting accident in the Sabi Valley, 26 November 1977.

Mashamba, C., Guard, PV Protection, Guard Force, killed in action, 26 November 1977.

Nemutambwe, Lamech, Comm ADF Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 26 November 1977.

Spink, Simon Alexander, 116926, Rifleman (18), Six (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a shooting accident in the Sabi Valley, 26 November 1977.

Hildick, Keith, Field Reservist, Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, died on active service in the Gokwe area, 27 November 1977.

Mtetwa, Savure, Field Reservist, Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a shooting accident, Genta Camp, Beit Bridge, 27 November 1977.

Barnes, Arthur, WO1, Rhodesian Air Fore, died on active service from a heart attack, 28 November 1977.

Tennant, Alfred, Temporary Corporal, C Company, Sixth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 28 November 1977.

Mpofu, Herod, District Senior Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed on active service, 29 November 1977.

Mulasi, Obert (22852 Attested: October 1974) Sergeant, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, Bronze Baton: killed in a shooting accident in operational area, 29 November 1977.

Scott, James, Keep Commander, Guard Force, died on active service, 29 November 1977.

Tiernay, Kenneth, Corporal, Rhodesian Army, killed on active service in an accident, 30 November 1977.

Sengu, E., Private, November 1977.

Dawkins, Stephen Charles, Rifleman, B Company, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 1 December 1977.

Mamvura, Timothy, Guard, PV Protection, Guard Force, killed in action, 3 December 1977.

Matambo, Dominic, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a tragic shooting accident at Ross Camp, Bulawayo, 4 December 1977.

Zirima, Francis, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a tragic shooting accident at Ross Camp, Bulawayo, 4 December 1977.

Mandava, Private, Rhodesian Army Services Corps, died on active service at JOC Mtoko, 5 December 1977.

Biederman, Richard L., Sergeant, Special Air Service, died on active service in an accidental shooting in Mozambique, 6 December 1977.

Chomutigidi, Claudios (23661 Attested: Jul 1975) Constable (22), Duty Uniform: killed on active service, 7 December 1977.

Heseltine, Kenneth, Police Reservist, died on operations at Chidodo Keep, Uzumba TTL, 7 December 1977.

Bickle, Albany Charles, V3678 Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, Rhodef 25, on the Bulawayo to Victoria Falls Road, after visiting his father, Colin Bickle on their ranch at Nyamandhlovu, he was hurrying to catch up the convoy which was going north, 8 December 1977.

Badenhorst, Johannes, Sergeant, Rhodesian Army, died on active service, 9 December 1977.

Herman, William, Captain, Q Cars, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, 9 December 1977. KIA when a bullet that came through a gap between the bullet-proofed vehicle door and the frame. Q-Car had twin machine-gun. He managed to debus, but straight into massive rifle and machine-gun fire. Billy was serving with B Troop Special Forces at the time of his death.

Betts, Martin D., 100055 Rifleman, 2 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a Fire Force action, trying to clear a cave in Nyamatombe Hill in the Maramba TTL, 13 December 1977. Henry Atkinson: Betts had been a third year Architectural Student at UCT and had taken a gap year to do his military service. He attended Peterhouse School and the University of Cape Town. He joined A Company, DRR in February 1977 and later volunteered for the RLI where he completed basic training and was posted to 2 Commando.

Herd, Richard, Cadet District Officer, Internal Affairs, killed in an ambush in the Belingwe area, 16 December 1977.

Ncube, Daniel, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in an ambush in the Belingwe area, 16 December 1977.

Marara, Weston, Constable (21), British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 17 December 1977.

Nathoo, John, Private (37), First Battalion, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed on active service, 17 December 1977.

Zvechibwe, Obert, Signalman, killed in action by an airburst while sleeping in his tent in a ZANLA attack on Grand Reef, 17 December 1977.

Chivinge, Michael, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 18 December 1977.

Dube, Kupinkomo, Constable, British South Africa Police, murdered by terrorists while home on leave in the Inyati area, 18 December 1977.

Marufu, Aaron, Sergeant, ARU, Internal Affairs (ex RAR), killed in action by 16 bullet wounds when he charged an RPD machine-gun to protect his commander, 18 December 1977.

Mwanagumbi, Daniel, Junior Corporal Guard Force, killed in action, 18 December 1977.

Sibanda, Paroh, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 18 December 1977.

Travers, Ronnie, Corporal, 2 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action by an RPD while clearing a cave in the Mangwende TTL, 18 ZANLA killed, 18 December 1977. Cranborne Boys High School.

Langermann, Mark H., Lieutenant, D Company, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in an ambush in Mozambique as his unit was returning after Operation Parking Ticket, 20 December 1977.

Mahaso, Doba, Sergeant (45), British South Africa Police, died on active service, 20 December 1977.

Chirambadare, Timothy, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 24 December 1977.

Courtney, Paul M., Lieutenant, 1 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a cave in the Operation Thrasher area, 24 December 1977.

Eeson, Jonathan, 123283 Private (17), HQ Protection Unit, killed on active service, 24 December 1977.

Kupinkomo, Lot Dube, (16610) Constable, British South Africa Police, murdered by terrorists, 18 December 1977.

Tinarwo, Paul, 726873 Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed on active service, 19 December 1977.

Hurley, Henry, Rifleman, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, 21 December 1977.

Mugwagwa, Lovemore, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 21 December 1977.

Middlemas, Denzil, Corporal, Protection Company, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 23 December 1977.

Minnaar, Nato, National Parks, killed in action at Mana Pools, 25 December 1977.

Mutasa, Naison, (24389) Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a vehicle accident in the Tanda TTL, Makoni District, 25 December 1977.

Chaukura, M., Guard, Guard Force, killed on active service, 26 December 1977.

Gandari, Elison (18333) Field Reservist: killed on active service, 26 Dec 1977, Centenary (Operation Hurricane)

Nyarendaha, H., Guard, Guard Force, killed on active service, 26 December 1977.

Chinyuku, Stanislous, Constable, British South Africa Police, died on active service, 28 December 1977.

Banks, Gary, Trooper, Support Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, 28 December 1977.

Elifon, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 29 December 1977.

Mutava, E., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists in the Operation Thrasher area, 27 December 1977.

Gower, Kenneth, Patrol Officer, A Reserve, British South Africa Police, died on active service, 29 December 1977.

Mutargoza, Toperson, 646018, Acting Lance Corporal, A Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, when his vehicle was ambushed by 30 ZANLA in the Mshawasha African Purchase Area, just south of Fort Victoria, Operation Repulse, 29 December 1977.

Ngomanyoni, Crispen, 646067, Lance Corporal, A Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, when his vehicle was ambushed by 30 ZANLA in the Mshawasha African Purchase Area 29 December 1977.

Sibanda, Mitso, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 29 December 1977.

Quinn, Gary Demaine, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a vehicle ambush in the Mtoko area, 30 December 1977.

Siriva, Kapiyawo, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service falling off the back of a truck between Mount Darwin and Bindura, 29 December 1977.

Tsveta, Apros, (21949 attested: November 1973) Constable Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a vehicle ambush in the Mtoko area, 30 December 1977.

Kachamaenza, Renard, Constable Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed on active service on Chibi Police Station, 31 December 1977.

Masunga, Taurayi, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 31 December 1977.

Mabhena, A., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, died on active service, December 1977.

Magawise, John, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1977.

Matshobana, Banda, Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, died on active service, December 1977.

Mukundwa, Denis, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, died on active service, December 1977.

Zivura, Andrew, Private, Rhodesian Army, killed on active service, December 1977.

Marange, M., Private, killed in action, December 1977.

Ncube, D., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, December 1977.

Simburashe, C., Private, killed in action, December 1977.

MacDonald, E., killed in action, 1977.

Murdoch, D., killed in action, 1977.

Henderson, R.C., 25972, Rhodesia Regiment, killed, 1978.

Mapfumo, Thomas (24536 Attested: Sep 1976) Constable (20), D Troop, Support Unit: killed in action, 2 January 1978.

Lima, Masotha, Guard, Guard Force, murdered by terrorists, 3 January 1978.

Alibaba, Mohamed, Private, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed in action, 4 January 1978.

Bain, Enold, Private, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed in action, 4 January 1978.

Chipango, George (20833) Field Reservist: killed on active service in the Norton area, 4 January 1978,

De Wilzem, Christiaan Louis, Lance Corporal, 20, D Squadron, Special Air Service, killed in action in a 30-man FPLM ambush on Operation Melon in the Gaza Province, Mozambique, 4 January 1978.

Mennigke, Cecil I., Lance Corporal, D Squadron, Special Air Service, killed in action on Operation Melon in the Gaza Province, Mozambique, 4 January 1978.

Ndlovu, Collen (21997) Detective Constable Special Branch: killed in action in the Beit Bridge area, 4 January 1978.

Simburashe, Chawatama, Army, killed on active service, 4 January 1978.

Smuts, John, Acting Sergeant, Rhodesian Army, killed in action by a landmine on the Eastern Border, 4 January 1978. Cranborne Boys High School.

Tsaurayi, Masunga, District Security Assistant, 23, of Buhera, murdered by terrorists in the Buhera area, 8 January 1978.

Ncube, Meta Richard, District Security Assistant, 29, of Plumtree, murdered by terrorists, 10 January 1978.

Bvucherayi, Elliot, WOII, murdered by terrorists, 12 January 1978.

Camacho, Anthony, Trooper (19), 1 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in a shooting accident, 12 January 1978.

Chidembo, Joseph Chidemo, 646771 Sergeant, Selous Scout, killed in action, 12 January 1978.

Flemming, Alexander Ian 'Flamo', Flight Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action in the Nyadiri River area, Mtoko, while flying an Alouette III, K-Car, piloted by Charles Goatley, killed by the same insurgent as Jarvie, 12 January 1978.

Jarvie, Henry, Flight Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, while flying an Alouette III piloted by Norman Maasdorp, killed by the same insurgent as Flemming, 12 January 1978.

Williams, Russell, 69905 Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 12 January 1978.

Chinemhute, Wilfred, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 13 January 1978.

Watson, D., Temporary Captain, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, murdered by terrorists, 13 January 1978. Brian Oliver: He and Eric Roper interrogated Mabonza, a wounded ZANLA cadre at the Selous Scouts Fort Bindura. Mabonzo went on to tell us too about how he'd been in charge of the group which had killed one of our fellow officers, Captain Watson who in civilian life was an agricultural inspector and he went around checking on cattle in the African areas being dipped. Although poor old Watson had a bodyguard, they were not very vigilant and he was killed. Mabonzo was the man who did that. He was an interesting man and he was telling all this because Roper and I had received assurances that if he talked, he'd be spared execution. Then somewhere up the line - I don't know where or at what level either this assurance was broken or it had never been given to us properly in the first place - it was an assurance that had been given without somebody else's higher assent and poor old Mabonzo, he swung. I was just so upset about that eprints.uwe.ac.uk

Berejena, Edward (23307 - Attested: Apr-1975) Constable (24), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 14 January 1978.

Makumbe, Michael, Register Clerk, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 14 January 1978.

Zinyakatiri, Onias, 648169, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, died on active service, 15 January 1978.

Jameson, Charles, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists16 January 1978.

Nzumana, Thomas, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed on active, 16 January 1978.

Zefaniya, Lotshwa, Corporal, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists in the Plumtree District, 16 January 1978.

Elliot, Eland, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, died on active service, 18 January 1978.

Van der Merwe, E.G., 103534 Sapper, Two Engineer Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed on active service, 19 January 1978.

Meddows-Taylor, Colin M., 105912 Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action by the accidental detonation of a rose mine on Operation Melon in the Mapai area, Gaza Province, Mozambique, 20 January 1978.

Theron, Nigel J., BCR, 780929 Lieutenant, Special Air Service, killed in action by the accidental detonation of a rose mine on Operation Melon in the Mapai area, Gaza Province, Mozambique, 20 January 1978.

Vermaak, Cornelius T., 106630 Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in action by the accidental detonation of a rose mine on Operation Melon in the Mapai area, Gaza Province, Mozambique, 20 January 1978.

Vorster, Johannes Lodewikus Stephanus, Rifleman, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 20 January 1978.

Isaac, Peter, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in the Chinamora TTL, 21 January 1978.

Moyo, Mtandazo (24544 Attested: Sep 1976) Constable (20), H Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, died of wounds received in action, 21 January 1978.

Kushamba, Fanuel, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action by a landmine, 22 January 1978.

Trigg, Alan Meredith, Corporal, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, in training on a farm in the Fort Victoria area, 22 January 1978.

Van der Mark, Romain, Rifleman, Support Company, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died on active service, 22 January 1978.

Thebe, Samuel, Extension Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 23 January 1978.

Watts, Trevor George, Rifleman, C Company, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a mortar bomb landing in his mortar pit at Vila Salazar, 23 January 1978.

Wood, Ian Douglas, Sergeant, C Company, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a mortar bomb landing in his mortar pit at Vila Salazar, 23 January 1978.

Chipangura, Nicholas, 24 (24396 Attested: Jun 1976) Constable, I Troop, Support Unit: British South Africa Police, killed in action by mortar shrapnel. Two India Troop callsigns commanded by Lindsay 'Kiwi' O'Bried and Patrol Officer Busby came into contact with a large group of terrorists near the Devidzo Hills in the Chiduku TTL, 25 January 1978. Constable Banda was wounded.

Robey, John Dorrel Egleton, (9289 Attested December 1974) Patrol Officer (24), British South Africa Police, killed in action in an ambush on the Tokwe River Bridge en route to investigate a mortar attack on a farmhouse. He was firing over the top of his Land Rover when he was hit by three rounds, 25 January 1978.

Marimira, Basonia, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a shooting accident, 25 January 1978.

Viya, Sayibna, Ext Ass Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 25 January 1978.

Hickey, Rob, Temporary Sergeant, A Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service by an elephant (?), 26 January 1978.

Chitima, Thomas, Constable (22), F Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, died on active support, 27 January 1978.

Britland, Roger (8124 Attested November 1968) Detective Patrol Officer, Criminal Investigation Department, killed on active service while sub-aqua diving at Sinoia Caves, 28 January 1978.

Ganhao, M.A.I., Corporal, D Squadron, Special Air Service, killed in action on Operation Melon, 28 January 1978.

Baker, Vivian, Reserve Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, murdered during a bank payroll robbery 25 kilometres from Salisbury on the Arcturus Road, 30 January 1977.

Dyson, G.H., Rifleman, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a shooting accident, 30 January 1978. Dyson was killed by friendly fire. George was part of a stick that had been assigned to all-round defence of a broken down military vehicle. That night he had informed one of the new conscripts that he was going a few metres away to relieve himself. Sadly, this message was not heeded, and he was shot and killed by a member of the stick as he returned to their position.

Alpium, Jose, Rifleman, (21) Mortar Platoon, C Company, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a vehicle ambush, 31 January 1978. Sergeant Berrington and Riflemen Alpium and Murray, the driver, were all killed in a vehicle ambush when leaving Vila Salazar, Operation Repulse at the end of their call-up. An RPG rocket struck the cab killing two of them. Alpium was killed as he debussed. Northlea High School.

Berrington, Andrew Arthur, Sergeant, Mortar Platoon C Company, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in an ambush, 31 January 1978. Doug Towler: Sgt. Andy Berrington took the full effect of the RPG 7 hitting our truck and the other 7 of us on the back of that truck are alive to-day, because he did this 

Murray, Colin McLeod, Rifleman, Mortar Platoon, C Company, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in an ambush, 31 January 1978.

Camacho, A., Trooper, January 1978.

Maigurira, Wilfred, Private, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed on active service, January 1978.

Makore, M., Private, Rhodesian Army Service Corps, killed on active service, January 1978.

Mlotswa, Z., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, January 1978.

Nyamsayi, F., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, January 1978.

Sibanda, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, January 1978.

Ziegler, S., Lance Corporal, January 1978.

Shadreck, Misheck, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered in the Buhera District, 1 February 1978.

Wuranda, Head, 644758 Sergeant, SCR, BCR, Section Commander, 3 Troop, Selous Scouts, murdered while on leave in the Nyajena TTL, 1978. Presumed murdered by ZANLA terrorists, after he was kidnapped from his village in Nyajena TTL near Ft Victoria, Op Repulse. He was never found, even after the war. His SCR citation relates how he led a small group of Selous Scouts in the north-east where, over a period of time, they infiltrated groups of CTs. The Op resulted in 17 CT kills and the capture of several more, including a district commander. He displayed great courage and nerve in a very dangerous situation by living with the CTs for 2 days. His BCR citation states that, completely exposed and under enemy fire, he continued to engage, with his machine gun, CTs hiding in a double storey building. This allowed other members of the Scouts to re-enter the building to recover severely wounded colleagues. Wuranda lost a leg due to an anti-personnel mine early on in the war. He trained, using a prosthetic leg, by running on the airstrip at Inkomo Barracks, and later returned to operations in Mozambique.

Cook, Richard George, 71083 Lance Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed in a convoy ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 5 February, 1978.

Moss, Keith, 89214 Trooper, Selous Scouts, fatally wounded in a convoy ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 5 February 1978. Cranborne Boys High School.

Rungwe, Martin, 647286 Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in a convoy ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 5 February 1978.

Ringisai, Chiutsi, 644768 Sergeant, Selous Scouts, killed in a convoy ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 5 February 1978.

Whitfield, John Barry, 93711 Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in a convoy ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 5 February 1978.

Zambarah, Patrick, 644848 Sergeant, Selous Scouts, killed in a convoy ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 5 February 1978.

Mkandla, Arthur, Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died on active service, 6 February 1978.

Chanuhwa, Roy Patrick, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered in the Tjolotjo District, 7 February 1978.

Cowan, Peter J, Lance Corporal, Mortar Troop, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a vehicle ambush in the Makuti area in the Urungwe District, 7 February 1978. Cranborne Boys High School.

De Barreto, Aleck, 112744, Rifleman, 2 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, 7 February 1978.

Le Vieux, Simon, Corporal (19), 2 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, died from wounds received in action with 7 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, 7 February 1978.

Tshuma, Mtshayell, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered in the Tjolotjo District, 7 February 1978.

Ncube, Jock, Internal Affairs, killed on active service, 8 February 1978.

Taylor, Garry, Aircraftsman, Security Unit, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in an armoured vehicle accident at Thornhill Air Station, Gwelo, 8 February 1978.

Mukwaira, Cosmos (23974 Attested: Nov 1975) Constable Duty Uniform (25): killed on active service, 9 Feb 1978, Nuanetsi District (Operation Repulse)

Katete, Fanuel Mustaph (20115 Attested: Mar 1969) Sergeant (30) Ground Coverage: killed in action, 10 Feb 1978.

Du Toit, J.H., D Squadron/1 Recce, Special Air Service, killed in action by a wounded FPLM near Madulo Pan, 11 February 1978.

Hussey, William, Private, Rhodesian Army, killed on active service, in a shooting accident, 15 February 1978.

Mandisodza, Solomon, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 15 February 1978.

Rungiue, M., Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 16 February 1978.

Van Blomestein, Clive, Rifleman, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action in an accidental shooting in the Sipolilo District, 16 February 1978.

Zambara, P. Sergeant, Selous Scouts, killed in action in a contact in the Nyajena TTL, Fort Victora, 16 February 1978.

Manguni, Ndayila David Dhlodhlo, Senior District Assistant, murdered by terrorists in the Nkai District, 17 February 1978.

Mandisodza, Solomon, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 17 February 1978.

Seremwe, Moffat, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 17 February 1978.

Takendesa, Elija, Ext Sup Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 17 February 1978.

Tapambwa, John, Guard, Guard Force, died on active service, 17 February 1978.

Chikeya, Erisha, Private, C Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 19 February 1978.

Nyenye, Clemence, Private, B Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 20 February 1978.

Muwangani, Clemence, Field Reservist, Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, died on active service, 21 February 1978.

Ncube, Patrick, Constable (28), British South Africa Police, killed in an accident, 22 February 1978.

Stam, Angelos George (11104 Attested: Apr 1961) PR Pilot Police Reserve Air Wing: killed on active service when his aircraft crashed in bad weather during a flight between Que Que and Chiredzi. Mrs Wendy Hahn and Mrs Maureen Robinson, who were being flown to see their husbands in hospital, also died in the crash., 23 February 1978.

Ndlovu, Musa, Dip Attendant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 25 February 1978.

Berman, Harry Anthony, Private, First Battalion, First Battalion, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed in action, 26 February 1978.

Chikeya, Stanley, 646358, Private, C Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in an vehicle ambush, 26 February 1978.

Dombo, I., Private, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died on active service, 26 February 1978.

Leonards, Clive Patrick, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed in action, 26 February 1978.

Magaya, Khopiso, (24835) Constable, Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 28 February 1978.

O'Donovan, National Service Patrol Officer (20), British South Africa Police, killed in a vehicle accident on the Bulawayo-Plumtree road, 28 February 1978.

Chinyama, Erikanos, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, February 1978.

Kamusopani, R., Private, Rhodesian Army, killed in action, February 1978.

Mantseye, J., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, February 1978.

Mischeck, Shadreck, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists in the Buhera District, February 1978.

Mlauzi, G., Smn killed in action, February 1978.

Mukwaira, C., (23974) Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1978.

Ncubi, Bayi, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists in the Tjolotjo District, February 1978.

Nkala, Manuel, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists in the Tjolotjo District, February 1978.

Chawatama, Robert (23458 Attested: May 1975) Constable (23), Duty Uniform: killed in action in the Triangle area, 1 March 1978.

Gandawa, Patrick (22094 Attested: Aug 1977) Field Reservist (23): killed in action in the Triangle area, 1 March 1978, Operation Repulse.

Nkomo, V., Sapper, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 1 March 1978.

Ellis, Michael Trooper, 1 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service in a shooting accident during a Fire Force sweep, 3 March 1978.

Chimbidzukayi, Rashikayi, 643492 Corporal, C Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 3 March 1978.

Mapiye, Jefferson, Sapper (26), 5 Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 3 March 1978.

Battaglia, Frank, Trooper, 3 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry (an American Vietnam and Spanish Foreign Legion veteran), killed in action on Operation Turmoil, 6 March 1978. From Boerie Hume: Frank Battaglia and l were in the same stick at Kavalamanjie, Zambia and he was killed by a a .762 long heavy machine gun. He was killed in the late afternoon and his body could not be casavaced and he was put into his sleeping bag and spent the night in our all-round defense.......that night the gooks tried to break out and we ambushed them killing a few but had this wounded gook who cried out obscenities at us all night until he died early in the morning...in the night l killed a gook with a rifle grenade , we swept past his body in the morning into the main camp. Although l was not in the Cdo for '79 l never heard of anyone being killed by a RPG. RIP all those that lost their lives..

Mbasela, P., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 6 March 1978.

Froud, Kenneth James, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 6 March 1978.

Chitima, Lancelot (22594 Attested: Jul 1974) L/Sergeant (23), BSA Police, Support Unit: killed in action in a contact in the Makoni TTL, 7 March 1978. Barry Woan: Was a Section leader in my Troop. I deployed him on that fateful patrol. They were caught in open ground in the early morning and in the firefight Lancelot was killed. Two terrs were also killed. I attended the scene. Shocked the Troop.

Reyneke, Andries Joubert (26564 Attested: August 1977) Field Reservist (35) killed on active service in a shooting accident in the Chipinga area, 8 March 1978, Operation Thrasher.

Clayton, Clifford Thomas 'Chippy', Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action by a boosted landmine at VQ 693958 Ngorima TTL east of Chipinga, two civilian African fence erectors were killed in the BSAP Rhino mine-protected vehicle, Clayton was mortally wounded, 10 March 1978. The Army Unimog travelling in front missed the mine blast lifted the Rhino three metres upwards before it landed on its wheel. The Unimog ahead missed the mine. The blast tore the buttons off his shirt and the double seam of his shorts. He was flown out by helicopter but died later. Clayton was a former member of the British South Africa Police (7788 Clayton Clifford Thomas 13.07.1967 12.07.1970 P/O.)

Moyo, Jackson, Detective Constable (28), Criminal Investigation Department, British South Africa Police, died of wounds received two years earlier, 10 March 1978.

Chitsoko, Cholas, Constable, Duty Branch, British South Africa Police, murdered by terrorists in the Zhombe TTL, Operation Grapple, 9 March 1978.

Francis, Thomas, Private, B Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed in action, 14 March 1978.

Ndududu, Rani, Guard Protected Village Protection Group, Guard Force, killed in a CT action, 14 March 1978.

Hutchesson, Sean, Corporal, 2 Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, died on active service, 16 March 1978.

Rujada, Honda, Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 16 March 1978.

Ruziwi, Nicholas, Field Reservist (22), British South African Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident on escort duties on the Fort Victoria-Beit Bridge Road, 17 March 1978.

Cerfe, Robert Hugh, 106161, Corporal, 3 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles killed in action, 18 March 1978 Operating from the old police camp in Nyamaropa, Op Thrasher, a stick of four encountered a very large group of CTs. In the ensuing engagement, and in spite of the wounded Corporl Cerfe's desperate pleas for help over the radio, the stick was overrun and only the MAG gunner, having run out of ammunition, managed to escape, returning to base a couple of days later. Cpl Rob Cerfe and Privates Elson Makonde and Jacob Nkomo were all killed. Source Rod McLean who was in Nyamaropa at the time. A Gifford High School old boy.

Makonde, Elson, 648811, Private, 3 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles killed in action near Nyamaropa, 18 March 1978.

Musiyiwa, Josephat, District Security Assistant (18), Internal Affairs, killed in action near Gutu, 18 March 1978.

Nkomo, Jacob, 649246, Private, 3 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles killed in action near Nyamaropa, 18 March 1978.

Ashby, Gavin Warwick, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers killed on active service in a minefield accident, 20 March 1978.

Fergusson, George William, Field Reservist (49), British South Africa Police, killed in action, 21 March 1978.

Godding, Roy, Trooper, 2 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, died of a heart attack on R&R, 22 March 1978.

Nyangani, H., Private, Sixth Battalion, the Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 22 March 1978.

Vuma, James Amon, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 22 March 1978.

Mpofu, Royal, 647122, Private, C Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, died of wounds received in action, 25 March 1978.

Banda, Wilson, Constable (20), India Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a night contact in the Mangwende TTL, Mrewa District, 26 March 1978.

Milford, Pencil (16371 Attested: Feb 1971) Field Reservist Police Anti-Terrorist Unit: killed in action, 27 Mar 1978.

Androuliakos, Leonidas, Corporal, BCR (Posthumous), C Company, Ninth Battalion, the Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action at TM119599 west of Buchwa Mine in the Repulse area while assisting a 3 Commando Fire Force action, 28 March 1978. C Company was guarding a nearby mine. Contact was made with eight ZPRA, four were killed and two captured. Four SF were killed. Androuiliakos was awarded the BCR.

Boschin, Ugo, Rifleman, MFC (Posthumous) C Company, Ninth Battalion, the Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action at TM119599 west of Buchwa Mine in the Repulse area while assisting a 3 Commando Fire Force action, 28 March 1978.

Hancock, John Rodney, Rifleman, C Company, Ninth Battalion, the Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action at TM119599 west of Buchwa Mine in the Repulse area while assisting a 3 Commando Fire Force action, 28 March 1978. Cranborne Boys High School. John Hancock was a Customs Officer transferred to the Prime Minister's Office as part of the sanctions busting team. This team were exempt from military service. He transferred back to Customs as he wanted to do his bit. He joined C Coy 9RR, which had many Customs Staff in it, I shook his hand as he left to go on his first call up, he was very excited and enthusiastic, sadly he did not return – Neil Harper, Facebook.

Mtandwa, Cephas, Rifleman, C Company, Ninth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action at TM119599 west of Buchwa Mine in the Repulse area while assisting a 3 Commando Fire Force action, 28 March 1978.

Prince, Norman Hedley Egerton, (25167 Attested: Feb 1977) Field Reservist (51), British South Africa Police, killed in action in the Urungwe area, 28 March 1978.

Mashire, Tapera, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 29 March 1978.

Nkomo, Mtelekwe (9239 Attested: Nov 1962) Field Reservist: killed in action Operation Tangent, 29 Mar 1978.

Rosenfels, Ian, 90443 Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action in a follow-up on a farm attack, 29 March 1978.

Vushangwe, Ernest, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 29 March 1978.

Magunda, Vengesayi, Constable (35), Ground Coverage, British South Africa Police, died on active service heart attack at Marandellas, 30 March 1978.

Mthekeli, Ndumiso Prince Bhebe (17738 Attested: Sep 1963) Sergeant (34), Duty Uniform Bronze Baton for Bravery: killed in action in the Tjolotjo area, 30 March 1978.

Dube, Mzingwane, Dip Superintendant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 31 March 1978.

Tandi, Prosper, (20656) Detective Sergeant, Criminal Investigation Department, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a shooting accident, 31 March 1978.

Chimtasha, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, March 1978.

Chinyadze, B., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, March 1978.

Grigoratos, Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, died on active service, March 1978.

Hutchesson, S., Corporal killed in action, March 1978.

Jackson, Gordon, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed in action, March 1978.

Jones, E., Private, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, March 1978.

Mapita, A., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, March 1978.

Mapiye, J., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, March 1978.

Matambangwana, N., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1978.

Matambo, Langton, Private, D Company, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died on active service, March 1978.

Ndlovu, J., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, March 1978.

Nkomo, Victor, Sapper, 1 Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, March 1978.

Truter, Allen, Private, killed in action, March 1978.

Gumbo, Owen, 644835, Sergeant, B Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, 3 April 1978. Tom Fulton: He distinguished himself on many occasions. About 6'4' in his socks, built like a Sherman tank, with twice as much attitude. At the time of his tragic and untimely death, he had been marching all night in the Lupane district, taking his men into a stop position of an HDF. When the operation wound up, they RV'd with the transport and Gumbo, sitting at the back of the 4.5, nodded off and fell out of the back, only to be driven over by the following vehicle. A heart-wrenching loss of an excellent RAR masodja. 

Mandeya, Emmanuel, Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, murdered by terrorists, 3 April 1978.

Bokosha, Tafirenyika, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 4 April 1978.

Matambangwana, Noah, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed on active service, 4 April 1978.

Courtney, Douglas Llewellyn (21653 Attested: Oct 1974) Field Reservist (38) killed on active service in the Mtoko area, 6 April 1978, Operation Hurricane.

Mtindindi, J., 65006, Private, 6 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 8 April 1978

Tuzayi, Boniface, 648153, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 8 April 1978.

Nkiwane, Aleck, Rifleman (17), A Company, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 9 April 1978.

Stretton, Graham Charles (10010 -Attested: Mar-1977) Patrol Officer (22), Licencee Inspectorate, British South Africa Police, killed on active service at his girlfriend's home in Gwelo, 9 April 1978.

Bicknell, Kevin Howard, 113536, Sergeant, 3 Platoon, 1 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service by Private Nyamini Mapfumo at the Essexvale Battle Camp, 10 April 1978.

Randall, Stephen William, 114232, Lance Corporal, 1 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service by Private Nyamini Mapfumo at the Essexvale Battle Camp, 10 April 1978.

Rwawuya, Rabson, Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died on active service, 10 April 1978.

Tshuma, Johani, 649222, Private, 1 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service by Private Nyamini Mapfumo at the Essexvale Battle Camp, 10 April 1978.

Wall, Michael Anthony, Lance Corporal, 1 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service by Private Nyamini Mapfumo at the Essexvale Battle Camp, 10 April 1978.

Andrews, Frederickc, Field Reservist (43), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 11 April 1978.

Mirwane, Aleck, Private, killed in action, 11 April 1978.

Marova, Francis, 645997, Lance Corporal, A Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound, to the head when surprised by two ZANLA in a contact, north of Mrewa, he killed a terrorist before he died, 12 April 1978.

Dick, Shadrick, (19749 Attested July 1976) Field Reservist (28), British South Africa Police killed in action in the Shamva District, 13 April 1978.

Mhaka, Cleophas, Extension Assistant, ADF, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 13 April 1978.

Tyrer, Ronald, Section Officer (38), Police Anti-Terrorist Unit, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a friendly-fire accident in Nkai, Operation Tangent, 13 April 1978.

Van Aarde, Andries G., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in an accidental contact with another 2RR unit, 14 April 1978.

Isaac, Herbert, Private (18), First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, 15 April 1978.

Mlilo, Robert, Trooper, killed in action, 15 April 1978.

Ncube, Jenamiso, Private, Regular Army, died on active service, 15 April 1978.

Madzambi, Maphios, District Security Assistant, PV Protection Group, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 16 April 1978.

Chayamiti, Isaac, Extension Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 17 April 1978.

Majoni, Aleck, Rifleman, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 17 April 1978.

Ncube, Ranganay, Constable, (21), Uniform, British South Africa Police, died on active service from cancer, 18 April 1978.

Gwafa, Jacob, 645297, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Africa Rifles, killed on active service by drowning, 19 April 1978.

Jongwe, Elias, Private, A Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in an accidental contact with another 2RR unit, 19 April 1978.

Moore, Percy, Rifleman (29), Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died on active service from heart failure, 19 April 1978.

Nago, Nicholas, Private, A Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in an accidental contact with another 2RR unit, 19 April 1978.

Zvokuvenda, John, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in an accidental shooting, 19 April 1978.

Selkirk, Walter, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 19 April 1978.

Ncube, Collins, (25303 Attested June 1977) Constable (22), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed in action at Fort Rixon, 20 April 1978.

Tarwireyi, J., Rifleman, B Company, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in the Maranke TTL, 20 April 1978.

Manyeku, Prince, (25206 Attested June 1977) Constable (19), T Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 21 April 1978.

Moyo, Reuben, District Assistant, B Troop, ARU (Mashonaland East), Internal Affairs, killed in action in the Shinga area, Mudzi TTL, 21 April 1978. He died in hospital days later. A landmine was detonated electronically, by CTs, under the Puma driven by B Troop Commander SDO Dudley Wall, followed by an attack with mortars, RPGs and small arms. DA Moyo was shot in the head and upper body. 4 CTs were killed in the incident.

Verbeek, Arrie Mannix, MLM, District Commissioner at Kariba, killed on active service, mistaken for the enemy by an Army unit, 22 April 1978. KOAS by friendly fire on Lake Kariba, Op Splinter. It was late afternoon and Arie, who had been fishing on the lake, was speeding to get back to Binga before the curfew started. An Op Splinter boat patrol, on detecting Arie's boat, issued a radio challenge, but it is believed that he did not hear his radio above the noise of the boat's engine; the radio was in the back of the boat. The patrol, their challenge unheeded, opened fire on Arie's boat, resulting in his death. A very tragic set of events that ended the life of a very popular DC.

Masvimbo, Francis, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 26 April 1978.

Chibamba, Godfrey, Private, B Company, 1st Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 27 April 1978.

Hussey, Godfrey Kenneth, 110016, Rifleman, 4 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service in a vehicle accident near Milibizi, Operation Tangent, 27 April 1978.

Morrison, Whoteson, Private (22), P Company, 2nd Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, died on active service, 29 April 1978.

Liwa, B., K/Sergeant Guard Force killed in action, April 1978.

Zvidzai, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, April 1978.

Ruveve, Lackson, Private, Regular Army, died on active service, 1 May 1978.

Muteyaunga, R., District Security Assistant, Keep Protection,Internal Affairs, killed on active service in an accident, 4 May 1978.

Mangoyi, Gilbert, Guard, PV Protection Group, Guard Force killed in action, 5 May 1978.

Munyani, Elias, Guard, PV Protection Group, Guard Force, died on active service, 5 May 1978.

Zarura, Peter, Guard, PV Protection Group, Guard Force killed in action, 5 May 1978.

Makutukira, A., 661425, Private, Depot, Rhodesian African Regiment, killed on active service, 9 May 1978.

Mapfumo, Lovemore, Private, D Company, 9th Battalion, Rhodesian Regiment, died on active service, 10 May 1978.

Mpofu, July, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 11 May 1978.

Zietsman, Andrew I., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 11 May 1978.

Jojo, C., Guard, RHQ Alpha, Op Hurricane Guard Force killed in action, 12 May 1978.

Katiyo, John, Constable (23), Uniform, British South Africa Police, died on active service from accidental carbon monoxide poisoning in his quarters at Concession, 12 May 1978.

Khupe, Jenamiso, 648897, Private (24), 5 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 12 May 1978.

Madhiri, Charles, (21908 Attested November 1973) Constable (25), Ground Coverage, British South Africa Police, died of wounds received two days earlier in action, 12 May 1978.

Mkandhle, Edward, Comm Adv, ADF Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 13 May 1978.

Rutunga, Phineas M., 648580, Private, 5 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, died on active service, 13 May 1978.

Efias, Joel, Guard, PV Protection Group, Guard Force, killed in action, 15 May 1978.

Olivey, Charles H., Lieutenant, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 15 May 1978.

Nyanhanda, Panganayi, (14558 Attested: April 1967) Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, Murdered by terrorists in the Cashel area, 16 May 1978.

Joel, Efias, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 18 May 1978.

Mpofu, Cephas, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 20 May 1978.

Franke, Johan Anthony, 10236 (attested 1 December 1977), Patrol Officer (24), British South Africa Police/Central Intelligence Organisation, died on active service after a vehicle accident in Salops, 23 May 1978.

Gaddini, Caesar, Field Reservist (47), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, died on active service after a vehicle accident in Salops on 23 May, with Johan Franke, 24 May 1978.

Mudzwidza, Norman, Dip Attendant, ADF Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 24 May 1978.

Hess, Albert Allan, (902232 Attested January 1977), National Service Patrol Officer, Special Branch, British South Africa Police, killed in action in an ambush in the Umfuli TTL, Lomagundi District while meeting one of his sources, his sergeant was wounded but managed to escape and to raise the alarm, 25 May 1978.

Hute, Canisious, Sergeant (35), Uniform Duty, British South Africa Police, died on active service of medical complications in Salisbury General Hospital, 25 May 1978.

Max, Leslie, Private, 1st Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, died on active service, 28 May 1978.

Pearmain, P.C., 387964, Private (40), Rhodesian Army Services Corps, died on active service, 28 May 1978.

Phillips, Peter, Private (19), 1st Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, died on active service, 28 May 1978.

Maseko, Gideon, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 29 May 1978.

Mlala, July, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 29 May 1978.

Zondo, Tuesday, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered at Filabusi, 30 May 1978.

Davids, P., Private, Regular Army, died on active service, May 1978.

Ganda, K., Guard, PV Protection Group, Guard Force, died on active service, May 1978.

July, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, May 1978.

Keyter, Gerrit, Sapper, 2 Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, May 1978.

Maduveko, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.

Ndebele, M., Guard, PV Protection Group, Guard Force, died on active service, May 1978.

Rusere, T., Guard, PV Protection Group, Guard Force, died on active service, May 1978.

Sikandavire, E., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, May 1978.

Dawson, Joseph Anthony, (8231 Attested April 1969) Inspector (32), E Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a vehicle ambush in Mount Darwin District, 3 June 1978. A single round among many struck his Land Rover, hitting him in the heart.

Swemmer, Roy Allan, (10093 -Attested: Jun-1977) Patrol Officer (19), Duty Uniform Branch, British South Africa Police, killed in action in the Buhera area, 3 June 1978.

Carroll, Tony Charles, 114666, Corporal, 3 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in in an ambush between Nyamaropa and Ruangwe in Operation Thrasher, 4 June 1978.

De Courpalay, David R, Rifleman, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service by 'friendly fire', 4 June 1978. The result of a navigation mistake and two 4th Battalion sticks encountering each other.

Kelly, Michael David, 81145, Sergeant, 3 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in in an ambush between Nyamaropa and Ruangwe in Operation Thrasher, 4 June 1978.

Liebermann, Russell John, (9742 Attested September 1976) Patrol Officer, Special Branch, British South Africa Police, attached to 3 (Independent) Company, killed in an ambush between Nyamaropa and Ruangwe in Operation Thrasher, 4 June 1978.

Mapfumo, Augustine, Private, 1st Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, murdered by terrorists, 4 June 1978.

Mudavanhu, Patrick Tapfumaneyi, (23981 Attested November 1975) Constable, Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed in shooting accident in Umtali District area, 4 June 1978.

Rugg, Christopher Stanley, (9990/NS901863 Attested April 1976) Lance Section Officer, A Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 4 June 1978.

Mapfumo, Augustine, 649991, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 4 June 1978.

Tichazvigadzira, Robert, Rifleman, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a shooting accident, 4 June 1978. The result of a navigation mistake and two 4th Battalion sticks encountering each other.

Mazinyane, Visaya, Acting WO2, PV Protection Group, Guard Force, died on active service, 5 June 1978.

Chaparadza, Elvis, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorist, 6 June 1978.

Clark, Anthony, Warrant Office Two, B Troop, 1 Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, died on active service, 7 June 1978.

Williers, Catharina Jantina (204329) Woman Field Reservist (46), British South Africa Police, murdered by terrorists in Chipinga while proceeding on duty, 10 June 1978. Born 7 May 1932 in Groningen, the Netherlands. Catharina and her husband, Hans, arrived in the country in 1957, subsequently taking up farming in the Chipinga district. Before joining the Police Reserve she was an active member of the Chipinga Civil Defence, and also performed numerous duties on the Agric-Alert network.

Machawi, Charles, Lance Corporal (20), Troop Medic, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed of active service in a vehicle accident Operation Thrasher, 11 June 1978.

Falzoi, Fabio Giovanni, Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action on Operation Elbow in Zambia in contact with the Zambian Army, 12 June 1978. He was born in Asmara, Eritrea from a Sardinian family.

Kawadza, Kenneth, (21908 Attested May 1977) Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a vehicle ambush in the Diti TTL in the Beit Bridge area, 12 June 1978. A combined police/Intaf patrol was traveling between the British South Africa Police base at Tshiturapadzi and Beit Bridge when they were ambushed. After attestation, Kenneth became a full-time reservist, being posted to Beit Bridge where he was engaged in guard and escort duties.

Sibanda, S., Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a shooting accident, 12 June 1978.

Steyl, Johan William, (10039/NS901868 Attested April 1976) Patrol Officer (21), Kilo Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in a vehicle ambush in the Nyajena TTL, 14 June 1978, A sergeant and a constable both from the Juliet Troop were wounded in the amush Rob Kemp was driving the second vehicle and tried to assist Steyl..

Munetsi, (23755 Attested February 1978) Field Reservist, Police Reserve Stock Theft Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in Repulse area, 18 June 1978.

Botes, Andre Johan, Trooper (19), 2 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact, 22 June 1978.

Lamb, Linda, Woman Patrol Officer (24), CID, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 23 June 1978.

Ndlovu, Cossum, Private, D Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 23 June 1978.

Rees, Brian, WO2, 2 Medical Company, Rhodesian Army Medical Corps, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 23 June 1978.

Sibanda, Michael Younger, (26085 Attested January 1978) Constable, Duty Uniform Branch, British South Africa Police, killed in action murdered by terrorists while on bicycle patrol, Njube, Bulawayo West 23 June 1978.

Mitchell, Kenneth Michael, Corporal, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action while clearing contour ridges, shot at close quarters by an insurgent who stood up out of the cover of a ridge, 25 June 1978 [Medal Society, had it as 26 August 1978]. The SB Diary, Beit Bridge, has him killed by a landmine in the Mtetenge TTL. Another white soldier was seriously wounded and two African soldiers slightly wounded.

Ebestor, Moffat (19438 Attested: Feb 1976) Field Reservist, Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed on active service vehicle accident, 24 June 1978.

Elias, J., Corporal, 6 Comp Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed on active Service in explosives accident, 24 June 1978.

Michell, Kenneth Michael 'Mike', Corporal, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action in a landmine explosion in the Mtetengwe TTL Beit Bridge, 26 June 1978. A combined British South Africa Police/Army patrol had been operating from the British South Africa Police base at Latumba at the time. The blast blew Mike and the spare wheel off the vehicle with the spare landing on Mike's chest. Water in the tyres, to deflect heat from landmine blasts, made the wheel extremely heavy and Mike died from shock when the wheel was lifted from him.

Phiri, Macdonald, Rifleman, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 26 June 1978.

Mpofu, Leonard, 649979, Private, A Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound on Devuli Ranch, 27 June 1978.

Mushonga, Richard, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 27 June 1978.

Thompson, Bruce Malcolm, SCR, 781139, Second Lieutenant (27), A Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound from an SKS on Devuli Ranch, in the Bikita area, 27 June 1978. His SCR citation states that he was involved in 35 contacts in which 170 CTs were killed. This included 29 parachute deployments. In a contact on 27 June 1978, under very heavy fire, he went to the rescue of his wounded machine gunner, Pte Leonard Mpofu. He accounted for 2 CTs but, in the follow up, he was fatally shot.

Dzobo, Hatikuri, (19469) Sergeant (30), Ground Coverage, British South Africa Police, died of injuries received in a vehicle accident on 24 June, 29 June 1978.

Chinyimo, N., Guard, PV Protection Group, Guard Force, died on active service, June 1978.

Fani, D., Guard, PV Protection Group, Guard Force, killed in action, June 1978.

George, P., Guard, PV Protection Group, Guard Force, killed in action, June 1978.

Josam, C., Private, killed in action, June 1978.

Manasa, G., Guard, PV Protection Group, Guard Force, died on active service, June 1978.

Mapise, S., Guard, PV Protection Group, Guard Force, died on active service, June 1978.

Moyo, D., Guard, PV Protection Group, Guard Force, died on active service, June 1978.

Nyoni, Benedict, Private, C Company, 1st Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, June 1978.

Pferedzai, N., Guard, PV Protection Group, Guard Force, died on active service, June 1978.

Pinge, H., Guard, PV Protection Group, Guard Force, died on active service, June 1978.

Willie, M., Guard, PV Protection Group, Guard Force, killed in action, June 1978.

Zvirewo, S., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1978.

Firi, J., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 1 July 1978.

Gwatidzo, G., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 1 July 1978.

MacLachlan, Gordon, Rifleman, A Company, 10th Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 2 July 1978.

Dube, Takayisa, Comm Adv, ADF Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 3 July 1978.

Smith, David Herbert, (9833 Attested December 1976) Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 July 1978.

Kunatsa, Caleb (12699 Attested June 1964) Field Reservist, Police Anti-Terrorist Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in the Sipililo area, 6 July 1978.

Lo-Chang, Ying Wai (26458 Attested September 1976) Field Reservist (37), Police Anti-Terrorist Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in the Mtoroshanga Area, 6 July 1978. Born in Hong Kong.

Ashburner, Sidney, Corporal (28), 2nd Battalion, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed in action in a landmine explosion, 7 July 1978.

Musaruwa, Proud, Sapper, 6 Comp Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineer, killed in action in a landmine explosion, 7 July 1978.

Muchona, S., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action in a vehicle ambush in the Diti TTL, Operation Repulse, 8 July 1978.

Riekert, B.J. Corporal, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 8 July 1978.

Friedman, David Anson, Rifleman, 3 Intelligence Company, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, mortally wounded in an ambush on 8 July 1978 at Manica Bridge, Mutasa South TTL, Operation Thrasher, died on 9 July 1978 in Salisbury.

Zikuyoma, C., Sapper, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action in a landmine explosion, 9 July 1978.

Ndlovu, Peter, Rifleman, B Company, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 12 July 1978.

Peech, Timothy Michael Steel (26328 Attested: Aug 1977), Group Leader (31), Field Reservist Police Anti-Terrorist Unit, murdered by terrorists Operation Hurricane, 13 July 1978. Abducted after meeting terrorists to persuade them to surrender or 'come on sides'.

Bobo, Benson, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 15 July 1978.

Holden, Nigel, Rifleman, National Service, Army, 15 July, killed on active service in an accident, 15 July 1978.

Chitonga, Garandi, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 16 July 1978.

Pasina, Munyaradzi, Private, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, died on active service, 16 July 1978.

Dzingai, Mutero, Sergeant (46), Uniform Duty, British South Africa Police, died on active service, 17 July 1978.

Murudzwa, S., District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 17 July 1978.

Boshoff, David, WO2, Army, died on active service, 18 July 1978.

Moyo, Ekemu, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 18 July 1978.

Murari, Eric (38), Field Reservist, Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, died on active service from a heart attack, 19 July 1978.

Vieira, Luis Felipe Braganza, Captain, Regimental Vet, Grey's Scouts, killed by an RPG rocket in an ambush on a Grey's Scouts convoy in the Wankie area near the Botswana border, 20 July 1978. He was a refugee from Mozambique, leaving there in September 1974. The other Scouts in his armoured vehicles were uninjured and pursued the ambushers towards the Botswana border, killing four of them. Vieira was a veterinary student at the University of Lourenço Marques and wrote his final examination in Lisbon in 1977. He left a wife.

Cordell, David, Sergeant, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps representative at Mtoko and RTV employee, killed in action in an ambush in the Mtoko TTL 15 kilometres from base, 21 July 1978. He was driving the first vehicle and drew the fire. The crew of the second vehicle return fire and began the follow-up which resulted in a contact later in the day and the death of two terrorists. Harmon Cusack writes, “Dave and I, at the time, were in the same unit, RIC, and he took over from me at our Mtoko base. I informed him that there were 12 terrorists operating in the area. Intelligence confirmed that our C/S was their next target. The ambush took place along a dirt road about 15 km from our base camp. David was driving the first vehicle and took the brunt of the initial fire fight. The rest of the C/S of 6 personnel returned fire and went into an immediate follow up. A contact ensued later that day with the same group and two terrorists were killed along with Dave when a faulty grenade, fired from a G3, exploded.” Peter Haydock: Facebook: A8 rifle grenade, we'll never know for sure, but I think he loaded a live round instead of a balistite. I got a few small pieces of shrapnel in me. We were following up on a report from an OP and Dave indicated he had seen something, I saw him fit the A8 and kneel down to fire, then there was a huge explosion.

Sher, Morris S., 4318, Trooper, A Squadron, Grey's Scouts, committed suicide, 25 July 1978.

Chifodya, Hazwirambwi Chinguru (18414 Attested: Apr 1965) Constable (24), Special Branch on attachment at Fort Victoria, killed on active service, 26 July 1978.

Rangarirayi, O., Rifleman, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 27 July 1978.

Phiri, Johanne, 647601, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service during parachute training, 27 July 1978.

Rangarirayi, Oliver, Private (29), A Company, 5th Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action near Sipolilo, 27 July 1978.

Chidziwo, Oliver, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, 28 July 1978.

Du Toit, G.H. François, Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, when flying a South African Alouette III R5177 which was hit by an RPG7 at Chioco in Mozambique, 28 July 1978.

Nelson, Kevin P., Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, when flying an Alouette III which was hit by an RPG7 at Chioco in Mozambique, 28 July 1978.

Murefu, P.C., Rifleman, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 28 July 1978

Madziviridzo, Denny, 661615, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 30 July 1978.

Mudzingwa, Philemon, Trooper (21), Selous Scouts, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 30 July 1978.

Steyn, Leon, Leading Aircraftsman, Rhodesian Air Force, died on active service, 30 July 1978.

Jaravaza, Clever (26091) Constable (20), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 31 July 1978.

Kayisa, Widi, Guard, Protected Village, Guard Force, killed in action, 31 July 1978.

Mbandla, E., (25897) Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, July 1978.

Sibanda, J., Private, July 1978.

Mazoe, Leon, District Security Assistant (32), Internal Affairs, killed in action in the Shamwa area, 2 August 1978.

Smith, Andrew Mark Langton (8933 Attested January 1973) Section Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in action in an ambush in Glen Norah Township (Salops, 2 August 1978

Breza, Joseph (15742 Attested: Sep 1960) Constable (49), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, murdered by terrorists while on leave, 3 August 1978.

Williams, Benjamin Huntsman 'Hunty' (18288 Attested: May 1972) Section Leader (34), British South Africa Police, killed in action ambush, 3 Aug 1978, Lupane (Operation Tangent). Tangent.An RPG rocket struck his vehicle, injuring his arm at the shoulder, resulting in a fatal loss of blood. Hunty excelled at cricket, playing for Rhodesia Country districts against a New Zealand touring team. In 1964 he represented the Orange Free State in the Currie Cup, later going on to make his debut for the Rhodesian National XI against Australia in 1966. Upon completing his agricultural studies, Hunty joined his father on Portwe Estates, Inyati, where he established a world record for groundnut production. After his national service demob in 1966, he joined PATU where he served for four years before joining the Field Reserve. A keen and enthusiastic member of the reserve, his love and knowledge of the Rhodesian bush was of great value in his work.

Ngulube, Isaac, 646059, Corporal, A Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact in the Matibi 2 TTL, 5 August 1978.

Fraser, Ian Lovat, Lieutenant, 2 Platoon, A1 Company, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 6 August 1978. Killed by a lone, hidden terrorist following clear-up operations after a contact in the Mutasa South TTL, Operation Thrasher.

Cloete, Pieter Jacobus, Field Reservist (27), Police Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 8 August 1978.

Marneweck, John Conrad, Sergeant (24), 4 Troop, 1 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in Operation Hurricane, 8 August 1978.

Robinson, Rodney W.T., Acting Corporal, A Company, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a vehicle accident near Sipolilo, 8 August 1978.

Tonderayi, Kachenga., (206071) Auxillary Constable (23), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed on active service vehicle accident, 8 August 1978.

Mpofu, L., Guard, Guard Force RD, died on active service, 10 August 1978.

John, M., (200057) Auxilliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action at Chiswingo Protected Village in the Diti TTL, 11 August 1978.

Ruza, Morgan, (201167) Auxillary Constable (20), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed in action on Operation Hurricane, 11 August 1978.

Moonsammy, Andrew Aiden, Rifleman (18), 1st Battalion, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 11 August 1978.

Meyer, Victor Carl Meyer No. 98858, Corporal, (22 years) 1 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service drowned swimming across the Zambezi river on an operation, east of Victoria Falls, 12 August 1978. Victor's stick was ordered to OP an arms cache on an island downstream from Victoria Falls on the Zambezi River but, after several days of inactivity his 2Lt decided to swim to the island for an inspection. Victor made it to the island only to realise his officer was in difficulty and returned to the water to save the officer's life - which he did but, lost his own in the process. His body was never found and, in the plethora of admin and investigations, it is possible that Vic was overlooked for a bravery award.

Strydom, Arthur, Corporal (42), Rhodesian Army Service Corps, died on active service, died on active service, 12 August 1978.

Carroll, Christopher Edward (9543 Attested: January 1976) Patrol Officer (22), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident in the Macheke Farming District, 13 August 1978.

Holley, Michael George Preston, Lance Corporal (31), Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 13 August 1978.

Mateko, John, (200909) Auxillary Constable (22), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 13 August 1978.

Rangarirayi, Oliver, Private, killed in action, 13 August 1978.

Cremer, Kenneth, Field Reservist (51), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, died on active service, 15 August 1978.

MacPherson, James, Corporal, 10th Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 16 August 1978.

Matidiri, Davidson Stanford, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists at his kraal in Sipolilo, 16 August 1978.

Williams, Buckley, Private, 2nd Battalion, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed on active service by falling off a moving vehicle, 16 August 1978.

Pritchard, John Stephen, Lieutenant, D1 Company, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 16 August 1978.

McClelland, William Joseph Andrew, (9630 Attested May 1976), Patrol Officer (27), Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in the Shabani District, 17 August 1978. His stick and another had just been deployed and had taken up a position on a kopjie when they were attacked by mortar fire. A mortar exploded next to him killing him instantly. It was when the companies were being formed and Joe's troop was to join Echo troop.

Matavire, Maxwell, 64751 5, Private, C Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact in Matibi 2 TTL, Operation Repulse, 17 August 1978.

Young, Oliver, (902443) National Service Patrol Officer (20), British South Africa Police, killed in action in a vehicle ambush in the Binga District, 17 August 1978. Based at the Siachiliba Ground Coverage base, Ollie was on his way to Binga when his vehicle was ambushed close to the Kariangwa Mission turn-off. He was hit in the chest and died on the truck. A Field Reservist , who was also wounded, managed to drive the vehicle back to Binga. Ollie was on his way back to Salisbury to demob, having completed his NS.

Winter, Eric, 725658, Staff Sergeant (53), Rhodesian Army Services Corps, died on active service, 18 August 1978.

Kula, Joseph, Sapper, 2 Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 21 August 1978.

Makosa, James, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action , 22 August 1978.

Tarugarira, Johannes, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 22 August 1978.

Tazvivinga, Christopher, Private, D Company, 9 Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died on active service, 22 August 1978.

Mufaro, R., Lance Corporal, 1 Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed on active service in an explosion, 24 August 1978.

Ndlovu, Dominic, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, 25 August 1978.

Clark, Simon John, Trooper, 14 Troop, 3 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, a New Zealander killed in action by gun shot wound to the head in a contact with the Zambian Army in the Chise area of Zambia, 28 August 1978.

Smith, Andrew Mark Langton, Section Officer (24), British South Africa Police, killed in action in an ambush by a lone terroristin Glen Norah Township, Salisbury, 28 August 1978.

Bungwe, Masaro, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, 30 August 1978.

Musoni, Toreveyi, Corporal, Rhodesian Army, died on active service, 30 August 1978.

Chifondondo, N., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.

Chiringwa, F., K Corporal. Guard Force August 1978.

Dzimba, S., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.

Houey, Michael, Rifleman, National Service, Army, died on active service, August 1978.

Majaya, Witness, Sergeant, Regular Army, August 1978.

Matunduru, O., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.

Mtsombe, C., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.

Mtupane, A., K/Corporal Guard Force August 1978.

Mudimu, S., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.

Tsikira, S., Guard, Guard Force August 1978.

Buru, Lazarus, Guard, Keep Protection, Guard Force, killed in action, 2 September 1978.

Chilemba, Arau, (77121838) Rifleman, (24), 5 Reconnaissance Regiment, attached to D Squadron, Special Air Service, killed on active service in Mozambique when he walked into the tail rotor of a helicopter after landing, 2 September 1978.

Fairbanks, Peter Hendrik, 110590, Lance Corporal, 5 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in the Chipinga District (a farmer from Gazaland), 2 September 1978.

Mashizwe, Adam, Private, 2 Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 2 September 1978.

Mujero, Trynos, Junior Corporal, PV Protection, Guard Force died on active service, 2 September 1978.

Munemo, Ringson, Guard, PV Protection, Guard Force died on active service, 2 September 1978.

Aristotelous, Aristo, Lance Corporal, Rhodesian Army, killed in action, 3 September 1978.

Bull, Jeremy, Technician (22), No 7 Squadron, Rhodesian Air Force, murdered with his wife in the first Viscount disaster, 3 September 1978.

Chimweta, Funboy Panther, (22566) Constable, Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 September 1978.

Dicker, Michael Ian, (10310 Attested January 1978) Patrol Officer, Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 September 1978. had been killed in a landmine explosion in the Buhera Districct. There were two Field Reservists in the Land Rover, who emerged unscathed from the explosion. They had stopped on the side of the road and had driven off again and about a 100 meters down the road, the vehicle detonated a landmine. The two Field Reservists had strapped themselves in but Patrol Officer Dicker was still in the process of doing this when the landmine exploded, killing him immediately.

Gillepsie, Malcolm Frank (9363 Attested: Feb 1975) Patrol Officer (22) Duty Uniform, murdered with his fiancée, Dawn, in the first Viscount disaster, 3 September 1978.

Young, Dawn Mary (WP366 Attested: Dec 1976) Woman Patrol Officer (19), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police Murdered by terrorists Viscount Incident, 3 September 1978

Smith, David, Patrol Officer (25), Uniform Duty, British South Africa Police, killed on accidental service while serviing with PATU, 3 September 1978.

Lynch, Anthony W., Corporal, C Squadron, 1 Special Air Service Regiment, killed in action, when ambushed by Zambian troops returning from a patrol north of Sinazongwe Harbour in Zambia, 6 September 1978. He was from Carlshalton, Surrey, England, having served with 2 Coy 10 Paras before leaving for Rhodesia.

Muzondo, Thomas (21509 Attested: March 1973) Sergeant (25), Duty Uniform Bronze Baton for Bravery, British South Africa Police, murdered by terrorists while on sick leave at home in Gutu, 7 September 1978.

Bhere, Eriazere, 646395, Private, C Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact in the Sengwe TTL, Operation Repulse, 8 September 1978.

Kwayarira, Maphios, 660408, Private, C Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact in the Sengwe TTL, Operation Repulse 8 September 1978.

Nyathi, Clever, Private, C Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, wounded in a contact in the Sengwe TTL on the previous day, Operation Repulse 9 September 1978.

Chirau, Cladious, 660903, A Company, Private, A Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, died on active service, 10 September 1978.

Ngwenya, Abednigo, Private, Support Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, died on active service, 10 September 1978.

Masula, Ben, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in Mrewa District by a direct hit by a mortar bomb, 11 September 1978. His keep was under attack and he was running to a bunker when he was hit.

Nydam, Wilhemus I., Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, a former 1 Indep driver, killed in action, 11 September 1978.

Taurayi, Nyambuya, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 11 September 1978.

McDonald, Peter Alexander Gordon (80036 Attested: May 1976) Field Reservist (24), Police Anti-Terrorist Unit: killed in action in the Wankie area, 14 September 1978.

Phede, Henzlet, Sergeant, 3 Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed on active service in an explosion, 14 September 1978.

Chikanyambidze, Herbert, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine in the Mudzi TTL, 16 September 1978.

Chiutore, Pherious Clemence, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 16 September 1978.

Grainger, Collin, Private (18), Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 16 September 1978.

Jones, Henry, Private, 1st Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 16 September 1978.

Mukonora, Philipa, Womens' Development Worker, ADF Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 16 September 1978.

Mupeti, F., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine in the Mudzi TTL, 16 September 1978.

Nyamayaro, Frederick, 646316, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 16 September 1978.

Robertshaw, James Kendall, Cadet Internal Affairs, Keep Protection, killed in action by a landmine in the Mudzi TTL killed by when the fuel tank of the Puma exploded, 16 September 1978.

Roboho, Jona Shadreck, District Security Assistant, killed in action by a landmine in the Mudzi TTL killed by when the fuel tank of the Puma exploded, 16 September 1978

Takanzwa, Ebson, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, by a landmine in the Mudzi TTL killed by when the fuel tank of the Puma exploded, 16 September 1978.

Charingira, Edmore, Guard, PV Protection Group, Guard Force, killed in action by a landmine, 17 September 1978.

Granlund, Corporal A., a Medic with Two (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 17 September 1978.

Jojo, Hofisi, Keep Sergeant, PV Protection Force, Guard Force, killed in action by a landmine, 17 September 1978.

Shapley, Mark Peter, Keep Commander, PV Protection Group, Guard Force killed in action, 17 September 1978.

Makamure, Rapson, Guard, PV Protection Group, Guard Force killed in action, 18 September 1978.

Nemanwa, Isaac Ronny, 646066, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on action by friendly fire by an airstrike, 18 September 1978.

Bakayi, D., ADF Driver Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 20 September 1978.

Gandiwa, Alexander Muvengwa, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 20 September 1978.

Warner, Frank C., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 19 September 1978.

Donnelly, Stephen Michael Campbell, Lance Corporal, C Squadron, Special Air Service, killed in action in a 'friendly fire' incident by Golf bomb on Operation Snoopy, 21 September 1978.

Van Der Merwe, Hendrik Gerhardus., 70220991, Sergeant, 1 Reconnaissance Regiment D Squadron, 1SAS, killed in action on Operation Snoopy, 21 September 1978. Hit in the throat while attacking a ZANLA base in the Chimoio area.

Mbengano, E., Guard, First Battalion, Guard Force, killed on active service, 23 September 1978.

Zamba, Godfrey, Guard, Guard Force, RHQ Delta, killed in action, 23 September 1978.

Kapisa, Augustine, Private, killed in action, 24 September 1978.

Connor, William Henry (308276 Attested: May 1977) Field Reservist (45), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed in action by a landmine travelling from the farm he had been protecting, 24 September 1978.

Horton, David, Sapper, 5 Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, died on active service in a shooting accident, 24 September 1978.

Kapisa, Augustine, Private, Rhodesian Army Services Corps, murdered by terrorists, 24 September 1978.

Chipanera, Clemencee, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in an ambush in the Mrewa TTL after detonating a mine, Jennifer Hebe Boyd of the Ministry of Health was also killed, 27 September 1978.

Hukuimwe, Chawaona, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 27 September 1978.

Mushani, T., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in an ambush in the Mrewa TTL, 27 September 1978.

Mukuinwe, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in an ambush in the Mrewa TTL, 27 September 1978.

Tazviziva, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in an ambush in the Mrewa TTL, 27 September 1978. The four Intaf members above were escorting Ministry of Health staff in the Mrewa TTL on one of their periodic visits to rural clinics, when their vehicle detonated a landmine. As they debussed, ZANLA terrorists, waiting in ambush, opened fire on the Rhodesians, killing DSA Clemence Chipanera, DSA Chawawona Hukuimwe, DSA Tambudzayi Mushani and DSA Samukute Tazviziva. Australian-born nurse Jennifer Hebe Boyd was also shot and killed. Jennifer was posthumously decorated as a Member of the Legion of Merit. It is known that a Rhodesian dignitary flew to Australia to present the award to Jennifer's parents but, we do not know who this was.

Machona, Patrick, (201415) Auxillary Constable (27), British South Africa Police, murdered by terrorists after being wounded in an ambush he reached a kraal where he was murdered, 28 September 1978.

Wolfenden, Charles Basil, Lance Corporal, 1st Batttalion, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed in action in a night attack on a satellite base outside Rusape. Hit in the thigh, he bled to death, 30 September 1978. Mahesh Yahdev recalls we were in a contingent of C15 sent to relieve the C12 contingent in that camp. ZANLA forces hit the camp in the early hours and Charlie who was in the next bunker received a bullet wound in the thighk severing his femoral artery. We were unable to stem the bleeing and no helicopter casevac was forthcoming. Charlie passed away before sunrise.

Freddy, W., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.

Isaac, K., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.

Kapa, O., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.

Kavoko, H., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.

Kurumba, C., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.

Maponga, P., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.

Mavura, L., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.

Mazuihwa, F., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.

Mombeyarara, G., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.

Mureza, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.

Muzwondiwa, S., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.

Nyakuchemwa, D., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.

Posthumus, Geortge, Keep Commander, Guard Force killed in action by a single shot while inspecting keep walls, September 1978.

Samukute, T., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, September 1978.

Shoniwa, M., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.

Sikirita, C., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.

Thomas, P., Guard, Guard Force killed in action, September 1978.

Boer, James, Corporal (28), 1st Battalion, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed in action, 1 October 1978.

Chihata, Peter, District Security Assistant, killed in action by a landmine, 1 October 1978.

Mamachona, Constable, Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 2 October 1978.

Mabaleka, Obert, N., BCR, Corporal (26), 2 Troop, Selous Scouts, killed on active service by a PATU patrol, 2 October 1978.

Murase, Lovemore, 645142 Lance Corporal, Selous Scouts, killed on active service by a PATU patrol, 2 October 1978. Both of these Selous Scouts were KOAS by 'friendly fire', near Hartley. Due to an error, this area was not frozen (i.e. no-go to any troops other than Selous Scouts). The two Scouts, dressed as guerrillas, were shot and killed by a local PATU stick, made up of farmers from the area. Obert's B.C.R. citation states that he successfully infiltrated a group of 30 CTs and was subsequently able to direct fire force on the area, resulting in 10 CTs being killed. His leadership, courage and determination were an excellent example to his men.

Pratt, Daniel, Patrol Officer (22), Uniform Duty, British South Africa Police, died on active service from leukaemia, 2 October 1978. Injured in a vehicle accident almost exactly a year earlier, it was whilst he was recovering from his injuries in hospital that doctors discovered that he had leukaemia. Tragically, this accident had claimed the lives of his father Insp Geoff Pratt, as well as two Field Reservists, Dave Armstrong and Eric Moss.

Makhondo, Aloice Ignacious, (25261 Attested: June 1977) Constable (25), Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in the Maranda TTL, Nuanestsi District, 4 October 1978.

Marilele, Erinos, (200380) Auxillary Constable (28), Field Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed in action in the Maranda TTL, Nuanestsi District, 4 October 1978.

Matshalaga, Leonard, (21447) Sergeant (25), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed in action in the Maranda TTL, Nuanestsi District, 4 October 1978.

Muyezwa, Rufu Charles, (15520) Sergeant Major (40), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 4 October 1978.

Pauro, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 4 October 1978.

Choruwa, Thomas, (22259) Constable (25), ZA Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, murdered by terrorists while on leave, 5 October 1978.

Steele, M.D., Sergeant, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 5 October 1978.

Cripps, Anthony Kenneth, Rifleman, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 8 October 1978.

Vhudzijena, Weston, District Assistant, D Troop, ARU (Victoria) Internal Affairs, killed in action near Fort Victoria, 8 October 1978. He was in a Puma in convoy when ambushed. He debussed with the rest and whilst the troop, under Commander District Officer Charles Hosking retaliated and moved towards the CTs, Weston was shot three times in the stomach. He died from loss of blood.

Zimunya, F., Lance Corporal, 4 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, died on active service, 8 October 1978.

Chemambo, Black, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, murdered on leave at Mount Darwin, 11 October 1978.

Chiyamuro, Trakisoni, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 11 October 1978.

Nkala, Christopher, 646995, Private, D Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, died on from injuries after a parachute drop on 27 July 1978, 11 October 1978.

Tauro, June, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, murdered on leave at Mount Darwin, 11 October 1978.

Gandanga, Shandare, 648478, Private, D Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, falling from a helicopter after he attempted to catch a rifle magazine which he had dropped, and lost his balance, 12 October 1978.

Hartley, Edward James, Rifleman, 6 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 12 October 1978.

Kandeya, Geography, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, murdered on leave by terrorists, 16 October 1978.

Muzondiwa, Sani Jekanyika, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered on leave in the Sipolilo District, 16 October 1978.

Sibanda, Barbton, Sapper, One Engineer Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed on active service in an accidental explosion, 18 October 1978.

Collett, Jeffrey Donald, Lance Corporal, C Squadron Special Air Service, killed in action at Mkushi, on Operation Gatling in Zambia, 19 October 1978.

Hallett, Eric, Field Reservist and member of the Establishments Office, Treasury, killed in a vehicle accident on Fort Victoria – Beit Bridge Road. 21 October 1978. He was a passenger in the vehicle in which Aux Cst M Tazvivinga was also killed. Having served in the Royal Navy during WWII, Eric immigrated to Rhodesia in 1955, becoming a civil servant, working in the Treasury.

Tazvivinga, M. (200850) Auxilliary Constable (21), British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 21 October 1978.

Bitirinyi, Zuzeyo, (A7778) Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action by a landmine at Headlands, Operation Thrasher, 22 October 1978.

Guduza, ADF Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists while on leave at Somlota Line, Tjolotjo, 22 October 1978.

Magirazi, Waison, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action by a landmine, 22 October 1978. (Both of these British South Africa Police members above were KIA by a landmine blast whilst on a mine clearing exercise 15-20 km from Headlands, Op Thrasher. A combined military funeral for these two reservists took place at Inyati Mine on 25 October.)

Coleman, Mark, Acting Lance Corporal, Leader Training Unit, C Company, Llewellin Barracks killed in a training accident near Gwanda, 23 October 1978.

Mweneziko, Mudzingwa, 644740, Sergeant, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, died on active service, 25 October 1978.

Byrne, J.Patrick, Trooper, 3 Commando, 14 Troop, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, south-east of Birchenough Bridge, Mutema TTL, Chipinga district, Op Repulse, 26 October 1978. An American national from Kearney, New Jersey.

Kurumba, Caiphos, Guard, PV Protection Group Guard Force, died on active service, 26 October 1978.

Makombegumi, Lovemore, Constable (30), L Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in an accident, 26 October 1978.

Mombeyera, Gerald, Guard, PV Protection Group Guard Force, killed in action, 26 October 1978.

Chothia, Suleman Ahmed, Colour Sergeant, A Company, First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action in an ambush, 27 October 1978.

Sakala, Paul, Sapper (17), Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed on active service, 27 October 1978.

Zimbango, Augustine, (19845) Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 29 October 1978.

Chinaque, Levie (24768 Attested: December 1976) Constable, K Troop, Support Unit: killed in action, 30 October 1978.

Dimingo, John, (200750) Auxillary Constable, Special Branch, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 30 October 1978.

Kumalo, Temba, (201669) Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 30 October 1978.

Tomborayi, Godfrey, Private, Demonstration Company, School of Infantry, killed in action, 30 October 1978.

Brownlee, J., Second Lieutenant, killed in action, October 1978.

Chamambo, B, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, October 1978.

Nkomo, G., Keep Commander, Guard Force killed in action, October 1978.

Beamish, Arthur Charles, Captain, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 2 November 1978. Murdered by CTs on his farm in the Horseshoe Block, Sipolilo, Op Hurricane, whilst in between service with 5RR. Arthur is the brother of Raymond Beamish who was KIA a few months after Arthur.

Callaway, Jonathon, (9669 -Attested: Jun-1976) Patrol Officer (21), Echo Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in the Mtoko District, 2 November 1978.

Mahonde, S., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action in a contact in the Mtoko farming area, 2 November 1978.

Mweneziko, Mudzingwa, Sergeant, killed in action, 2 November 1978.

Makotsa, Jefias, (201304) Auxillary Constable (29), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, died from injuries from a vehicle accident on 29 October, 3 November 1978.

Mariti, (17862) Detective Sergeant, Criminal Investigation Department, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 3 November 1978. in a vehicle accident in which Constable Zisani was also killed. The Land Rover in which they were travelling lost control and struck an electricity pole.

Tsuma, Noah, (25904) Constable (19), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a shooting accident, 3 November 1978.

Zisani, Shonayi, (18702) Constable (32), Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 3 November 1978. in a vehicle accident in which D Sgt Mariti was also killed. The Land Rover in which they were travelling lost control and struck an electricity pole.

Moyo, Abraham, (200684) Auxillary Constable, Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed on active service by being accidentally electrocuted, 4 November 1978.

Ross, Grant, Rhodesian Light Infantry, died on active service from a heart attack, 5 November 1978.

Muchenje, Richard, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 7 November 1978.

Topham, Arthur Stockwell, Sergeant, A Squadron, Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment, killed in action when his Ferret armoured car detonated a landmine on the south-eastern border near Chipinga, 7 November 1978. He was sitting in the turret of a Ferret Scout Car, driven by Tpr dos Santos, when it went over a landmine. The patrol, consisting of two Ferrets, two Elands and a Support Unit Unimog, was on its way back to Chipinga, from checking on deserted farms in the area.

Mantshontsho, Godfrey, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 9 November 1978.

Mafunga, Norman, Comm Adv Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 14 November 1978.

Mupambwa, George, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 12 November 1978. KIA in a vehicle ambush in Wedza while serving with B Troop ARU, November 1978. DSA Mupambwa was a machine gunner riding as co driver / protection when the Land Rover he was travelling in was ambushed by a group of approximately 30 terrorists.  He was shot 6 - 8 times in the chest and face by small arms fire.  The driver was also wounded but managed to drive out of the killing ground and return fire before help arrived. The troop commander, Senior District Officer, Dudley Wall, wounded in the head.

Ncube, Reason, Rifleman, C Company, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in ambush in the Mount Selinda area near Chipinga, 12 November 1978.

Takaruvinga, Rabson, Rifleman, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in ambush in the Mount Selinda area near Chipinga, 12 November 1978.

Hardy, James William MFC(Ops), 781083, Captain, Support Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in the Mtoko area, 14 November 1978. On that morning elements of 1RAR Fire Force were deployed by helicopter from Mtoko, guided by a PRAW aircraft, to a sighting of CTs. Following a frantan strike by a RhAF Lynx, the troops deplaned near a dry riverbed where 40-50 well-armed CTs had been seen to enter. With stop groups in place, troops cautiously conducted a sweep along the riverbed, and in doing so drew fire from CTs. Jim was shot and killed. It would have been his last day with the battalion before being posted to Army HQ. He had foretold his death that day in a letter to his wife, Cathy which he left on his bed. As a rifleman, Jim had first served with the 1st Bn Royal Australian Regiment, seeing service in Vietnam from March 1968 to February 1969. He then undertook officer training at the Officer Cadet School Portsea in Victoria, and upon receiving his commission, was posted to 2nd Bn Royal Australian Regiment. In the mid-1970s, Jim resigned this commission and left for Rhodesia where he enlisted with the RAR.

Mafunga, Norman, CA ADF Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 14 November 1978.

Patrol, Jaison, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 14 November 1978.

Mazurura, Lovemore, (17774) Patrol Officer (34), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, died of wounds received in action in a contact near Bveke, Mount Darwin, 16 November 1978.

Mhawo, Clever, Guard, PV Protection Group, Guard Force, died of wounds received in action, 16 November 1978.

Tunhuru, Saini, (201301) Auxillary Constable (40), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a vehicle accident in the Karoi area, 16 November 1978.

White, Hiback, (201528) Auxillary Constable (31), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 16 November 1978.

Zvikaramba, J., (201510) Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident in the Karoi area, 16 November 1978.

Kaitano, Ben, (16203) Detective Constable (41), British South Africa Police, killed in action in an ambush in the Mukwichi area of Karoi, 17 November 1978.

Underwood, Stephen Alan, (902419) National Service Patrol Officer (25), British South Africa Police, killed in action in an ambush in the Mukwichi area of Karoi, 17 November 1978.

Dumira, Calvern, Corporal, 3 Squadron, Rhodesia Corps of Engineer, killed on active service, 18 November 1978.

Magede, Nabot, Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 18 November 1978.

Karikogah, Pitson, (200901) Auxillary Constable (23), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, died from wounds received in action, 19 November 1978.

Mollentz, Philip William, Trooper, B Troop, C Squadron, Special Air Service, some time after an operational jump into the 'Russian Front', Mozambique (Vila Salaza area) where he was badly injured when he landed in a Baobab tree. Phillip was casavaced and ended up at St. Giles with a broken back. He was a Rhodesian national, but with no family in Rhodesia and, hence, was expatriated to SA where he died a while later due to complications. (born 10 Sept 1959, Bulawayo). Phillip is a Northlea High School old boy. Died aged 19, 19 November 1978. Northlea High School.

Chingoza, Clever, Rifleman, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 20 November 1978.

Erikani, Richard, 660853, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, died on active service, 20 November 1978.

Scott, Walter Robert Ian, Sergeant, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps (Matabeleland), killed in action by a landmine near Mlibizi, 21 November 1978. He died on arrival at Wankie Hospital. Northlea High School.

Friend, Jessie James, Rifleman, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps(Matabeleland) attached to 1 (Independent) Company, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by landmine, 21 November 1978. He died on the operating table in Wankie Hospital. Northlea High School.

Madziviri, Charles, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine, 21 November 1978.

Mhaka, Jimson, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine, 21 November 1978.

Rushinga, Erisha, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine, 21 November 1978. The three were killed by the same landmine.

Makeche, Tinago, (200210) Auxillary Constable (25), Police Reserved, British South Africa Police, killed in action when a PTC vehicle he was protecting overturned, 22 November 1978.

Dekker, W.M., Corporal, Rhodesian Army, killed on active service, 23 November 1978.

Gomo, P., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed on active service, 25 November 1978.

Kwaramba, Patrick, (200746) Auxillary Constable (22), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed in action in the Centenary area, 26 November 1978.

Millar, Anthony John, Trooper, 2 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact in the Sinoia/Karoi area, three days before the end of his last bush trip and before he went to university on a scholarship, 26 November 1978.

Mapaso, M., (24965) Constable (22), S Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in a vehicle accident in Sipolilo, 27 November 1978.

Mavata, A., (26433) Constable (22), Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, in a vehicle accident in Sipolilo, 27 November 1978.

Urayayi, Fanuel, Guard, PV Protection, Guard Force, killed in action, 27 November 1978.

Carruthers, Robert Norman James MCM (Posthumous), District Officer, Internal Affairs, killed in action in a vehicle ambush in the Chiswiti area, Mount Darwin, return fire killed two terrorists, 28 November 1978. whilst travelling in between PVs in a 5-tonne Isuzu. Rob was manning a light machine gun when they were ambushed. He returned fire but was hit and killed instantly. 2 CTs were killed by return fire from the vehicle. His dog, Ishe, fled the scene and was never seen again. Rob, DO of Mukumbura at the time, was fluent in Shona and knew African laws and customs as well as any local.

Kakeche, T., Auxilliary Constable, killed in action, November 1978.

Murdock, Timothy Joseph, 118553, Lance Corporal, 1 Platoon, 3 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in an ambush in Inyanga They were escorting sticks back from Nyamaropa when the truck hit a landmine, followed by an ambush from about 200 yds away. Tim was the MAG gunner. 28 November 1978.

Muzenda, Dzimba, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 28 November 1978.

Chilenje, Samuel, 662021, Private (17), 1 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, 29 November 1978.

Munetsi, Peter James, District Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 29 November 1978.

Muteta, Watson, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 29 November 1978.

Ndhlovu, Phahlani, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists on leave by terrorists in Luhonjana Line, Tjolotjo, 29 November 1978.

Nyoni, A., 649326, Private (28), 1 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, 29 November 1978.

Chakaza, Nesbit (22308) Field Reservist, Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, wmurdered by terrorists in the Umtali area, 30 November 1978.

Chikwinho, Z., Guard, Guard Force, died on active service, November 1978.

Kakeche, T. Auxilliary Constable, British South Africa Office, killed in action, November 1978.

Maruta, F., Junior Corporal, Guard Force, killed in action, November 1978.

Matamba, Ben, Detective Constable, British South Africa Police, died on active service, November 1978.

Musiyiwa, P. Guard, Guard Force, died on active service, November 1978.

Ngwarayi, L., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, November 1978.

Nhawo, C., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, November 1978.

Shumbyawonda, N., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, November 1978.

Zvikaramba, J. Auxilliary Constable British South Africa Police, killed on active service, November 1978.

Caswell, Peter, Temporary/Captain, Rhodesian Army Education Corps, killed on active service in a vehicle accident on the Birchenough Road, Fort Victoria, 1 December 1978.

Tongayi, Basilo, 646355, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 2 December 1978.

Guvava, Vengayi Severino, (19212), Sergeant (30), Support Unit, British South Africa Police, murdered by terrorists, 6 December 1978.

Jona, Emmanuel, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 4 December 1978.

Makuvaro, Never, Lance Corporal, 1 Maitenance Company, Rhodesian Army Services Corps, killed on active service, 4 December 1978.

Wood, Stephen John, (9737 Attested August 1976) Patrol Officer, Special Branch, British South Africa Police, a former pupil of Hamilton High School from Bulawayo, killed in action in an ambush of three police vehicles in the Honde Valley. The driver of the second Land Rover, Patrol Officer S. Freer was also injured, 6 December 1978.

Donzwa, Petros (25923 Attested: Dec 1967) Constable (21), Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed on active service accidental explosion, 7 December 1978.

Gumede, Eliman (22590 Attested: Jul 1974) Constable (22), Duty Uniform: Murdered by terrorists while on leave in the Zaka TTL, 7 December 1978.

Mujere, Levy, 647540, Private, 6 Platoon, B Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 7 December 1978.

Ndava, Tapera Martin, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed on active service, 7 December 1978.

Van Hess, Johannes Cornelius, Rifleman Two (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, 7 December 1978.

Sibanda, Samuel, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 8 December 1978.

Willemse, Johannes Steyl, Sergeant (28), A Company, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 8 December 1978.

Dube, Henry, Private (20), First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed on active service, 10 December 1978.

Chigamba, Chance, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in the Sipolilo area, 11 December 1978.

Ewing, Ross Anthony, Sergeant, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action, 12 December 1978. [Medal Society, 12 December]

Mutumhe, Philip, (200452) Auxillary Constable, Dog Section, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 12 December 1978.

Gillies, Stuart (10422 Attested February 1978) Patrol Officer (19), Police Anti-Terrorist Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action accidentally in an ambush, Lupane District, 15 December 1978. Northlea High School.

Muthume, Phillip, Auxilliary Constable, Dog Section, British South Africa Police, killed in action in the Rusape area, 15 December 1978.

Kapito, Ivan, (24009) Constable, Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 17 December 1978.

Mapura, Francis, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 17 December 1978.

Mushambi, Winston, Junior Corporal Guard Force, murdered by terrorists, 17 December 1978.

Taylor, Maurice, Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action during Operation Inhibit in the Malvernia/Mapai area in the Gaza Province of Mozambique, 17 December 1978.

Barry, Hamilton John, 117764, Trooper, B Squadron, 1SAS, killed on active service in a shooting accident, 18 December 1978.

Kapito, Ivan, Constable (22), British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact in the Sipolilo District, 18 December 1978.

Robinson, Clyde, WO2, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died on active service, 18 December 1978.

Jack, Michael, Private (27), First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed on active service in a vehicle accident in the Muwushu TTL, 21 December 1978. Struck four cattle when driving a Bedford RL.

Dewar, Duncan George, Rifleman, D Company, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in an ambush in the Muwushu TTL, 22 December 1978. A former pupil of Chingola High School in Northern Rhodesia.

Khola, Samuel, Rifleman, D Company, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in an ambush in the Muwushu TTL, 22 December 1978.

Sibanda, Macala, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed on active service, 23 December 1978.

Small, Thomas McLeod, Sapper, Pookie driver, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action by an RPG7 rocket which clipped the top of the driver's cabin of his Pookie, 23 December 1978.

Tembo, Zabron, M Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 24 December 1978.

Watkins, Raymond M.E., 727909, Sergeant (23), Rhodesian Army Medical Corps, died on active service, 24 December 1978.

Mukaro, Clements, Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 25 December 1978.

Hamamiti, Patrick, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 26 December 1978.

Nkiwane, Samziza, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 26 December 1978.

Haskard, Roger, Field Reservist (43), British South Africa Police, died on active service, 27 December 1978.

Marufu, Gwaze, 654735, Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, died on active service, 27 December 1978.

Marume, Peter, (22799) Lance Sergeant (25), T Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 27 December 1978.

Sadler, Mervyn, Sergeant, Rhodesian Intelligence Corps, killed in action when his vehicle was ambushed on the main Bulawayo road near Mazunga, 29 December 1978.

Saladi, Jimmy, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 29 December 1978.

Smith, Peter, Private (23), Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, 29 December 1978.

Totohwiyo, Lovemore, 660798, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, 29 December 1978.

Givemore, Stephen, Auxilliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact in the Bindura area, 31 December 1978.

Ndogwedu, N., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed on active service, 31 December 1978.

Nyoni, Nelson, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed on active service, 31 December 1978.

Matamburigwa, E., Guard, Guard Force, died on active service, December 1978.

Murawa, John, Sapper Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, December 1978.

Musasa, Jephias, Private, Rhodesian Army, killed on active service, December 1978.

Mushaya, J., Corporal, Rhodesian Army, killed on active service, December 1978.

Pindura, Charles, Sapper Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 1 December 1978.

Posi, G., Guard, Guard Force, killed on active service, December 1978.

Chakuweya, T., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1978.

Isaac, H., Private, killed in action, December 1978.

Mukaro, C., Lance Corporal, killed in action, December 1978.

Sungayi, L., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, December 1978.

Chamunyonga, Stephen, Guard, Guard Force, murdered by terrorists, 1 January 1979.

McIver, A.J., Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on operations, 1 January 1979.

Givemore, Stephen, (200065) Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 2 January 1978.

Cutmore, Brian Noel, Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in an air accident, when his Alouette 111 collided with another, flown by Flight Lieutenant Fynn, on deployment near Selukwe, 2 January 1979.

Fynn, Kerry John, Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in an air accident, when his Alouette 111 collided with another, flown by Flight Lieutenant R., Bolton, on deployment near Selukwe, 2 January 1979.

Havanar, Douglas Gordon Charlese, Captain, Support Company, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in an air accident, when his Alouette 111 collided with another, flown by Flight Lieutenant Fynn, on deployment near Selukwe, 2 January 1979.

Mirams, David George, just appointed Regional Commissioner, Internal Affairs, killed in action by a landmine on his way back to Mrewa from a village visit. Disliking the dust from his escort vehicle driven by Inspector Ken Loubsher, Mirams overtook him and hit the mine buried on the other side of the road. The explosion ignited the roof and the bullets hidden in it of a hut. 3,000 Africans attended his funeral, 2 January 1979.

Turner, Anthony Hugh Whichcotte, Sergeant, K-Car Gunner, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in an air accident, when his Alouette 111 collided with another, flown by Flight Lieutenant Raymond Bolton, on deployment near Selukwe, 2 January 1979.

Givemore, Stephen, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 2 January 1979.

Shora, Wilson Tederera, (14730) Detective Sergeant Major (47), British South Africa Police, murdered by terrorists in Chiota TTL, Marandellas, 3 January 1979.

Gumbo, Baron, Rifleman (20), B Company, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 4 January 1979.

Binga, Bernard, Sapper, 1 Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action by an explosion at the Victoria Falls rifle range magazine, 5 January 1979.

Dube, Mutheseli, Sapper, 1 Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action by an explosion at the Victoria Falls rifle range magazine, 5 January 1979.

Gonye, Gift, Lance Corporal, 1 Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action by an explosion at the Victoria Falls rifle range magazine, 5 January 1979.

Gwenjeri, Tobias, Staff Sergeant, 1 Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action by an explosion at the Victoria Falls rifle range magazine, 5 January 1979.

Little, Bradley Wade, Trooper, 3 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact in which 27 terrorists were killed, 5 January 1979.

Majuta, Benson, Sapper, 1 Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action by an explosion at the Victoria Falls rifle range magazine, 5 January 1979.

Moriarty, Leonard, Sergeant, 1 Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action by an explosion at the Victoria Falls rifle range magazine, 5 January 1979.

Muzkuzha, Stanselous, Keep Sergeant, Guard Force, killed in action, 5 January 1979.

Nyathi, Lunis, Sapper, 1 Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action by an explosion at the Victoria Falls rifle range magazine, 5 January 1979.

Mkhwananzi, Bongani Dumisani (26122 Attested: Feb 1978) Constable Duty Uniform: killed in action in a contact in a Bulawayo township, 8 January 1979.

Cripps, Clive Gordon, Sergeant, Special Air Service, killed by a bullet wound to the stomach when ten ZANLA ambushed his Unimog of his patrol at Hot Springs as it was deploying for Operation Gaiter in the Manica Province of Mozambique, 11 January 1979.

Chipo, Jetro, 649229, Private, 2 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed, 12 January 1979.

Conlon, Vincent John (10445 Attested February 1978) Patrol Officer, Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed in action in an ambush in the Wedza area, 13-January 1979, Wedza.

Hovell, Peter William (23578 Attested: Mar 1976) Section Leader Field Reserve: killed in action in an ambush in the Wedza area, 13 January 1979.

Van Oudtshoorn, Pieter, Cadet Internal Affairs, killed in action together with Robbie Robertson of the Veterinary Department in an ambush on the road to Kariangwe Mission, Binga District, 13 January 1979. A district assistant accompanying them was found at the Siabuwa turn-off by a British South Africa Police patrol. He had recovered van Oudtshoorn's FN rifle.

Manacas, Luciano Cesar, 118546D, Private, 6 Protection Company, 2nd Battalion, Rhodesain Defence Regiment, killed by Zambian Army at Victoria Falls, 14 January 1979.

Chivasa, M., Private, Rhodesian Army, killed on active service, 15 January 1979.

Ndhlovu, Jack, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 15 January 1979.

Zwimba, Yotamu, (23303 attested January 1978) Field Reservist (47), Police Anti-Terrorist Unit, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in an accident, 15 January 1979.

McDonald, Keith Alan (91564 Attested: Aug 1978) Field Reservist, Police Anti-Terrorist Unit: killed on active service injuries received in an earlier contact, 17 January 1979.

Visagie, Philip, Rifleman, C Company, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 17 January 1979.

Mlotshwa, Robert, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 18 January 1979.

Kambanje, Kezias, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 19 January 1979.

Mathe, Gifyniso Peter, Rifleman, Mortar Platoon, Support Company, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact, 19 January 1979.

Shereni, Thomas, 644939, Sergeant, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, 19 January 1979.

Van der Merwe, Edward, Sapper (22), 2 Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in a vehicle accident, 19 January 1979.

Johnston, Bruce H., Corporal, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a vehicle accident near Brondesbury Park Hotel on the Juliasdale-Rusape Road, 20 January 1979.

Kasket, Simon, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed on active service, 20 January 1979.

Oliver, Anthony Michael (10433 -Attested February 1978) Patrol Officer (21), British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a shooting accident, 20 January 1979.

Katuku, Stachio, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed on active service, 21 January 1979.

Kwami, Marko, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, died on active service, 21 January 1979.

Chimambo, Erick Wise, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 January 1979.

Chimeya, Denja, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 January 1979.

Mapiye, Stain Nemera, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 22 January 1979.

Mutanga, M., Private, Two (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 23 January 1979.

Makumire, Douglas, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died of wounds received in action, 23 January 1979.

Tekenende, Lewisam, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 23 January 1979.

Scott, Thomas, Field Reservist (72), British South Africa Police, died on active service of a heart attack at Gwanda, 23 January 1979.

Sithole, Fireyi, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in a contact in Chipinga, 23 January 1979.

Bell, Friday, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, died of wounds received in action on 24 January in the Karoi area, 25 January 1979.

Chivise, Tamba, 649194 Private, Two (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, died from wounds received 12 January in a contact near Karoi, 25 January 1979.

Mutanga, Mastaff, Private, Two (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact near Karoi, 25 January 1979.

Rafu, Raja, (201154) Constable, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 25 January 1979.

Cotton, Christopher Reginald Neville (8803 Attested: May 1972) Section Officer (26), E Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in an ambush in the Gutu District, 27 January 1979.

Kutinyu, Tobias, Rifleman, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 27 January 1979.

Hamandishe, Vernon, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 30 January 1979.

Sibanda, Alec, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 30 January 1979.

Chimkonde, J., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, January 1979.

McIver, Andrew, Trooper, Support Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service in a vehicle accident in the Fort Victoria area, January 1979.

Garikayi, M., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, January 1979.

Kambange, P., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.

Kasket, S., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.

Mfitshane, M., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, January 1979.

Mwami, M., Private, Army, killed on active service, January 1979.

Mxotsewa, E., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.

Ndeke, C., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, January 1979.

Nyamazana, J., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.

Rukara, D., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.

Sandi, Godfrey, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, January 1979.

Tachiona, S., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, January 1979.

Tavengegweyi, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, January 1979.

Tobias, G., Staff Sergeant, killed in action, January 1979.

Whami, M., Private, killed in action, January 1979.

Zhonja, B., Lance Corporal, killed in action, January 1979.

Chamboko, Maroza Ernest (23416 Attested: May 1975) Detective Constable (30), Special Branch, Briitsh South Africa Police, killed in action in the Operation Thrasher area, 1 February 1979.

Chikwepa, Phone, (200513) Auxiliary Constable, Mtoko Stock Theft Sectioon, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 2 February 1979.

Taylor, David John, Lieutenant, D1 Company, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, killed by one of his own men at Dorowa Mine after reprimanding his men for disorderly conduct in the canteen, 3 February 1979.

Moyo, Ncanga, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists at Zibunkululu, Tjolotjo District, 4 February 1979.

Mudhomdozi, Happy, (24132) Constable, Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 4 February 1979.

Kasawaya, Martin, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 5 February 1979.

Mandizviza, Ornard, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 5 February 1979.

Ushendibaba, Obadiah, 646736 Trooper, Selous Scouts, died on active service, 5 February 1979.

Ndimande, Bhiyeni Luka, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed on active servie, 6 February 1979.

Barber, Nicholas Edward Swannell, Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in an accident when laying a landmine on Operation Inhibit in the Mapai area in the Gaza Province of Mozambique, 7 February 1979.

Macmillan, Gordon Roy, Trooper, Special Air Service, killed in an accident when laying a landmine on Operation Inhibit in the Mapai area in the Gaza Province of Mozambique, 7 February 1979.

Chivisi, Tamba, Private, killed in action, 8 February 1979.

McKinnon-Peel, Mark, Lance Corporal (19), First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, died on active service, 8 February 1979.

Mutanga, Mastaff, Private, died of wounds received in action, 8 February 1979.

Rosenfels, Desmond Charles, BCR Second Lieutenant, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, in the Manica Province of Mozambique, in a ground and air operation on a ZANLA camp, 8 February 1979. Battaglia wounded. See Fergus O'Brien.

Sibanda, Likwa, Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in Operation Tangent, he was based at San Yet Sen Mine, 8 February 1979.

Ncube, Charles (25312 Attested: Jul 1977) Constable (21), R Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 10 February 1979.

De Kock, John, Sergeant (51), First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, died on active service, 10 February 1978.

Nyadute, Patrick (21588 Attested: May 1973) Constable (27) Duty Uniform: killed in action in the Inyanga area, 11 Feb 1979.

Shabani, Thembikile Bubi, 662465, Recruit, Deport, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 11 February 1979.

Shimukonde, John, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 11 February 1979.

Mason, Andrea, Lieutenant, RWS, killed on Viscount Umnati, 12 February 1979.

Tasker, P., (902731) National Service Patrol Officer, British South Africa Police, killed in Viscount, 12 February 1979.

Tshuma, T., (20723) Detective Constable, Special Branch, Beit Bridge, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 13 February 1979.

Gash, Robert James, (9024 Attested July 1973) Detective Section Officer (29), Criminal Investigation Department, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 15 February 1979 in an ambush on the Chesa Road while returning to Mt Darwin.

Ncube, George, Constable (21), Criminal Investigation Department, British South Africa Police, killed in action in the Machuchuta TTL, Tule Circle area, 15 February 1979

Bester, George, Rifleman (41), First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, died on active service, 16 February 1979.

Mlambo, Obert, Private, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, 16 February 1979.

Mundingi, Chikweva, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed on active service, 16 February 1979.

Nkomo, Keni, Assistant, ADF, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists at Ehampeni Line in the Tjolotjo District, 17 February 1979.

Postlethwayt, Charles, Field Reservist Pilot, British South Africa Police, died on active service, 17 February 1979.

Davids, Malik A., No 25609, WO1, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, died on active service, 18 February 1979.

Munemo, Japhet, Detective Constable (35), Criminal Investigation Department, died on active service, 18 February 1979.

Ncube, George Makore, (24901) Constable Criminal Investigation Department, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 18 February 1979.

Chinduma, Pondai, 649372, Private, 2 Platoon, 3 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in an ambush near Avila Mission in the Ruwangwe area, north of Inyanga, 19 February 1979.

Dimingo, Manual, Constable, F Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, died on active service, 19 February 1979.

Gardner, Byrne Rielly, ADF Pilot Internal Affairs, killed in action when his aircraft detonated a landmine on Mutawatawa airstrip north of Mrewa, 19 February 1979.

Macfarlane, A.J. PR83118 died 21 February 1979 in Andrew Fleming Hospital, Salisbury, 14 hours after being casevaced from a Fire Force contact near Rugoyi BSAP base Makoni TTL. His SLR, at the time, was drawn from Intaf, Mt Darwin, that had been loaned by a Mr D.M. McQueen and who also took possession of MacFarlane's RGSM when it was discovered that MacFarlane had no traceable relatives.

Magagani, Crispen, (25598) Constable, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 February 1979.

Mchonjomera, Leonard, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action when his aircraft detonated a landmine, 19 February 1979.

Ndhlovu, Cain, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action when his aircraft detonated a landmine, 19 February 1979.

Nyamayaro, Joram, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action when his aircraft detonated a landmine, 19 February 1979.

Washington, Desmond Kenneth, 123353, Rifleman, 2 Platoon, 3(Indep) Company RAR killed in action in an ambush near Avila Mission in the Ruwangwe area, north of Inyanga two others were badly wounded, 19 February 1979.

Mleya, George Mathias, 644704, Sergeant, A Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service by falling from a moving truck, 21 February 1979.

Saulos, Peter, Guard, Guard Force killed in action, 20 February 1979.

Marufu, Chrispen, Rabson, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action on the Hulley farm at Tengwe, 23 February 1979.

Magaba, Lemani (6214 Attested: Dec 1961) Field Reservists Field Reserve: killed on active service accident in the Beatrice area, 23 Feb 1979.

Mataka, Francis (26307 Attested: Mar 1973) Constable Duty Uniform: killed on active service accident in the Beatrice area, 23 February 1979.

Musindo (21378 Attested: Mar 1977) Field Reservist: killed on active service accident in the Beatrice area, 23 Feb 1979, Salops.

Otiresi, Yotamu (12200 Attested: Dec 1961) Field Reservist: killed on active service accident in the Beatrice area 23 Feb 1979, Salops.

Griffiths, Robert Leslie (22403) Field Reservist (26), Police Anti-Terrorist Unit: killed in action, 25 Feb 1979.

Clark, Charles Bernard, Sergeant, 5/2 Provost Platoon, Rhodesian Military Police, killed in action in an ambush, 26 February 1979. Died of wounds received in an ambush whilst escorting a civilian convoy on the Fort Victoria/Umtali Road. The ambush took place near Nyanyadzi, north of Birchenough Bridge.

Whitmore, Trevor, Staff Sergeant, Rhodesian Army, died on active service, 26 February 1979.

Muzingi, Reuben, 647532, Private, B Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 27 February 1979.

Mukandatsama, Munikwi, 645534, Private, C Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact in the Ndanga TTL, Zaka, Operation Repulse, 28 February 1979.

Murphy, James Firman, (19229A) Field Reservist, Special Branch, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 28 February 1979.

Nyabotso, Kudzayi, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 28 February 1979.

Runodada, Chibomba, 644239, Private, C Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in an ambush, 28 February 1979.

Samson, Lavert, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 28 February 1979.

Zhonja, Bethrod, Lance Corporal, murdered on leave, 28 February 1979.

Bester, G., Rifleman, killed in action, February 1979.

Livingstone, N., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, February 1979.

Misoro, F., Lance Corporal, Regular Army, killed in action, February 1979.

Muchabi, A., (20068) Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.

Ncube, Matanda, Private, B Company, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, February 1979.

Ncube, P., Private, killed in action, February 1979.

Phone, A., (200513) Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, February 1979.

Powell, N., Major, killed in action, February 1979.

Saraoga, F., Private, B Company, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, February 1979.

Wurayai, T., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, February 1979.

Muzingi, Ruben, Private, died of wounds received in action, 1 March 1979.

Ngwenya, Livingstone, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died of wounds received in action, 1 March 1979.

Masimbi, Joseph, Corporal, School of Infantry, died on active service, 2 March 1979.

Kaseke, Never, (201829) Auxillary Constable (21), British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a shooting accident, 2 March 1979.

Siziba, Charles, Rifleman, C Company, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 2 March 1979.

Mhere, Patrick, Auxilliary Constable (44), Rail Guard Unit, British South Africa Police, died on active service, 4 March 1979.

James, Phillip, Master Technician, Rhodesian Air Force, died on active service, 5 March 1979.

Tarupuwa, Corporal, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 5 March 1979.

Marayanyika, Enoch, Rifleman, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 6 March 1979.

Changara, Cephas (25906) Constable (21), Duty Uniform, Police Anti-Terrorist Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a vehicle ambush on the Mateke Hills near Nuanetsi, 1300hrs 7 March 1979. John Trigg: I was stationed with Cst. Changara at Salisbury Park, and was sitting next to him in the back of a Puma when he was killed, on the way home after a PATU trip at Mateke Hills. The round that killed him came obliquely through a slit in the armour (by the roll cage) and hit him in the chest. When we'd left “Charlie-Charlie” he'd offered to swap seats so I could sit next to the P/O seated on his left…..if I'd accepted – as I very nearly did - I wouldn't here be writing this. It's a sobering thought, and the anniversary is seared on my memory. He was the only serious casualty. Trigg: 25906 Cst. Cephas Changara, PATU, K.I.A. Mateke Hills Road, vehicle ambush, 7th March 1979 approx 1300Hrs. After a three week PATU trip at “Charlie Charlie” we were on the way home when we got revved with an RPG-2 and small arms 6km from the main Ft. Vic/Beitbridge Road. What really haunts me is that Cst. Changara, who was sitting on my left and who was stationed with me at Salisbury Park, had, when we climbed into the Puma at CC base, offered to swap seats with me so that I could sit next to a friend who was seated on his left. I declined. When we were ambushed, a single round, traveling at an angle, passed through a gap in the armour by roll bar and hit him in the chest. (This weakness was addressed in later vehicles and the “fix” retrofitted in earlier Pumas). In the words of the Joan Baez song “…There but for fortune go you or I….”. The anniversary is indelibly imprinted on my mind.

Sainsbury, Andrew McGregor, Assistant District Commissioner, Internal Affairs, killed in action in an ambush near the Mahuwe Fly Gate below the Zambezi Escarpment in the Sipolilo District, 7 March 1979.

Chivavaira, Mischeck, Auxilliary Constable (26), British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, Fort Victoria, 9 March 1979.

Muchore, K., 649175, Private, Two (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 March 1979.

Moyo, Tamusanga Clever, 660414, Private, A Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a mortar bomb, 9 March 1979.

Sibanda, Notice (Nickson), 661746, Private, A Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by a mortar bomb, Operation Repulse, 9 March 1979.

Broom, David, Field Reservist (31), Special Branch/Selous Scouts, British South Africa Police, died of wounds from a contact six days earlier, 10 March 1979. was killed in a S/S special op while working with SB Scouts as a Liaison Officer. Ex British South Africa Police.. Dave had been recruited along with Geoffrey Blyth for SS/SB work. Out with a T/T call sign to meet with a new bunch of C/T's coming into the Matibi, one of the T/T's managed to grab a weapon and turn it on the C/Sign. Killing Dave and others, and then fleeing. Broom was deployed to Chiredzi and Blyth was sent to Gwanda).

Furau, Rakiyosi, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 10 March 1979.

Musindo, Maxwell, 648028, Private, 4 Platoon, B Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, died of wounds received in action on 4 March, 10 March 1979.

Cole, Bradley, Recruit Patrol Officer (19), British South Africa Police, killed in a vehicle accident, 11 March 1979.

Smith, George, Vedette Internal Affairs, killed in action, 11 March 1979.

Tobayiwa, Promise, Security Forces Auxilliary, killed in action on Operation Repulse, 12 March 1979.

Rees, Guy Anthony (9755 Attested October 1976) Lance Section Officer (21), Training Staff, Morris Depot, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in an accidental shooting at Goromonzi by his own recruits, 12 March 1979.

Nyabadza, Aaron, Constable (25), British South Africa Police, killed on acrive service, in a vehicle accident, 13 March 1979.

Frost, Tom D., Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed in action, 14 March 1979.

Chibondera, Same, Private, HQ, 3 Brigade, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 19 March 1979.

Marufu, Freddy, 648036, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 19 March 1979.

Mashanda, Madenyika (26825 Attested: Aug 1978) Constable Duty Uniform: killed on active service vehicle accident in the Operation Grapple, 19 March 1979.

Meyer, Victor Carl, 98858, Corportal, 1 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, died on active service, 19 March 1979. Died in a drowning accident on the Zambezi river. Victor's stick was ordered to OP an arms cache on an island downstream from Victoria Falls but, after several days of inactivity his 2Lt decided to swim to the island for an inspection. Victor made it to the island only to realise his officer was in difficulty and returned to the water to save the officer's life - which he did but, lost his own in the process. His body was never found and, in the plethora of admin and investigations, it is possible that Vic was overlooked for a bravery award.

Murwisi, Fainosi, (23536) Constable, Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 March 1979.

Rakayos, Furnawu, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 19 March 1979.

Ranjisi, Aaron, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 19 March 1979.

Sango, John, (22444) Constable (26), Delta Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 March 1979. Good tracker.

Tirivangani, Museve E., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 19 March 1979.

Nikisi, R., Private, Second Maintenance, Rhodesian Army Service Corps, killed in action, 21 March 1979.

Nyoni, Julius, Driver, ADF Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 21 March 1979.

Milford, Pencil, Field Reservist, Stock Theft Unit, British South Africa Police, 23 March 1979.

Mugoni, Jealous, (201476) Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 23 March 1979.

Kombora, Gladstone, (19960) Constable (31), British South Africa Police, killed in action in the Shuruguwi District, Matabeleland, 26 March 1979.

Ndoro, D.E., Lance Corporal, Selous Scouts, died on active service, 26 March 1979.

Battershill, Peter John, Junior Commandant, 9 Group, PV Protection, Guard Force, killed in action in a vehicle ambush en route to Dotito, 27 March 1979.1979 – Junior Comdt Peter John BATTERSHILL, 9 Group, PV Ptrn Mt Darwin, GF, died from wounds sustained in a vehicle ambush halfway between Mt Darwin and the British South Africa Police base at Dotito, Op Hurricane. He had attended a Group 9 meeting at the Mt Darwin FAF, leaving there at 1700 hours to return to his base at the British South Africa Police camp at Dotito, north of Mt Darwin. He was driving a sandbagged Nissan flatbed truck, when CTs fired a NATO-type M-90 bazooka at the truck that penetrated the windscreen, killing Peter instantly.

Brown, Ian Rowland, Field Reservist (34), British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 28 March 1979.

Lourens, James Dennis (25649 Attested: May 1977) Field Reservist (29), killed in action terrorist attack, 28 Mar 1979, Operation Grapple.

Joule, John, Private, (27), Tenth Battalion, The Rhodesia Regiment, attached to Operation Grapple HQ Midlands, murdered by terrorists shot when sitting in a car parked near the Ascot Beerhall in Gwelo which the terrorists had just robbed. With him was Laurie Freddie Reid, 52, a coloured, married with five children, from Nashville, a Ministry of Roads supervisor. Michael Brooke-Mee, a farmer, had been shot and killed in the street. He had been dropping off his farm workers. 30 March 1979.

Hamandishe, John Zindoga, 644775, Sergeant, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 31 March 1979. Tom Fulton, 2 IC B Coy: This gifted NCO was scheduled for officer training at Gwelo and was leading a patrol when suddenly he bumped into black troops wearing our camouflage. In that second or two when he shouted to see if they were 'friendlies' he was shot and killed. An investigation uncovered that an Indian shop had sold the CTs our uniforms, purchased on the black market. Huge loss. His body was taken to a morgue (perhaps Karoi) and about midnight I demanded to see it. No effort had been made to clean up the gunshot wounds and I chewed out the young white doctor who acted a bit inconvenienced about being rousted so late. Sgt. Hamandishe was a Muslim and I remember buying these small fish for him, Kapenta, from Kariba. He couldn't eat regular rations. He was my only loss in the RAR and I regret his loss deeply. Joseph C Smith. Sgt Hamadishe was originally a Tracker Platoon Corporal attached to B Coy. Humble and usually quite softly spoken, but a brilliant, aggressive tracker with whom I did some follow ups.

Davies, Robert, Rhodesian Army, died on active service, March 1979.

Furau, R., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1979.

Gumbo, M., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1979.

Juta, R., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, March 1979.

Kesari, N., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1979.

Makomechi, Freddie, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, March 1979.

Masarakufa, N., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, March 1979.

Matare, F., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, March 1979.

Mukandatsama, Munhikwi, Private, killed in action, March 1979.

Muramboduro, J., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, March 1979.

Nyabadza, A., (21330) Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, March 1979.

Nyoni, J., ADF Driver Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1979.

Tirivangani, M., District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, March 1979.

Manyika, Christopher, 662508, Private, A Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 2 April 1979.

Mwale, Maunda Gilbert, Private (22), One Psychological Action, killed in action, 2 April 1979.

Ndlovu, Zenzo, Private, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 2 April 1979.

Overbeek, Martin, Lance Corporal, Support Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in a contact on Rathcline Estate, near the Tanda TTL, Makoni District, on 4 April 1979.

Webb, Anthony, Trooper, D Squadron, Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 4 April 1979.

Dzinoreva, Kanosi, Auxilliary Constable (37), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, murdered by terrorists while off-duty by terrorists near Gutu, 5 April 1979.

Kildunne, Gerald, Sergeant (32), 1 Maintenance Company, Rhodesian Army Service Corps, killed in action, 6 April 1979.

Muzondo, Kingston, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 6 April 1979.

Mostert, G.J., Rifleman, Recce Platoon, 1RR, was killed in action on Operation Instant in a camp attack on a ZANLA camp at Chintopo in the Tete Province of Mozambique, when burning huts exploded, 7 April 1979.

Sikangwa, Freddy, Auxillary Constable (19), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed in action while stationed at Triangle, 7 April 1979.

Brown, Freshman G., Lance Corporal (48), Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 8 April 1979.

Bwanacocha, Minor, Sergeant, PV Protection Group, Guard Force, killed in action, 8 April 1979.

Hungwe, Emerson, 647997, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 8 April 1979.

Kanosi, D., (200324) Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, murdered on leave in Gutu, 8 April 1979.

Lawrence, Michael, Corporal, BCR, Mine Detection Vehicle Troop, 2 Engineer Squadron, Corps of Rhodesian Engineers, killed in action when disarming a boosted mine (he had survived 13 ambushes, 8 April 1979. During his service with his unit from May 1978 until his death, Mike was continuously deployed on mine clearing duties, refusing to go on R&R. He personally found and accounted for 39 landmines, including 11 equipped with very sensitive and dangerous electronic booby traps. He was ambushed 14 times until the final fatal one. His BCR citation (Post) states that he 'rendered exceptional service to his country and showed great courage, resourcefulness and devotion to duty beyond that which he would normally be called upon to do.

Matebwe, Chitanda, 645267, Private, C Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact, 8 April 1979.

Van Aswegen, Eric Leon, (25625) Field Reservist (29), British South Africa Police, killed in action in the Shangani area, 8 April 1979.

Ncube, Patrick, 661155, Private, C Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 April 1979.

Castle, Eric Rodney (389055 Attested: Jul 1978) Field Reservist (45): killed in action, 10 April 1979. Salops.

Graham, Thomas Desmond Piek (380339 Attested: May 1977) Field Reservist (50): killed in action, 10 April 1979, Salops.

Kamau, F., Junior Corporal, PV Protection Group, Guard Force, killed in action, 10 April 1979.

Moyo, Rodwell, 646048, Corporal, A Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 10 April 1979.

Sikwangwa, F., (201046) Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 10 April 1979.

Slingsby, Robert James, Corporal (20), A Squadron, Special Air Service, killed in action, 11 April 1979.

Hamunyari, Sergeant (44), Brtish South Africa Police, died on active service, Umtali, 12 April 1979.

Phillips, Dennis, Junior Commandant, RHQ, Guard Force, killed in action, Londown Farm, Lower Gwelo, 13 April 1979. Was formerly a Patrol Officer in the BSAP. Left the Police to join Rhodesia Railways as a Safety Officer.  He was conscripted into the Guard Force (Intake GFR/3) and subsequently underwent the first Guard Force Officer Cadet training course. He served in various operational areas: Chipinga, Chiredzi, Honde Valley, Mt Darwin and Gwelo. In 1979, while riding in an unprotected Landrover near Gwelo he was ambushed by a group of CTs and sustained fatal injuries, from which he died on 19th April, 1979. N.B. Roll of Honour states date of death as 15/4/79.

Titlestad, Twig, Keep Commander Guard Force, killed in action, 13 April 1979. Junior Commandant Dennis Philips and Keep Commander Twig Titlestad, together with two guards, were killed when the Land Rover they were travelling in was ambushed, at 14:45 hours, on Mr Ivor Wilkinson's Londown Farm in the Lower Gwelo area, Op Grapple. – The names of the two guards are not known.

Wollner, M.S., Rifleman, B Company, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 13 April 1979. from bullet wounds received when the vehicle he was travelling in was ambushed. The CTs were in an elevated position and were, therefore, able to fire into the open-topped armour protected vehicle. He was serving with B Troop Special Forces at the time of his death

Ngandu, H., Rifleman, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 14 April 1979.

Zvidzai, Medicine, Guard, PV Protection Unit, Guard Force, killed in action, 14 April 1979.

Hollywood, Robert, Field Reservist (47), British South Africa Police, killed on active service by a passing vehicle while directing traffic at an accident scene, 15 April 1979.

Aaron, Christopher Jele BCR, 645736 Lance Corporal, Selous Scouts, died of wounds received in action on Operation Petal, 16 April 1979.

Furber, Brian, Field Reservist (33), British South Africa Police, killed in action, 16 April 1979.

Juta, Ronnie, Guard, PV Protection Group, Guard Force, killed in action, 16 April 1979.

Moyo, Jele, Lance Corporal, BCR (Posthumous), Second in Command, 3 Group, Selous Scouts, killed in action. KIA from wounds received in action, Op Petal, Botswana, out of Op Tangent. 16 April 1979. His BCR citation states that his patrol encountered a group of 6 CTs, capturing 4. Another was shot and killed. The remaining one tried to throw a grenade at the Scouts and, with no regard for his own safety, Jele tackled the CT and stabbed him to death with his bayonet.

Sibanda, Robert, 651106, Private (23), C Company, 10th Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 16 April 1979.

Wutete, G., Private, 10 Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 16 April 1979.

Moore, Michael Anthony 'Little Meeces', Trooper, Mortar Troop, Support Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in the Chiduku TTL, Makoni District, 17 April 1979.

Ncube, Kesari, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 17 April 1979.

Nyambira, Elliot, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection Unit, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 17 April 1979.

Gildenhuys, Ronald Olwen, Trooper, 4 Troop, 1 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, with van Niekerk, 18 April 1979.

Matambanivana, Noah, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection Unit, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 18 April 1979.

Ross, Gerald, District Commissioner, Internal Affairs, killed in action by ZIPRA insurgents while returning to Nkai when the convoy containing a mobile Polling Booth was brought under heavy fire. When returning fire he was killed by a ricochette off the vehicle's armour sideplate, 18 April 1979. Fluent in Ndebele. Had been ADC Sipolilo.

Sanderson-Smith, Richard Lionel, Corporal, D Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died from wounds received in action in a contact in the Diti TTL at 0830 on 2 April 1979, 18 April 1979. One terrorist killed. Sanderson-Smith casevaced to Beit Bridge and then to Bulawayo.

Van Niekerk, Nicolaas Johannes, BCR, Corporal (21), 4 Troop, 1 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 18 April 1979. Msana TTL, Bindura district, (locstat UR198520) during Op Enterprise. Elements of 1 Cdo Fire Force, deployed in the area and following an OP sighting, made contact with 12 CTs, killing four. A short while later there was a second contact in which Nicky and Pig Gildenhuys were shot and killed and Trooper Michael Young seriously wounded. A holder of the BCR, Nicky's citation states, that on 29 June 1977, he was in a Fire Force deployment that had made repeated contact with a group of 20 CTs. He displayed courage, skill and enthusiasm of the highest order, as he personally engaged the enemy close-up, accounting for several CTs himself.)

Moore, Percy R., Rifleman (29), Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, died on active service, 19 April 1979.

Philips, Dennis, Junior Commandant, Guard Force, died of wounds received in action in an ambush of his unprotected Land Rover near Gwelo, 19 April 1979.

Poole, Russell, Trooper, Mortar Troop, Support Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a Fire Force contact in the Chiduku TTL, Makoni District, on 19 April 1979.

Stanley, Andrew, 730180 Trooper (18), Support Commando, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, Operation Hurricane, 20 April 1979.

Chifuka, Jeremia, (26745) Constable, (23), Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 21 April 1979.

Darné, Jean-Claude, Gunner, 1st Field Regiment, Rhodesian Artillery, killed on active service in a shooting accident in the Chinamora TTL by a PATU stick while patrolling outside of the prescribed area, 21 April 1979. Mike Norton writes: 'It was the last three days of Operation Enterprise. The Artillery guys were in the Chinamora TTL, just north of Munenga Farm, where the PATU stick was deployed in ambush on a road the CTs often used over the Munenga dam wall. They saw or heard movement, and then saw the SFA and crossed the farm fence; an SPA was wounded and Darne was killed. He was a Lord Malvern High School boy.

Dumai, Watch, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, died from wounds received in action, 21 April 1979.

Van der Brugge, Nicolaas, Field Reservist (26), British South Africa Police, killed in action, 22 April 1979.1

Ndhlovu, Calvin Chikandiwa Jobe, Constable (23), Police Anti-Terrorist Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, Operation Hurricane, 23 April 1979.

Moyo, Rodwell, Private, died of wounds received in action, 23 April 1979.

Ndhlovu, Calvin Chikwandiwa Jobe (24218) Constable Police Anti-Terrorist Unit: killed in action, 23 April 1979.

Tapson, Obert, Private, killed in action, 23 April 1979.

Watch, Dumai, Private, Regular Army, killed in action, 23 April 1979.

Holtzhausen, Jannie, Sergeant, 2 Troop, 3 Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action by an anti-personnel plough shear mine during mine maintenance on the Mozambican border, 24 April 1979.

Jele, Christopher, Lance Corporal, died from wounds received in action, 24 April 1979.

Jonga, Obadiah, (26431) Constable (23), D Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, died of wounds received in action in the Maranke TTL, 24 April 1979.

Moyo, Jethro, Trooper, 646461 Selous Scouts, killed in action Operation Petal, 24 April 1979.

Njonjo, G., Trooper, Selous Scouts, died on active service from epilepsy, 24 April 1979.

Rosenfels, Charles Albert, Field Reservist (41), British South Africa Police, killed in action by a landmine in the Kezi TTL, 24 April 1979. Charlie was travelling in a convoy, with Army vehicles, when his mine-protected short-wheel base Land Rover detonated a ZANLA-planted landmine. They were travelling to Kezi along the Mangwe/Kezi road, through the CSC's Taylor's Block Farm when they struck the landmine, in which six passengers sustained minor injuries. Charlie was on continuous call-up. The virtual loss of the use of a leg, at an early age, did not deter Charlie from going beyond the call of duty.

Becking, Gideon Edward, Rifleman, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 25 April 1979. when the vehicle Eddie and a friend were travelling in struck a boosted landmine in the Op Thrasher area. Eddie, a farmer who owned the Sabi Star holiday resort 70 km from Umtali in the Cashel area, had previously been abducted by ZANLA CTs on 16 May 1976. He was later released (September 1976) in Mozambique (probably held in Vila Pery) as he was a South African citizen, with that country's government negotiating directly with their counterparts in Mozambique. Upon his return to Rhodesia he was keen to get back into action after his treatment at the hands of ZANLA. He related how he and his captors had hidden in a culvert as a unit of 4RR troops stood talking above them on the road.

Chundu, Adam Mukombwe, (201316), (49) Auxilliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in the Karoi area, 25 April 1979.

Matutsa, Perusa, (18889) Constable (32), British South Africa Police, killed in action in the Gwelo area, 25 April 1979.

Mtisi, Nyika, (19805) Constable (35), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed in action in the Gwelo area, 25 April 1979.

Perkins, William John, Army Officer Cadet (21), Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a landmine, 25 April 1979.

Baker, Tim, WO1, MT Troop, Selous Scouts, killed on active service in a motor cycle accident, 27 April 1979. A skilled boxer, had represented the RLI.

Meyer, Paul Francois, National Service Vedette Internal Affairs, died on active service, 27 April 1979.

Pasipamire, Felix Chingozha, (26250) Constable (24), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 27 April 1979.

Schoeman, J., Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, died on active service, 27 April 1979.

Mukandiona, Ruwayi, Guard, 9 Group, PV Protection, Mt Darwn, Guard Force, died on active service, 29 April 1979.

Basson, Trevor, Signalman, Rhodesian Corps of Signals, killed on active service in a vehicle accident in the Matopos, April 1979.

Fox, Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, died on active service, April 1979.

Hanunyari, (15290) Sergeant, British South Africa Police, killed in action, April 1979.

Madoda, T., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, April 1979.

Mazarire, F., (16411) Sergeant Major (40), Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in a vehicle accident in Operation Grapple, April 1979.

Mubanga, Edward, Constable, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, accidentally, April 1979.

Vazhure, J., Private, killed in action, April 1979.

Munyorwa, Gift, 647478, Lance Corporal, D Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 3 May 1979.

Humbasha, Gibson, District Security Assistant, PV Protection Internal Affairs, killed in action, 5 May 1979.

Osteni, Toto, District Security Assistant, PV Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 5 May 1979.

Shaibu, J., Guard, Guard Force, RHQ Delta, murdered by, 5 May 1979.

Chiweta, Edward, (26551) Constable (26), Section 1, 3 Troop, J Company, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, died of wounds received in action, 8 May 1979. Died in Salisbury Hospital from wounds received in an earlier contact in Mtoko, at the age of 26. This contact took place within ear-shot of the unit's forward operating base before first light. Edward was airlifted by chopper and stabilized en route to Mtoko Fire Force base. This incident was particularly tragic, in that Edward, in an attempt to avoid unnecessary civilian casualties, issued a challenge rather than firing his MAG, with him being shot in the abdomen. After initially doing well and on his way to a full recovery, his wound became infected and he died of septicaemia several weeks after the incident. His semi-military funeral was held at Warren Hills Cemetery, Salisbury, on 11 May.

Mwenya, Sanderson, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 8 May 1979.

Martin, Ian Dennis, (9893 Attested January 1977) Patrol Officer (21), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in an accident, 9 May 1979.

Kugotsi, Madziva Julius, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 9 May 1979.

Ndlovu, John Bajilla, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 9 May 1979.

Boxter, Rodney, Private, 1st Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, died on active service, 10 May 1979.

Barnabas, Richard, Rifleman, 1RHU, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed in action, 11 May 1979.

Langton, Teddy Thomas, Trooper, Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment, killed in action, 11 May 1979.

Needham, Stephen, (9540 Attested January 1976) Patrol Officer (22), British South Africa Police, killed by an RPG rocket in an ambush at Birchenough Bridge when escorting a convoy from Beit Bridge, 11 May 1979. He was in the escort vehicle returning to Umtali on R & R.

Naison, Hanky, Corporal, killed in action, 11 May 1979.

Fred, T., Junior Corporal Guard Force, killed in action, 12 May 1979.

Hardy, Captain Michael Kenneth, OLM, 780889, 3 Troop, Selous Scouts, killed in action while working with tame CTs, 12 May 1979. Shot and killed by his batman, an ex-terrorist, he had acquired in the Selous Scouts. The disgruntled batman was unpacking Hardy's kit and shot Hardy with Hardy's rifle then committed suicide with it. They were in the control tower of the Brendan Everhard Race Track on the Victoria Falls Road.

Mkwebu, P., Guard, RHQ Alpha Operation Hurricane Guard Force, died on active service, 12 May 1979.

Muir, Douglas Sydney, Trooper, 3 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact in the Enterprise area, 12 May 1979.

Chikandiwa, Moses, Guard, 3 Group, PV Protection, Guard Force, Chiredzi, killed in action , 14 May 1979.

Gwenezi, Silindile, 662754, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, died on active service, 14 May 1979.

Gwirize, Peter, Private (22), 2 MU Rhodesian Army Services Corps, killed in action, 14 May 1979.

Makwanya, Clever, (26225) Constable (23), Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 14 May 1979.

Mupanga, Willard, Constable (25), Crime Protection Unit, British South Africa Police, died of natural causes, 14 May 1979.

Sibanda, David, Trooper, D Squadron, Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment, died on active service, 14 May 1979.

Chance, Michael John, Trooper, 11 Troop, 3 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service by 'friendly fire' in a contact, Mtoko TTL, 15 May 1979. Stop groups had been flown in by helicopter just south of Mtoko, where CTs had been sighted. With one stop in the centre, two sticks conducted a sweep on either side in an attempt to flush out any CTs. It was late afternoon and the bush was very thick, making visibility difficult and, in spite of warnings from the orbiting K-Car and stick commanders to be very careful not to fire on their own troops, a sudden firefight took place. Mike sustained major gunshot wounds to his body and right arm. Charlie Warren tried to save Mike as he was being casevaced to Mtoko by helicopter, but his wounds were too severe and he died en route.

McDonald, Peter, (110764 Attested: January 1979) Patrol Officer, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, died on active service of leukaemia, 15 May 1979.

Isaki, R., Guard, RHQ Charlie, Operation Repulse, Guard Force, killed in action, 16 May 1979.

Myburgh, Kenneth Herman, Trooper, Support Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 16 May 1979. He had a premonition that he would be killed and spoke about it to Jean-Michel Caffin.

Miller, Robert, Rifleman (21), National Service, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 17 May 1979.

Munyorwa, Gift, Lance Corporal, D Company, 2nd Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 17 May 1979.

Musorowembudzi, William, Constable (26), Support Unit, British South Africa Police, died from wounds received in contact in 1976 which had paralysed him from the waist down, 18 May 1979.

Muzenda, Elliot, (200269) Auxillary Constable (34), British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 19 May 1979.

Kwangwari, Josiah, Auxiliary Constable (18), British South Africa Police, murdered by terrorists, 20 May 1979.

Maposa, Benjamin, (25170) Constable (25), Support Unit, British South Africa Police, died of wounds received in action earlier in Belingwe, 21 May 1979.

Chitauro, Davison, (17770) Sergeant (34), British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident in the Fort Victoria District, 22 May 1979.

Alegria, John C.C., Lance Corporal, C Company, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a shooting accident in Mutasa South TTL, 23 May 1979. Shot by a Special Branch unit by mistake, Op Thrasher. Alegria had a stutter and was unable to respond to a challenge by the SB unit who then opened fire.

Ruzvidzo, Obert, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 23 May 1979.

Goriath, Simon, Trooper, killed in action, 27 May 1979.

Kanyoka, Chemunhu, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 27 May 1979.

Walters, John W., Second Lieutenant, 2 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action on operations, 27 May 1979. Winner of the Sword of Honour on Course 25, School of Infantry.

Goriah, Simon, Trooper, Selous Scouts, died on active service, 27 May 1979.

Karibo, Mark, Auxillary Constable (20), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, at the African Police Training School in the Victoria Province, 28 May 1979.

Keyi, Constable, Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 31 May 1979.

Manyani, Loveros, Guard, AHQ Bravo 3, Operation Thrasher, Guard Force, killed in actionin an ambush on Dzorora Farm, south-east of Chipinga VN728562, 31 May 1979. At 06:45 a Guard Force three-man mine patrol was ambushed by 18-20 CTs and, in the initial firefight, Loveros was killed instantly and another guard wounded. The patrol had very little chance considering the number of CTs and was without communication. Gd E.F. Mutimuri, however, despite the circumstances, displayed a great deal of courage and determination, fighting the CTs for approximately 15 minutes. In returning fire, Mutimuri expended all four of his magazines, before getting hold of the dead guard's magazines and continued to return fire using a further two magazines. He stopped firing when he realised the CTs had fled, dropping some of their equipment that was recovered later. It is believed he wounded one of the CTs. Mutimuri was put forward for a Commander's Commendation.

Josiya, K., (200361) Auxilliary Constable, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action May 1979

Makore, Augustine, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, died on active service, May 1979.

Shaibu, J., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, May 1979.

Bolton, Derek, Vedette Senior Warrant Officer, died on active service from cerebal malaria contracted on a training camp in the Shamva area, 2 June 1979.

Dube, Teresa, Clerk Typist, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 2 June 1979.

Whitehead-Wilson, Vaughan, (9283 Attested December 1974) Lance Section Officer (23), Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 3 June 1979. Killed in a contact on the road between Shamrocke Mine and Karoi. A contact with a Support Unit call sign developed with the call sign requesting back up. Vaughan and others trucked in further call signs and it was at this time that he was shot and killed. It was to be his last day before he returned to HQ to be demobbed. His semi-military funeral was held in Bulawayo on 7 June.

Bothma, Kevin P., Rifleman, Q Cars, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a vehicle accident while serving with B Troop, Special Forces, 4 June 1979.

Dennison, André, MLM, BCR, MFC(Ops), 781030, Major, A Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, in shooting accident at Zimbabwe Ruins Hotel during an attack, 4 June 1979. Killed by friendly fire. Dennison and others were in the pub of the Zimbabwe Ruins Hotel when it came under CT attack. He reacted with two others from RAR and two from British South Africa Police. One of the policemen heard a noise in front of him and opened fire, hitting Dennison. He was awarded the BCR, as a result of his actions in a contact in October 1978. Despite having a shattered femur and bleeding heavily, he refused to be casevaced and continued to direct the fight. His bravery and dedication was far beyond the normal call of duty. His MFC (Ops) was for dragging a wounded comrade, under heavy fire, out of a cave where a CT had established himself.

Lang, Chris F., Trooper (22), 1 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in the FRELIMO/ZANLA camp at Chivinge VS9286 on the dry Luia River in the Tete Province on Operation Chamber, 4 June 1979. With a forward admin base established at Kotwa, troops were flown by helicopter for an assault on a Frelimo/ZANLA base north of the Luia River. They were met by fierce resistance from Frelimo troops and, during the attack, Tpr Chris Lang, L/Cpl Frans Nel and Cpl Peter 'Doc' Rice (he was a medic) were shot and killed.

Mayatame, Madimisa, Private, Regular Army, died on active service, 4 June 1979.

Nel, E. Frans, Lance Corporal, 1 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in the FRELIMO/ZANLA camp at Chivinge VS9286 on the dry Luia River in the Tete Province on Operation Chamber, 4 June 1979.

Rice, Peter Oliver, Corporal (19), Troop Medic, 1 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in the FRELIMO/ZANLA camp at Chivinge on the dry Luia River in the Tete Province on Operation Chamber, 4 June 1979.

Harry, Anthony, Private, Pioneers, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, died on active service, 6 June 1979.

Hartley, Stephen Christopher, Trooper, C Squadron, Special Air Service, killed in action in the Gaza Province, Mozambique, 6 June 1979.

Mukuruva, Elliot, Guard, RHQ Delta, Operation Tangent, Guard Force, killed in action, 6 June 1979.

Hickman, Richard John Selwyn, Trooper, Special Air Service, died of wounds received in action on 6 June, 7 June 1979.

Masendeke, Rodrick, Private, Headquarters 2 Brigade, killed in action in a contact, 8 June 1979.

Sibanda, Raphael S., 662177, Recruit (17), Depot, Rhodesian African Rifles, died on active service, 8 June 1979.

Takundwa, Cletos, Lance Corporal, Headquarters 2 Brigade killed in action in a contact, 8 June 1979.

Vengesa, I., Private, Headquarters 2 Brigade killed in action in a contact, 8 June 1979.

Francis, Robert, Trooper, 14 Troop, 3 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in a contact in the Mavuradonha Mountains, Mount Darwin District, 10 June 1979. Elements of 3 Cdo, responding to a reported sighting, had been deployed by Dakota from the FAF at Mt Darwin to an area in the Mauvuradonha Mountains known as 'The Bull's Nose'. After several successful contacts that resulted in five CTs killed, Troop Sgt Charlie Norris took his men, some also carrying CT weapons from the earlier contacts, across a river towards a re-entrant. As they moved forward in a sweep line a group of 21 ZANLA CTs opened fire, killing Robbie and wounding Sgt Norris, in the head, and Tpr Andy Dawson, hit in the buttochs. Temporary L/Cpl Andrew Gibson, showing no concern for his own safety, immediately took command of the situation, coming to the aid of the wounded. After successfully arranging for the wounded to be casevaced, Gibson regrouped the men and launched an attack on the CT position, killing all 21 CTs. Gibson was awarded the BCR for his actions that day. Part of Intake 163, this was Robbie's first day with the commando.

Kuseni, Bob, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 11 June 1979.

Mambume, Andreas, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 11 June 1979.

Sibanda, Fibion, 645730, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 11 June 1979.

Chisora, Simon, 661442 Private, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, died on active service, 12 June 1979.

Mukuruva, Elliot, Guard, Guard Force killed in action, 13 June 1979.

Mathe, Raphael, 645552 Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service in a vehicle accident in the Urungwe TTL, north of Karoi, Operation Hurricane, 14 June 1979.

Mutengani, Samuel, 646163, Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, died of wounds received on 12 June, casevaced to Mangula, 14 June 1979.

Elsaesser, W.E., 729874 Trooper, 12 Troop, 3 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry killed in action on Operation Mulligan in the Chikwakwa TTL, 16 June 1979.

Kuradu, Aloys, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 16 June 1979.

McKend, Bruce John, 125542 Trooper, 12 Troop, 3 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action on Operation Mulligan in the Chikwakwa TTL, 16 June 1979. (Both of these 3 Commando soldiers were KIA in the follow up of a woman who was kidnapped by CTs just outside Enterprise, during OP Mulligan (Mrs Mulligan being the person who had been kidnapped). Eike and Bruce McKend had been ordered to advance along with two others in their stick. As they approached a brick house in the kraal, they were killed instantly by 7 or 8 terrs in the building, from a distance of 10m. The K Car (alpha fit) also took hits from the ground with no known fatalities but, not before the building was riddled with bullets from the 4 Brownings, killing most occupants. It was a long contact with frantam and golf bombs being used, the fight ending just before last light.)

Nel, Pieter Jacobus Stephanus, 119582, Sergeant (21), 6 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, Killed whilst trying to disarm an RPG rocket, Inyanga, Op Thrasher. The rocket was to be kept for a souvenir but it exploded and killed him instantly in the barrack room. 16 June 1979. He was on an active follow-up, in dire weather on Kwaraguza Farm of Lieutenant-Colonel R.A. Wyrley-Birch DSO MC. Just before nightfall the terrorists he was following stopped and tried to ambush Piet's section, but were put to flight by Piet's aggressive response. During this encounter a terrorist fired a new type of Czech rifle grenade (not an RPG) at Piet's group ... it armed as it was fired, but grazed the wet ground at a shallow angle and did not detonate as it reached the troops. Piet was due to stand down the following week, having now completed his NS. He obviously felt this item would be a good memento, put it in his pack and then later, when they had based up in an outhouse on an Inyanga farm, he and a corporal started fiddling with the device. It exploded, killing him and seriously wounding including blinding the corporal. At daybreak the RhAF attempted to fly a Dakota from Grand Reef but mist and rain thwarted a landing at the Inyanga Air Strip, forcing WO2 David Morgan to drive the wounded man to Umtali Hospital.

Musaruwa, Moses, Guard, 5 Group, PV Protection Mrewa, Guard Force, died on active service, 18 June 1979.

Chenzara, Milton, (22844) Constable (25), Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 20 June 1979.

Sampson, Steven, Guard, 9 Group PV Protection Group, Guard Force, died on active service, 20 June 1979.

Venters, William, Field Reservist (23), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police murdered by terrorists while working for the Posts and Telecommunications Corporation, 21 June 1979. He had been a national service policeman posted to the Radio Section in Umtali and Chipinga. His grandfather, George Sheppard (648) served in the British South Africa Police from 1904 to 1919; his father, Lin, was a Reserve Inspector in the force; and his brother, Ian (9962) was serving as a regular with the British South Africa Police at Inyazura at the time of William's death.

Chiwaremera, Kuwadzama, Guard, 9 Group, PV Protection, Guard Force, Mount Darwin, Operation Hurricane, killed in action, 23 June 1979. A Guard Force infantry stick tracked several CTs to the Mazoe River in the Mount Darwin area and attacked what they believed to be the terrorist base camp in a dry river bed. Unbeknown to the stick, this turned out to be the kitchen area only, the actual base camp was up on a ridge behind them. After a brief firefight members of the stick were checking bodies and collecting possessions when the CTs on high ground attacked, pinning the stick down in the river bed. Lt Mark Wood requested Fire Force that was not available due to external operations being undertaken at that time. When the stick ran out of ammunition Lt Wood gave the order to make a tactical withdrawal. Chiwaremere was shot in the femoral artery and bled out in minutes. Under fire Cpl Marindi carried Chiwaremere out of the contact area for several hundred meters with the CT's in pursuit. Cpl Marindi was put forward for a commendation by Lt Wood for his bravery on the day in question.

Maradze, M., (200064) Auxillary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 23 June 1979.

Chavunga, W., J Corporal, Guard Force, RHQ Alpha, Operation Hurricane, killed in action, 24 June 1979.

Mbemi, C., Guard, Guard Force, RHQ Alpha, Operation Hurricane, killed in action, 24 June 1979.

Mupandagwara, N., Guard, Guard Force, RHQ Alpha, Operation Hurricane, killed in action, 24 June 1979.

Mupondera, J., Junior Corporal, Guard Force, RHQ Alpha, Operation Hurricane, killed in action, 24 June 1979.

Mushure, C., Guard, RHQ Alpha, Guard Force killed in action, 24 June 1979.

Ndebele, J., Dip Attendant, ADF, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 24 June 1979.

Pillow, C., Guard, Guard Force, RHQ Alpha, Operation Hurricane, killed in action, 24 June 1979.

Sibanda, Casper, Private, killed in action, 24 June 1979.

Maradze, Mahone, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 24 June 1979.

Pearse, Martin, Captain, Special Air Service, killed on active service, in an accident involving a bunker bomb on Operation Carpet in Lusaka, Zambia, 26 June 1979. His SCR citation states that he displayed great attention to detail and strong personal leadership whilst leading various C Sqn assaults on CT camps both internally and externally. His M.F.C. (Ops) citation states that, after lying in ambush in difficult terrain for several days, they engaged the enemy, killing 13 CTs.

Chawaremera, Kuwadzama, Guard, Guard Force killed in action, 27 June 1979.

Juda, Lysias, Guard, 3 Group PV Protection, Guard Force, died of wounds received in action, 26 June 1979.

Matare, Elias, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 27 June 1979.

Musekiwa, Martin, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection Internal Affairs, died of wounds received in action, 27 June 1979.

Steven, Samson, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 27 June 1979.

Koellner, Rene 'Wally', 2 Troop, 1 Commando, 1st Battalion, Rhodesian Africa Rifles, killed on active service in a vehicle accident while on R & R, 28 June 1979.

Maworera, Richard, 645554, Lance Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 28 June 1979.

Revill, John, (17954) Police Reserve Observer (21), British South Africa Police, killed in action by ground fire, 28 June 1979.

Chibaya, Darius, (19467) Sergeant, Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 30 June 1979. John was the door gunner in a Police Reserve Air Wing Cessna 180 tail dragger. The PRAW team was on a routine patrol flight when they spotted a group of CTs. They fired on the group who returned fire, fatally wounding John in the head. The pilot returned to the FAF 4 airfield at Mt Darwin, where John was carried off the aircraft unconscious. A camp medic attempted to stabilise John and performed C.P.R. on him but, sadly he died on the apron of the runway.

Chirume, Beaton, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 30 June 1979.

Nyapfumbi, Willard, (24581) Constable, Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 30 June 1979.

Tsikuyadzi, P., Rifleman, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 30 June 1979.

Batchelor, Francis, Sergeant, Regular Army, died on active service, June 1979.

Benard, S., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, June 1979.

Chitsuvi, B, Trooper, Regular Army, JOC Rusape, killed on active service, June 1979.

David, Edison, Private, Regular Army, died on active service, June 1979.

Dube, T., Clerk Typist Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1979.

Gaze, Gerald Norman, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact while looking for a terrorist base camp on the boundary of the Chobi section and the Siyoka TTL, in the Gwanda/Beit Bridge Districts, June 1979.

Harrison, Charlie, WO2, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed on active service in a vehicle accident on Birchenough Bridge-Chipinga Road, June 1979.

Hasani, Abel, Acting Corporal, Regular Army, killed in action, June 1979.

Ismail, Y., Private, killed in action, June 1979.

Kuradu, A., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, June 1979.

Leendert, Jans, Rifleman, Regular Army, died on active service, June 1979.

Lentner, Paul, killed in action June 1979.

Manesa, R., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, June 1979.

Mozica, Chokosi, Private, Regular Army, died on active service, June 1979.

Rwakuzhura, Thomas, Comm Adv, ADF, Internal Affairs, murdered by terrorists, 2 July 1979.

Chinyere, Stewart, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 3 July 1979.

Gore, Makuwire, Principal District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 3 July 1979.

Mkandla, Elkanah (25897 Attested: Dec 1977) Constable (26), Support Unit, killed in action, 3 Jul 1979.

Muganiwa, Rodgers, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action in a vehicle ambush in the Burma Valley, 3 July 1979. Rogers joined Intaf as an ADF driver but was later employed as a DSA. He drove Pumas on convoy duties for a few years and was involved in a couple of mine blasts as well. The morning convoy to Burma Valley was ambushed just before the crest of the Chishakwe pass. The Pookie was immobilised by an RPG 7 hit to the engine. The following Leopard, driven by a Vedette, managed to crest the hill under heavy fire and the engine died from bullet damage just on the other side, but managed to free-wheel away from the zone. Rogers was driving the Puma at the back of the convoy and was hit on the driver's cab by an RPG 7. Although terribly wounded he continued on, dropped to 2nd gear and pushed the disabled Pookie, and the Engineer therein, over the crest of the hill and out of the killing zone. He then stopped the Puma that had about 16 unit members in the back, applied the handbrake, climbed out and dropped dead from his severe injuries. It was later established that there were over 30 firing positions and that at least 5 rockets were fired. No unit members were hit except by shrapnel but, several rifles and the one MAG took direct hits. By selflessly acting to get both his unit and the Pookie out of the killing zone he saved the life of the Engineer in the Pookie and his friends on the Puma. His bravery was never officially recognised.

Gous, Benjamin Joseph, Senior Cadet, National Service, Internal Affairs, killed in action by a triple boosted landmine in the Belingwe District, 4 July 1979.

Barnett, William Nigel, Sapper, 4 Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 6 July 1979.

Chari, Chari, (23375) Constable, Duty Uniform,British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 6 July 1979.

Claudios, M., Lance Corporal, 4 Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 6 July 1979.

Mataga, John, WO2, 1st Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died on active service, 6 July 1979.

Mudzete, Patrick, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 6 July 1979.

Nkandla, Helkamah, Constable, Special Branch, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 6 July 1979.

Mataga, John, 644475, WOII, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, died on active service, 6 July 1979.

John, M., 645300, Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, died on active service of natural causes, 7 July 1979.

Manesa, R., Guard, RHQ Charlie, Guard Force Operation Repulse, 7 July 1979.

Blackadder-Wilson, Peter, Sapper, 4 Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action in a vehicle accident, 8 July 1979.

Musa, Cladius, Lance Corporal, killed in action, 8 July 1979

Marufu, J., Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed 9 July 1979.

Foster, John Robert Gretton, (28807) Field Reservist (24), British South Africa Police, killed in action, 10 July 1979. PATU British South Africa Police, KIA from wounds received in the Sipolilo area, Op Hurricane. A Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, graduate, when he arrived in Rhodesia John settled in the Matepatepa farming area before taking on a tobacco farm manager's position in the Victory Block, Sipolilo.

Mhondiwa, Jonathon, Guard, RHQ Charlie, Guard Force Op Repulse, died on active service, 10 July 1979.

Musonza, R., District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 10 July 1979.

Nemachewa, Shusha, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, died of wounds received in action, 10 July 1979.

Sanders, Claude Herbert, 600469, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesia African Rifles, died on active service, natural causes, 10 July 1979

Mapfumo, Alphonse, Guard, Guard Force, RHQ Alpha, Operation Hurricane, killed in action, 11 July 1979.

Khumalo, Samuel Sibusani (21473) Detective Constable (27), Special Branch/Criminal Investigation Department, British South Africa Police, died on active service, 12 July 1979.

Musina, Kenneth, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 12 July 1979.

Sanduka, Cossam, Guard, Guard Force RHQ Delta, Operation Tangent, killed on active service, 14 July 1979.

Dwyer, S.M., 729803 Trooper (27), 11 Troop, 3 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, [an American] killed in action west of Buffalo Range area, 16 July 1979. Elements of 3 Cdo Fire Force from the FAF at Buffalo Range had been deployed by helicopter and Dakota into an area of thick undergrowth flanked by hills. Sgt Hugh McCall's stick, dropped in by helicopter, quickly engaged the enemy, but a young, lone CT managed to inflict fatal head gunshot wounds on both Sgt Hugh McCall and Tpr Steve Dwyer, before the CT was killed later. Steve had been the stick's second radio carrier, and at the time of his death was trying to come to the assistance of the wounded Hugh McCall. Steve was a US national from Boston, Massachusetts who had served a tour with the U.S. Marine Corps in Korea.

McCall, Hugh J., 727941 Acting Sergeant (44), 11 Troop, 3 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in the Buffalo Range area, 16 July 1979. From New York, a Vietnam veteran having served with the US Army 173rd Airborne, was on the last day of a six-week stint, before planning to leave with his Rhodesian wife and new baby to New York after serving for three years. A book on the Rhodesian Bush War, 'Fire force', written by Chris Cocks, is dedicated to his memory.

Mandondoro, Paski, WO2, Army, died on active service, 16 July 1979.

Mapfumo, Alphonce, Guard, Guard Force, died of wound received in action, 16 July 1979.

Ismail, Yussuf, Private, died of wounds received in action, 16 July 1979.

Mutengani, Samuel, Lance Corporal, died of wounds received in action, 16 July 1979.

Murungweni, Lawrence, (24967) Constable (21), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, 17 July 1979.

Marenga, Saimon, (24936) Constable (22), Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 18 July 1979.

Speight, Trevor John, Corporal, No 81095 B Company, 1st Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action. His stick was sitting on their pack shooting at terrorists a kilometre away when a bullet hit him in the neck, 18 July 1979.

Beamish, Raymond, Sergeant, 1st Field Regiment Rhodesian Artillery, killed in action in a contact in Operation Grapple, 20 July 1979. by a gunshot wound sustained in a contact in the Grapple area. Ray was attending a course, at Gwelo, when the course was called out to attend to a commotion at a Gokwe Phumo re Vanhu camp. He was subsequently KIA fighting against Pfumo re Vanhu.

Fyfe, Iain 'Dhlamini' Stuart, MCM (Posthumous), Senior District Officer, Internal Affairs, killed in action in an ambush in Nkai, 20 July 1979. Iain took over this district after DC Gerry Ross was killed in an ambush. Iain had been trying to organise a cattle sale, at which his reaction unit would provide much-needed protection. They had visited a business centre near the sale pens to speak to locals, when they received a message that a bus had been attacked by a gang of ZIPRA CTs. Iain responded immediately, returning some five km down the road where they left their two vehicles before setting out on foot, soon finding CT spoor. Iain was the first to see the CTs, opening fire and wounding one. They followed the blood spoor and tracks of about 20 CTs for about three km when they reached the edge of the forest, emerging onto the edge of an open field surrounded by very thick bush. They were just in time to see the wounded CT being carried into cover by two of his comrades, so started shooting at them. At the same time, an RPD opened up to their right, hitting Iain and killing him instantly. Iain's funeral service was held in Bulawayo, after which he was cremated and his ashes scattered, by his parents, under an umgugutu tree near Bezha in the Matopos. In a small church, in Bulawayo, where he worshipped as a small boy, there is a stained glass window with the Intaf crest, his name, and the epitaph, 'To serve mankind, himself he scorned to save'. Six months after his death, Iain was posthumously awarded the MCM for his outstanding courage and resourcefulness, and for brave and gallant conduct beyond the call of duty.

Jennings, Clive Leslie, Sapper (19), Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action trying to lift a landmine of the railway line at Bannockburn on 19 July 1979, died 20 July 1979.

Moyo, Elliot, 660436 Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 21 July 1979.

Mangoro, A., (200202) Auxillary Constable (20), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in an accident in Operation Repulse, 20 July 1979.

Sambulo, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 20 July 1979.

Ngwenya, Mackson, (21834) Constable (25), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed in action in the Victoria Falls area, 21 July 1979.

Ngwenya, Sambulo, (19348) Tracker, African Field Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 21 July 1979.

Nyoni, Raphael, Sapper, 7 Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 21 July 1979.

Sibanda, Madala, Sapper, 7 Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 21 July 1979.

Bernard, Sankley, Guard, RHQ Charlie, Operation Repulse, Guard Force, killed in action, 23 July 1979.

Mhondiwa, Jonathon, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 24 July 1979.

Nyoni, Raphael, 660309 Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 24 July 1979.

Sibanda, Mandla Boy, 661335 Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 24 July 1979.

Buissinne, Desmond, WO1 (35), RhAPC, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 27 July 1979.

Masikati, Rwatirinda, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 30 July 1979.

Mkohliso, David Boy, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 31 July 1979.

Njenge, Maxwell, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 31 July 1979.

Samson, S., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, July 1979.

Takaindisa, J., Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, July 1979.

Wilson, P., Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, July 1979.

Maguire, Gray Viereck Merrilees, No 1319972 Trooper, B Squadron, 1 Special Air Service Regiment, killed in action in an ambush on Operation Purple at UT934238 in the Tete Province, Mozambique, 1 August 1979.

Mubaiwa, Makasi Mubayi, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 1 August 1979.

Mungenge, Morgan, (26391) Constable (25), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed in action in Thrasher area, 2 August 1979.

Rubva, Musikwa, [Rubya Musiyiwa], 662147, Private, D Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 2 August 1979.

Chaka, T., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 3 August 1979.

Rubwa, Musikwa, D Company, 1st Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, 3 August 1979.

Volker, Ephriam A., (14978E) Field Reservist (44), PATU, British South Africa Police, killed in action by a TM46 landmine on a motorcycle follow-up Enterprise area Msana TTL, Operation Hurricane, 3 August 1979.

Callaghan, William, Private, 1st Battalion, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed on active service in an accidental explosion at Inkomo Barracks, 4 August 1979.

Jack, Elvis, Private (22), Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed on active service, 4 August 1979.

Lees, Alan, Private, 1st Battalion, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed on active service in an accidental explosion at Inkomo Barracks, 4 August 1979.

Jameson, J., Guard, 4 Group, PV Protection, Bindura Guard Force, died on active service, 5 August 1979.

Rukara, C., WO2, LRPG, Guard Force, died on active service, 5 August 1979.

Chirwa, Isaac, 660774, Private, D Company, 2nd Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a Fire Force action in the Rutenga area, 6 August 1979. Died instantly when shot at close range by a hidden terrorist who was himself killed shortly afterwards.

Svibe, Gibson, Guard, 9 Group, PV Protection Group, Darwin, 6 August 1979.

Meleki, J., Guard, Guard Force, RHQ Bravo, Operation Thrasher, killed on active service, 7 August 1979.

Ndebele, John, Distict Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action in a contact in Lupane, 7 August 1979.

Masitake, Rwatitinda, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 8 August 1979.

Nyamuzinga, Regis (21357 Attested: Nov 1972) Constable (26), Ground Coverage: killed on active service falling off a vehicle in the Concession area, 11 August 1979.

Bvunzanayi, Peniyasi, (201340) Stick Leader, Auxilliary Constable (41), British South Africa Police, killed in action on Operation Grapple, 13 August 1979.

McGarrell, John Hamill, (383549 Attested August 1977) Field Reservist (49), British South Africa Police, killed in action, 13 August 1979.

Manomano, A., (23696 Attested, August 1975) Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 14 August 1979.

Oostindien, Johannes Eric, (382272) Field Reservist (43), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 14 August 1979.

Ashara, Katungura, Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, murdered while on leave, 15 August 1979.

Chinyama, Taengwa Norboth, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 15 August 1979.

Roux, B.C., Sergeant, Rhodesian Army, died on active service, 16 August 1979.

Chaba, Peter, Auxilliary Constable MCM (Posthumus) (29), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, died on active service from cancer, 17 August 1979.

Baker, Donald Arthur, (4998), Field Reservist (58), British South Africa Police, killed in action by a landmine during a follow-up on Far Vista Farm, in the Mtoko Farming Area, 18 August 1979. During Donald's service as a pilot with the RAF in WWII, he was shot down over the North Sea and spent four years as a POW. After the war he settled in the Virginia area, Macheke, where he farmed for 32 years.

Chandaitirwa, J., Guard, 9 Group, PV Protection, Mount Darwin Guard Force, died on active servicce, 19 August 1979.

Duff, James, Corporal, Rhodesian Army, 19 August 1979.

Gumbo, Sikuta, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, died on active servicce, 19 August 1979.

Masuku, Petrus Nathaniel, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action. Died from gunshot wounds in an ambush at Mhlahlo Dip Tank, Tjolotjo TTL, Op Tangent. DSAs Ambrose Ncube and Petros Moyo were also killed in this ambush, 20 August 1979.

Moyo, Petros, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action. An RPG rocket fired by a ZIPRA CT hit the edge of the armour plate on the side of a Puma in which Moyo was travelling. He caught the blast full in his face, and died later from his wounds. DSAs Petrus Masuku and Ambrose Ncube were also killed in this incident, 20 August 1979.

Ncube, Ambrose Fanyana, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 20 August 1979. Gerry van Tonder: On 20 August 1979, while on deployment to Mahlahlo Dip Tank, Tjolotjo in Matabeleland, on protection duties, a Puma carrying Intaf personnel was ambushed by a group of ZIPRA terrorists. Typically, the ambush was initiated by the firing of an RPG7 rocket grenade, which struck the side of the Puma, the blast killing two DSAs immediately. A third DSA was killed in the subsequent gunfire as the terrorists laid down heavy small arms fire into the stricken personnel carrier

Nkula, Joseph, Sapper, 2 Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, died on active service, 21 August 1979.

Chingarande, Aleck, Lance Corporal, 3 Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action by shrapnel in a contact, 23 August 1979.

Kufazvineyi, Abisai, (23862 Attested: Oct 1975) Constable (24), E Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed on active service vehicle accident, 23 August 1979.

Kunatsa, Caleb, Constable (27), E Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed on active service vehicle accident, 23 August 1979.

Maranduse, Michael, Constable (26), E Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed on active service vehicle accident, 23 August 1979.

Clarke, Thomas, WO2, Rhodesian Army, died on active service, 24 August 1974.

Le Roux, Benjamin, Sergeant (27). 3 Commando, 1st Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 26 August 1979. He was the custodian of Zulu, a golden Labrador retriever given the unit as a mascot by Lieutenant John Cronin.

Fambisayi, Felix, District Assistant, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 27 August 1979.

James, David Robert (9308 Attested: Jan 1974/former NSPO 900373) Detective Section Officer (24) CID: killed in action in an ambush in the Chibi TTL, 29 August 1979. He was serving with the D and G Special Branch in Victoria Province.

Makoni, F., Guard, 1st Battalion, Guard Force, killed on active service, 29 August 1979.

Bartlett, Malcolm Leslie, (47762) Special Constable (20), Special Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed in action in the Chinamora TTL just north of Enterprise, 31 August 1979. Mike Norton recalls that Salops would send PATU sticks of students to the Enterprise Base on 14-day stints. On one such call-up, Malcolm's stick, at last light, made camp in a re-entrant which was flanked by high ground on both sides. At first light, a group of hard core CTs attacked the camp from this high ground. Malcolm was killed and another member of the stick wounded.

Munyambi, T., Guard, 4 Group, PV Protection, Bindura Guard Force, died on active service, 31 August 1979.

Holtzhausen, J., Sergeant, killed in action, August 1979.

Kwatsa, C., (23090) Constable, Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, August 1979.

Maranduse, M., (23862) Constable, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, August 1979.

Mugenge, M (26391) Constable, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, August 1979.

Tucker, Brian Kenneth, Corporal, A Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by stepping on a landmine in the Siyoka TTL, 1 September 1979.

Idensohn, Barry T., Lance Corporal, 1 Squadron, Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment, died on active service by septicaemia, 2 September 1979.

Lawrence, Frank R., Sergeant, Ist Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, attached to 2 Brigade Two Brigade, killed on active service in a shooting accident, 2 September 1979.

Sandi, Comittee, Guard Sergeant, 4 Group, Keep Protection, Guard Force, killed in action, 3 September 1979.

Gomera, Patrick, Acting Keep Sergeant, 1st Battalion, Guard Force, died on active seevice, 4 September 1979.

Lund, Graham Desmond, Rifleman, Assault Pioneers, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 4 September 1979.

Marufu, Damian King, (20733 Attested November 1970) Constable (29), Special Branch, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 4 September 1979.

Wesson, Alexander J.C., Senior Aircraftsman, killed in action, during Operation Uric when an RPG7 hit the boss of the rotors of his Augusta Bell 205 R6098, flown by Flight Lieutenant Richard Paxton, at Barragem, on Operation Uric, 5 September 1979.

Briel, Jacobus Alwyn, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979. The SADF Puma, call-sign Hotel 4, was hit behind the pilot's seat, causing it to crash and burst into flames. Nine of the dead were RLI (Joe du Plooy, Gordon Fry, Jacobus Briel, Aiden Colman, Jeremy Crow, Brian Enslin, Steven King, Colin Neasham, David Prosser), 5 from Engineers (Charlie Small, Bruce Burns, Michael Jones, LeRoy Duberly, Peter Fox) and the SAAF air crew of 3 (Captain Paul Vellerman, Lieutenant Nigel Osborne and Flight Sergeant Dick Retief)

Burns, Bruce Frazer, Second Lieutenant, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.

Chitupa, Rodgers, Guard, RHQ, Operation Grapple, Guard Force, killed in action, 6 September 1979.

Coleman, Aidan James, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.

Crow, Jeremy Mario, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.

Du Plooy, Johannes Matheus, Captain, School of Infantry and First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.

Duberley, LeRoy William, Corporal, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979. Northlea High School.

Enslin, Brian Louis, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.

Fox, Peter, Lance Corporal, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.

Fry, Gordon Hugh, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.

Jones, Michael Alan, Sergeant, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.

King, Stephen Eric, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.

Neasham, Colin Graham, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.

Prosser, David Rex, Trooper, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.

Small, Charles David, Captain, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, when shot down by an RPG7 in a Puma helicopter at Mapai on Operation Uric, 6 September 1979.

Govo, D., 665337, Private, Depot, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service, 7 September 1979.

Laubscher, Constant, Corporal (19), B Company, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in the Wedza area, 7 September 1979.

Mavura, Charle, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 7 September 1979.

Kasere, Isaac, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 8 September 1979.

Fondo, Danny, Guard, RHQ Charlie, Guard Force, killed in action, 9 September 1979.

Mapuranga, Ignatius, Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died of wounds received in action in an ambush near St Triashill Mission, Zimbiti TTL, Inyanga, 9 September 1979.

Ngube, I., Private, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 9 September 1979.

Edridge Simon Richard, (18878 Attested December 1972) Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in the Wedza Area, 11 September 1979.

Arendse, Moegsien, Private (26), Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 12 September 1979.

Manyange, Taurayi, Private, Fourth Maintenance, GSC Rhodesan Army Services Corps, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 13 September 1979.

Muyambi, Obadiah, Guard, Area HQ, Guard Force, killed in action by a landmine, 13 September 1979.

Glen, William John Albert, (10064 Attested May 1977) Patrol Officer (20, British South Africa Police, killed in action by a landmine in the West Nicholson area, 14 September 1979. His father, Mr William Scott Glen, who was with him at the time, was also killed in the explosion. They were driving an unprotected vehicle, and had been on their way to visit their brother and son, David, who was ranching in the area. Billy was on R&R at the time.

Nyamayaro, Evans, Private, One Psychological Operations Unit, killed in action, 15 September 1979.

Ziyambe, Lovemore, Trooper, First Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment, died of wounds received in action, 15 September 1979.

Griffiths, M.E.J., Rifleman, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died on active service from heart failure, 16 September 1979.

Radinyu, Manuel, Auxilliary Constable (47), British South Africa Police, died on active service, 16 September 1979.

Buku, Kufa, Corporal, 2 Troop, A Squadron, Grey's Scouts, killed in action, 18 September 1979. Died from wounds received in a contact, Chomabonda Vlei, near Victoria Falls, Op Tangent. The contact against a large group of ZIPRA lasted for a long time, in which Lt Willie Loxton was also killed and Peter Kabell and Ian Randall wounded.

Loxton, William Leslie, Lieutenant, 2 Troop, Grey's Scouts, killed in action, 18 September 1979.

Moyo, Lovemore, Constable, 5 PROPL, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a shooting accident, 18 September 1979.

Fox, Ronald, 1st Battalion, Guard Force, killed on active service, 19 September 1979.

Phiri, Mohamede, Guard, RHQ Delta, Operation Tangent, Guard Force, killed in action, 19 September 1979.

Thorniley, Thomas, Field Reservist (46), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, 19 September 1979.

De Klerk, Theunis C., killed, 20 September 1979. in an ambush on his farm. In August 1977 he was elected the Rhodesian Front MP for Shabani. Wikipedia records that he was killed in a rocket attack on his home. He was the Rhodesian Front MP for Lundi at the time.

Phiri, Griffin, Auxilliary Constable (27), British South Africa Police, died on active service in Plumtree, Operation Tangent, after swallowing poison, 20 September 1979.

Floyd, Kevin J., Sapper, Four Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed on active service in a grenade accident, 22 September 1979.

Lunga, Bernard, (22795 Attested November 1977) African Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 22 September 1979.

Sibanda, Cain, (200836 Attested July 1978) Auxilliary Constable (24), British South Africa Police, killed in action in Operation Tangent, 22 September 1979.

Mbengano, E., Guard, 1st Battalion Guard Forcee, died on active service, 23 September 1979.

Zamba, Godfrey, Guard, RHQ Delta, Operation Tangent, Guard Forcee, died on active service, 23 September 1979.

Muchina, C. Guard, Guard Force, RHQ Charlie, Operation Repulse, killed on active service, 24 September 1979.

Wiri, M., Guard, Guard Force, RHQ Charlie, Operation Repulse, killed on active service, 24 September 1979.

Gomo, Tafuma, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 25 September 1979.

Madunusa, A., Junior Corporal, 1st Battalion, Guard Force, died on active service, 25 September 1979.

Masango, W., Guard, 1st Battalion, Guard Force, died on active service, 25 September 1979.

Mpofu, E., Private, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 25 September 1979.

Nyakaza, C.H., 1st Battalion, Guard Force, died on active service, 25 September 1979.

Nyandoro, Bernard, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, died from wounds received in action, 25 September 1979.

Ndlovu, V., Junior Corporal, 1st Battalion, Guard Force, died on active service, 25 September 1979.

Tawonatshe, Samson, RHQ Alpha, Operation Hurricane, Guard Force, died on active service, 25 September 1979.

Bate, Patrick Michael, Air Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when his Alouette III R5705 hit power lines near Lake Alexander, Umtali, 26 September 1979. They were conducting a diversionary Fire Force exercise to draw attention away from the massing of troops and aircraft for the launch of Op Miracle against the ZANLA camps at New Chimoio in Mozambique.

Snelgar, Bruce Miles SCR (Posthumous), Major, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, in an air accident, when his Alouette III R5705 hit power lines near Lake Alexander, Umtali, 26 September 1979.

Carter, Gary R., Flight Sergeant, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, in an air accident, when his Alouette III R5705 hit power lines near Lake Alexander, Umtali, 26 September 1979. Northlea High School.

Nyika, Lovemore, Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed on active service in a shooting incident, 27 September 1979.

O'Neill, Gert Stephanus, 111992 Trooper (21), Selous Scouts, killed on Operation Miracle while trench clearing at Monte Cassino, 27 September 1979.

Takawira, Henry, Auxillary Constable (36), British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 27 September 1979.

Tarumbwa, Edward, Rifleman, Depot Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, 27 September 1979.

Govere, Patrick, Sergeant (29), B Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in an accident, 28 September 1979.

Hove, Office, Private (30), One Psychological Operations Unit, killed in action, 29 September 1979.

Jeep, N., Recruit, CTD, GSC Army HQ, killed on active service in a shooting accident, 29 September 1979.

Mann, Keith Edward, 21718 Trooper (28), Selous Scouts, killed in action when making safe a captured weapon on Operation Miracle, 29 September 1979. during an attack on a ZANLA base in Mozambique, dubbed Monte Cassino. Lt Chris Gough (C/S 72) and Lt John Barnes (C/S 74) had finally reached the top of Cassino and were clearing up. Ted Mann, radio operator for Lt Gough, was standing near a Scout, Trooper John Vivian, who was using an unexploded aircraft shell as a hammer to clear a jam on a captured weapon when the shell exploded, killing Ted and wounding three others. Vivian lost both hands.

Marunga, J., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 29 September 1979.

Mpofu, Naison, (201830 Attested November 1978) Auxilliary Constable (40), Police Anti-Terrorist Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action Operation Tangent, 30 September 1979.

Ncube, Obert, Auxillary Constable (26), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 30 September 1979.

Shaka, Euvencio, Constable (19), Uniform Duty, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 30 September 1979.

Mundingi, C., District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, September 1979.

Stephen, S., Guard Force, September 1979.

Nyamayaro, Aircraftsman, GSO Rhodesian Air Force, died on active service, 1 October 1979.

Tennent, Kevin Hugh, Second Lieutenant, A Squadron, Grey Scouts, committed suicide on the first night of deployment to Nuanetsi, 2 October 1979.

Gordon, Brian K., Air Lieutenant, No 1 Squadron Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, by ground fire during Operation Miracle in Mozambique, while flying Hunter FGA9 R1821, 3 October 1979.

Pasina, Robert, 649610, Private, 1 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact in the Diti TTL, 3 October 1979.

Peinke, Kevin L., Flight Lieutenant (25), No 5 Squadron, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, by ground fire during Operation Miracle in Mozambique, while flying a Canberra B2, 3 October 1979.

Strydom, Johannes J., Flight Lieutenant, No 5 Squadron, Rhodesian Air Force, killed on active service, by ground fire during Operation Miracle in Mozambique, while flying a Canberra B2, 3 October 1979.

Dzingirayi, Pangai, Auxilliary Constable (25), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in Bikita, 5 October 1979.

Mathe, Lot, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, 8 October 1979.

Cleland, James, Detective Inspector (37), Criminal Investigation Departtment, British South Africa Police, died on active service of cancer, 9 October 1979.

Ncube, Zenzo, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action in a contact at Garigari Line, Tjolotjo TTL, 9 October 1979. NS Vedette Phil Attenborough and fellow Vedette Wessel Zietsman encountered a small group of ZIPRA on the other side of a pan nearby Dlamini Protected Sub-Office. A fire-fight ensued, with elements of Intaf engaging the CTs from the back of a Puma troop carrier. As Zenzo stood up to change the magazine on the Bren gun he was operating, he was struck in the head by a single AK bullet, killing him instantly. His MSM was awarded but, never presented. He was involved in an earlier incident in the district. DC Ian Matheson had led an Intaf stick on a follow-up after they were attacked by ZIPRA CTs the previous day, near Pumula Mission on the Botswana border.

Thiawati, Thomas, Auxillary Constable (25), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 10 October 1979.

Gatawa, Syrial, Lance Corporal, CTD, General Service Corps, Army HQ, killed in action, 11 October 1979.

Burslem, M.H., Rifleman, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, died on active service, 12 October 1979.

Mhakayakora, Daniel Brighton, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 12 October 1979.

Nedza, Edson, (27641 Attested May 1979) Constable (23), British South Africa Police, killed in action, 12 October 1979.

Tawonateshe, Samson, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 12 October 1979.

Furness, Henry L.H., Trooper, Recce Troop, Support Commando, 1st Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action in Operation Thrasher, 14 October 1979. Ex-British Royal Marines.

Eckard, Paul, Deputy Warden (53), Special Reserve, British South Africa Police, Marlborough, Salisbury, killed on active service in an accident, 15 October 1979.

Mutasa, Pineal, 645043, Lance Corporal, Support Company, First Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, murdered by terrorists, 15 October 1979.

Sybert, Coffee, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed on active service, 15 October 1979.

Tatawa, Siriro, Lance Corporal, Rhodesian Army, killed in action, 15 October 1979.

Musavengana, V.I., Corporal, HQ 4 Brigade, missing in action, 16 October 1979.

Kandimiri, Peter, District Security Assistant, Keep Security, Internal Affairs, died on active service, 17 October 1979.

Mlilo, Sapper, Three Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 17 October 1979.

Chireza, Abraham, (25948) Constable (20), E Troop, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a night action near Umtali, 19 October 1979.

Kutyauripo, Philip, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed on active service, 19 October 1979.

Makova, Peter, District Security Assistant Internal Affairs, killed on active service, 19 October 1979.

Mbekeya, Ribi, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed on active service, 19 October 1979.

Moyo, Taylor, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed on active service, 19 October 1979.

McLaurin, Derek John, Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action on Operation Tepid near Lusitu, Zambia, 19 October 1979.

Mutanda, Jakuvos, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed on active service, 19 October 1979.

Ndou, Lazarus, (25779) Constable (26), E Troop, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a night action near Umtali, 19 October 1979.

Houghton, Andrew Petrie, Trooper, 3 Commando, 1st Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, died of wounds received in action, 21 October 1979. Lusitu, Zambia, Op Tepid. A combined 2 and 3 Cdo RLI/SAS/RhAf attack was carried out against a large, well defended ZIPRA base in the Lusitu area of Zambia, some 21 miles north west of Siavongo, Kariba. Troops ferried across from the FAF at Kariba in Bell helicopters, faced considerable resistance and very strong fire power from the more than 300 CTs occupying the camp. Following sustained bombing and strafing attacks by Air Force Canberras and Hawker Hunters, 2Lt Bobby Harrison and a section of 3 Cdo troops were in the main assault on the camp's well-concealed bunkers. At this time, Andy was fatally wounded by a gunshot to the head.

Botha, Hardus P., Guard, RHQ Charlie, Op Repulse Guard Force, died on active service, 22 October 1978.

Jomairwa, C., Guard, 1st Battalion Guard Force, died on active service, 22 October 1978.

Khanye, George, 648867, Private, Two (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 22 October 1979.

Khabo, J., Recruit, Grey Scouts, drowned on active service, 22 October 1979.

Fourie, Lionel B., Corporal, P Troop, Rhodesian Corps of Signals, killed on active service in a shooting incident, 24 October 1979.

Nyoni, Tanson, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Home Affairs, killed in action, 24 October 1979.

Moyo, Mkethwa, Field Reservist (22), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed on active service at Westgate Bulawayo, 25 October 1979.

Mushure, Anderson, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action when his Puma vehicle was hit by 9 RPG-7 rockets, down south of Chiredzi, 25 October 1979.

Ndlovu, Joel, Field Reservist (22), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed on active service at Westgate Bulawayo, 25 October 1979.

Rukara, Martin Rudo, Senior District Security Assistant (26), Internal Affairs, killed in action when his vehicle was hit by RPG7 rockets south of Chiredzi, 25 October 1979.

Siyamagonde, Zamani, Sapper, Two Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 25 October 1979.

Scott, Paul, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action by Zambian fire at Chirundu, 26 October 1979.

Rewayi, Charles, Guard, RHQ Echo, Op Grapple Guard Force, killed in action, 26 October 1979.

Joly, Steven Richard, (10559 Attested May 1978) Patrol Officer (19), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 27 October 1979.

Layton, Joseph Benjamin, Private (35), A Company, First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 27 October 1979.

Ndlovu, E., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action in a vehicle accident, 27 October 1979.

Van der Merwe, Johannes J., (382378) Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in the Salops area, 28 October 1979.

Chirwa, N., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 29 October 1979.

Shadrack, S., Private, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 29 October 1979.

Day, Martin L., Sapper, Five Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, vehicle accident, 30 October 1979.

Macha, Martin, Recruit, Rhodesian Army, killed on active service, 30 October 1979.

Wiggill, Frank Robert, Rifleman, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by a mortar bomb, 30 October 1979.

Mpofu, Freedy, Private (40), B Company, 8 Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a collision with a railway locomotive, October 1979.

Rukara, Martin Rudo, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action when his Puma vehicle was hit by 9 RPG-7 rockets, down south of Chiredzi, October 1979.

Maizviko, Charles, Constable, British South Africa Police, died on active service, 1 November 1979.

Mangwiro, R., Corporal, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, 1 November 1979.

Miller, Gavin Andrew, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 2 November 1979.

Wixley, William Robert, Trooper, 19612 Selous Scouts, killed in action on Operation Murex, 2 November 1979.

Zhanunpi, Lazarus, (200087) Auxilliary Constable (29), British South Africa Police, killed in action, 2 November 1979.

Zamba, Godfrey, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 3 November 1979.

Shalovsky, Mike, MSM, District Commissioner, Mudzi, killed on a active service in a vehicle accident - driving a Puma, he hit another Puma in the dark - the second Puma had been damaged in a previous landmine explosion, 4 November 1979. Cranborne Boys High School.

Chirwa, Narthan, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 5 November 1979.

Chitate, A.A., Rifleman, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 5 November 1979.

Jakopo, Never (202335) Auxillary Constable (24), British South Africa Police, killed in action, 5 November 1979.

Katsidzira, Rifleman, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 5 November 1979.

Lazarus, Zhanunpi, Auxiliary Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 5 November 1979.

Mandeya, C., Rifleman, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 5 November 1979.

Rewayi, Charles, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 5 November 1979.

Jani, Mackensie, Guard Corporal, First Battalion, Guard Force, died on active service, 6 November 1979.

Ndlovu, T., Private, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 6 November 1979.

Manyangadze, Rangirayi, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed on active service, 7 November.

Mpofu, G., Private, School of Infantry, killed in action, 7 November 1979.

Nyathi, Day, Private, School of Infantry, killed in action, 7 November 1979.

Edwards, Benjamin Rosely, 103719 Private (21), Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 8 November 1979.

Harris, Kingsley E., (20674) Field Reservist (38), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed in action in the Marandellas area, 9 November 1979.

Vachi, Antony, (26105) Constable (26), Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 10 November 1979.

Cuva, Francesco, Field Reservist (48), British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident in Bulawayo struck by a vehicle at a roadblock, 11 November 1979.

Moyo, Amon, Private, Four Maintenance, Rhodesian Army Services Corps, killed in action, 11 November 1979.

Mutandi, Leonard, Private, Four Maintenance, Rhodesian Army Services Corps, 11 November 1979.

Kadungure, Timothy, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 12 November 1979.

Kanjani, Michael, 661417, Private, A Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 12 November 1979.

Sibanda, Simon, (25333) Constable, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in an accident while on duty, 14 November 1979.

Tafura, Simon, Constable (22), Support Unit, British South Africa Pollce, killed on active service in an accident, 14 November 1979.

Madzviko, Charles C., (27927) Constable (23), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed in action in Operation Repulse, 15 November 1979.

Munodawafa, Rogers, Constable (23), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 15 November 1979.

O'Brien, John, Rifleman, Sixth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in an ambush on the Mashaba road on his way to his call-up, 15 November 1979.

Roberts, Titus, (200379) Auxiliary Section Leader (27), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed in action in the Nuanetsi area, 15 November 1979.

Chasi, Stewart, Rifleman, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a shooting accident, 16 November 1979.

Kakono, Anaanias, Constable (31), British South Africa Police, died on active service, 16 November 1979.

Tafura, Samuel, Private, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, 16 November 1979.

Wood, Denis, Corporal, Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a vehicle accident, 16 November 1979.

Karumazondo, Joesph, Keep Protection, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, kill in action in a contact, 17 November 1979.

Mafu, Todd, Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed on active service in a shooting incident, 17 November 1979.

De Wet, Piet, Field Reservist, Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed in action in an ambush, 18 November 1979.

Madafi, Chinatidzo, Sergeant (34), British South Africa Police, died on active service, 18 November 1979.

Marumazondo, Joseph, Senior District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Home Affairs, died on active service, 18 November 1979.

Mapondera, P., Guard, Guard Force, RHQ Alpha, Operation Hurricane, died on active service, 19 November 1979.

Muzenanhamo, E., Guard, Guard Force, RHQ Alpha, Operation Hurricane, died on active service, 19 November 1979.

Dube, Alfred, Sapper, Three Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 20 November 1979.

Kesby, Timothy D., Rifleman (32), B Company, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 21 November 1979. Tim's brother, Steve, writes, 'They were in a Crocodile when they were in an ambush where the CTs just sprayed the vehicle with their AKs and scarpered – an unfortunate round came in through the gun slit and caught Tim in the neck. Tim had set all his affairs in order before being called up and even organised with his colleague, a minister, for his funeral arrangements. He left a wife and two children.'

Ndlovu, Beauty, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in an ambush, 21 November 1979.

Bazara, Vincent, BCR, Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, died on active service, 22 November 1979.

Douglas, James, Lance Corporal (22), First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 22 November 1979.

Kerr, James Stewart, PR117495 Rifleman, C Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a contact in the Machuchuta TTL, 22 November 1979.

Magonda, Peter, 648069, Private, C Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesia African Rifles, killed in action by a gunshot wound in a contact, 22 November 1979.

Muvungani, Gideon, Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 22 November 1979.

Ngulube, Simangaliso, Private, Third Maintenance, GSC Army HQ, killed in action, 22 November 1979.

Sithole, Simon, Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 22 November 1979.

Sithole, Taurayi J., (27763) Constable (23), Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, 22 November 1979.

Urayayi, L., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 23 November 1979.

Von Lichtensteirn, Mark, Signalman, Rhodesian Corps of Signals, died on active service, 23 November 1979.

Chaputika, Jerifanosi, 645914, Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 26 November 1979.

Ncube, Njabula, Sapper, One Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed on active service in an accidental explosion, 26 November 1979.

Balenkani, Chitsovi, Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died on active service, 27 November 1979.

Hanganayi, F., Sapper, Three Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 28 November 1979.

Mann, John Headland, (20060) Field Reservist (32), Police Anti-Terrorist Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in the Lutope area, Gokwe, Operation Grapple, 28 November 1979.

Rowland, Michael Geoffrey, (31253) Field Reservist, British South Africa Police, killed in action in the Lutope area, Gokwe,, 28 November 1979.

Zinjera, Andries, (23043) Constable, Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed in action in Operation Grapple, 28 November 1979.

Chitsuvi, B., Trooper, JOC Rusape, killed in action, June-November 1979.

Chiweneso, Peter, Private, Rhodesian Army, died on active service, 1 December 1979.

Chawatama, Marako, Sergeant (26), British South Africa Police, killed in a vehicle accident, 1 December 1979.

Kanganayi, Freddy, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, died on active service, 1 December 1979.

Mashonga, K, Junior Corporal, RHQ Delta (Operation Tangent) Guard Force, was killed on active service, 1 December 1979.

Mtoko, Spencer, Guard, Guard Force, killed in action, 1 December 1979.

Veto, Simon, Detective Constable (27), British South Africa Police, was killed in a vehicle accident in the Op Thrasher area, 1 December 1979.

Du Toit, Johannes Jacobus 72283484PE Lieutenant (23), 3 South African Infantry Battalion, killed in action, 2 December 1979. While serving in Rhodesia, his Section was attached to a convoy responsible for checking the road for land mines. At sunset, they set up a Temporary Base (TB) for the night. Just before 08h00 the following morning, the TB was attacked by a numerically superior force of ZANLA insurgents and came under heavy small-arms, mortar and RPG7 anti-tank rocket fire. He was wounded in the neck by shrapnel and although treated immediately for his wounds, he succumbed from severe blood loss before he could be evacuated.

Abrahams, Ian David, Private, 123242, First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, died on active service, 3 December 1979.

Tapfumaveni, J., Guard, Guard Force, killed on active service, 3 December 1979.

Schickerling, T., Temporary Sergeant, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, died on active service from a ruptured appendix, 4 December 1979.

Brandt, Garry, Trooper (19), 1 Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in a motor accident while returning to barracks, 5 December 1979.

Maritz, Solomon, (16950) Field Reservist (39), Police Anti-Terrorist Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in Operation Grapple, 5 December 1979.

Mapiye, Abraham, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Home Affairs, killed in action, 6 December 1979.

Tsarara, Good, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action in a contact, 8 December 1979.

Chidarikire, D., Guard, Guard Force, killed on active service, 9 December 1979.

Matthews, Grant Stewart, 107475, Rifleman, 1 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, died of wounds received in action in Fort Victoria, Operation Repulse, 9 December 1979.

Mpofu, Phinias, Private, 1 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in Fort Victoria, Operation Repulse, 9 December 1979.

Mutamburi, Killian, Private, Support Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 9 December 1979.

Williams, Famnly, Lance Corporal (24), Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed on active service, 10 December 1979.

Chimunyemba, Kenneth, (19530) Sergeant, Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 11 December 1979.

Lawler, Kevin Francis, (9945 Attested February 1977) Patrol Officer, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 12 December 1979.

Pascoe, Andrew John, (90431 former NSPO 9004431) Field Reservist, Police Anti-Terrorist Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 12 December 1979.

Mutize, Z., Junior Corporal, First Battalion, Guard Force, killed on active service, 13 December 1979.

Jelley, Leonard William, (28964) Field Reservist, Police Anti-Terrorist Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action by a landmine on the Gwampa Road, Lupane, 14 December 1979.

Mlambo, Fungai, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action, 14 December 1979.

Saimwema, Better, (19825) African Field Reservist, Police Anti-Terrorist Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact in the Mangula area, 14 December 1979.

Greyvesteyn, Alfred W., Trooper, Support Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed on active service, accidentally shot on Operation Dice near Feira in Zambia, 15 December 1979.

Mlambo, Fungai Wellington, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 16 December 1979.

Belstead, Christopher John, Rifleman, Support Company, Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died of wounds received in action, 17 December 1979.

Moyo, Simon, Corporal, Three Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed on active service in an accidental explosion, 17 December 1979.

Knight, Patrick Charles, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 18 December 1979.

Machakoto, Alios, (21016) Constable, British South Africa Police, killed in action in the Marandellas area, 18 December 1979.

Chirume, Jacob M., Sapper, Five Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action in a booby-trapped farmhouse, 19 December 1979. a combined security forces stick, comprising two members of the Rhodesian Corps of Engineers and four from the British South Africa Police, while on patrol, walked into a deserted homestead in the Sinoia area. Unbeknown to them the house had been booby-trapped. Official accounts state that, as the stick entered the house, an explosion ensued, killing all six of them.

Lucas, Ian Scott, Lance Corporal, Five Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers. killed in action in a booby-trapped farmhouse, 19 December 1979.

Mahlasera, Stephen, (24719) Constable (22), A Troop, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a booby-trapped farmhouse, 19 December 1979.

Murambi, Timothy, (24607) Constable (24), A Troop, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action, 19 December 1979.

Thomson, James Fraser (36), (20408) Field Reservist, Police Anti-Terrorist Unit Karoi motorcycle stick, British South Africa Police, killed in action in Karoi, 19 December 1979..

Tsoka, (25869) Constable (20), British South Africa Police, killed in action in a booby-trapped farmhouse, 19 December 1979.

Chatikobo, Livingstone Simba, Corporal District Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in an ambush, 20 December 1979.

Mugumbate, Musarari Johannes, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in an ambush, 20 December 1979.

Mise, K., Guard, RHQ Charlie, Guard Force, killed on active service, 20 December 1979.

Victor, Herbert G., Private (21), Depot, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a shooting accident, 21 December 1979.

Chioneso, Peter, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, died on active service, 22 December 1979.

Goko, Peter Felix, 647457, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action by shrapnel, 22 December 1979.

Kagona, Jivas, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 22 December 1979.

Kulala, J., Rifleman, Fourth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action in a vehicle ambush, 22 December 1979.

Mandinda, Barnard Jongilanga, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 22 December 1979.

Moyo, Canaan, 647489, Lance Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, in in action by shrapnel, 22 December 1979.

Prezent, Silas, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 22 December 1979.

Timothy, John, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 22 December 1979.

Kagona, Jivass, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in contact, 23 December 1979.

Mandinda, Barnard, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in contact, 23 December 1979.

Machingauta, (26933) Constable (25), F Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a railway accident, 23 December 1979.

Prezent, Silas, District Security Assistant, Internal Affairs, killed in action in contact, 23 December 1979.

Mlalazi, Private, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 23 December 1979.

Moto, (26648) Constable, L Troop, Police Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident near Juliasdale, 24 December 1979.

Sibanda, (22696) Constable, L Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident near Juliasdale, 24 December 1979.

Zawaira, S., Private, Ninth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service, 24 December 1979.

Chikoki, Augusten, District Security Assistant, Keep Protection, Internal Affairs, killed in action in an attack on his keep, 25 December 1979.

Muringani, Arthur, (201881) Auxilliary Constable (26), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed in action in an ambush, 25 December 1979.

Senekal, Andre, Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force (23), killed on active service, flying Alouette III R5879 which crashed shortly after take off at Mount Darwin at night, 25 December 1979. It was thought without a horizon on a dark night he became disoriented.

Duncan, Alexander, Major, Army HQ, died on active service, 26 December 1979.

Phillimon, J., Guard, First Battalion, Guard Force, killed on active service, 26 December 1979.

Chaka, Ephraim, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action in an attack on his PV, 27 December 1979.

Du Toit, Andrew Jameson 'Gus', V5047, Second Lieutenant, 3 (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact in the Inyanga area, 27 December 1979. Died of a bullet wound in a contact in the Inyanga area, Op Thrasher. Various sticks had been deployed in the commercial wattle plantations in the area. Gus' stick had gone into a plantation workers' compound when they came under mortar and small arms fire from the nearby forest. As Gus was running across the edge of the forest in a clearing that carried electricity pylons, he was fatally wounded. He died during the helicopter casevac flight to hospital.

Chikoki, Augusten, District Security Assistant, Home Affairs, killed in action, 27 December 1979.

Wuranda, John, 647327 Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action, 27 December 1979.

Banks, Gary Thomas, Trooper, Support Commando, First Battalion, Rhodesian Light Infantry, killed in action, 28 December 1979.

Francis, Kenneth Layton E., (24364) Field Reservist (37, Police Anti-Terrorist Unit, Mounted Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 31 December 1979.

Browne, Vernon, Flight Commander, Police Reserve Air Wing, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 1979.

Farai, Corporal, Corporal, Internal Affairs, killed in action in the Mudzi area, 1 January 1980. during an attack on the DC's camp at Mudzi - was returning fire from the side of his married quarters when a RPG rocket hit and exploded inside his home. Wife and children were safe inside the bunker in the front of the house. Several witnesses report that FARAI invited fire to his house by loading only tracer rounds in his magazines. He was warned several times during the attack not to do so, and so on inspection it was found that the remaining mags contained only tracer rounds.

Cherrington, Thomas Sanderson, (30079) Field Reservist (56), Bulawayo, Recce Unit, British South Africa Police, killed on active service, 2 January 1980.

Muchena, M., Rifleman, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 3 January 1980.

Davies, Joseph, Private (20), First Battalion, Rhodesian Defence Regiment, killed in action, 7 January 1979.

Moyo, Rams, Private (Moyo), Tenth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 8 January 1980.

Munemo, Oliver, (25969) Constable (27), A Troop, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed in action in a contact, 11 January 1980.

Mushonga, Norbert, Private, D Company, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in a vehicle accident, 15 January 1980.

Handson, C., Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action, 16 January 1980.

Mfanyana, J., Guard, Guard Force, killed on active service, 22 January 1980.

Mutanga, Mastaff, 649775, Private, Two (Independent) Company, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action in a contact near Karoi, casevaced to Kariba where he died, 25 January 1979.

Fynn, Stanley, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action in a vehicle accident, 26 January 1980.

Handson, Christopher, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Defence Regiment, killed in action in a vehicle accident, 26 January 1980.

Sibanda, Stanley, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action during an attack on the DC's Camp at Mudzi, 29 January 1980.

Farai, Corporal, killed during an attack on the DC camp at Mudzi - was returning fire from the side of his married quarters when an RPG rocket hit and exploded inside his home. Wife and children were safe inside the bunker in the front of his house. Several witnesses report that Farai invited fire to his house by loading only tracer rounds in his magazines. He was warned several times during the attack not to do so, and on inspection it was found that the remaining mags contained only tracer rounds, January 1980.

Munjayi, T., Guard, Guard Force, killed on active service, 30 January 1980.

Maposa, Frank, Trooper, 1 Rhodesian Armoured Car Regiment, killed in an accident, 1 February 1980.

Forbes, 'Rockie' Morgan, Patrol Officer, Support Unit, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident, 2 February 1980.

Mpofu, Frank, Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action by a landmine, 5 February 1980.

Makoni, Boniface, 662205, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, subdural haemorhrage, 6 February 1980.

Sparks, David, Colour Sergeant, Grey's Scouts, killed on active service in a shooting accident, 7 February 1980.

Mtinsi, Mtinsi, Private, Second Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed on active service in a shooting accident, 7 February 1980.

Traynor, Ian, BCR, Corporal, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 11 February 1980. His BCR citation states that, as a machine gunner in the RLI, he had been in more than 40 contacts, displaying gallantry and determination in action. He personally accounted for 30 terrorists.

Ngwenya, Kenny, Field Reservist (25), Police Anti-Terrorist Unit, Bulawayo, Britsih South Africa Police, killed on active service in a vehicle accident in the Inyati area, Matabeleland, 13 February, 1980.

Jackman, Robert L., (28371) Field Reservist (31), British South Africa Police, died of wounds received in action 10 months previously, 14 February 1980.

Piringondo, Edward Ngwarayi, SCR, 644664 Lieutenant (27), Fourth Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, (formerly Selous Scouts), killed on active service in an accidental explosion in Salisbury, 14 February 1980.

Moyo, Morgan, 647319 Corporal 927), Fourth Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, (formerly Selous Scouts), killed on active service in an accidental explosion in Salisbury, 14 February 1980.

Nditshi, L., Guard, Guard Force, died on active service, 14 February 1980.

Venter, Johannes L., Rifleman, 22, Eighth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action by mortar fire in a contact with 8 ZANLA in the Chiduku TTL, UQ734477, 18 February 1980.

Troddyn, Thomas Arthur C., Sapper, Seven Squadron, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action by a landmine near the Nyamasanzdura River, 20 February 1980. He was clearing a road when he uncovered a TM57 landmine boosted with an anti-personnel mine and two ploughshares.

Zibinayi, L., Guard, Regimental HQ C (Operation Repulse), Guard Force, killed on active service, 22 February 1980.

Ncube, Jahalempi, Sapper, Rhodesian Corps of Engineers, killed in action, 23 February 1980.

Gondo, Phillip, Constable (43), British South Africa Police, died on active service, 24 February 1980.

Choto, Cletos, Corporal, Second Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed in action, 25 February 1980.

Sampson, Kenneth, Flight Lieutenant, Rhodesian Air Force, died on active service, 1 March 1980.

Ferguson, L., WO1, Rhodesian Army Services Corps, died on active service, 5 March 1980.

Mndembe, Moffatt, Constable (46), British South Africa Policee, died on active service, 6 March 1980.

Ndhlovu, W., Rifleman, Fifth Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, killed in action, 6 March 1980.

Matinhari, Zvokumba, Constable (26), British South Africa Police, killed on active service in an accident, 10 March 1980.

Taruvinga, Tidings, Constable (21), British South Africa Police, killed on active service in an accident, 10 March 1980.

Dhale, C., Aircraftsman, Rhodesian Air Force, killed in action, 13 March 1980.

Sibanda, T., Private, Third Battalion, Rhodesian African Rifles, killed on active service by a self-inflicted gunshot, 14 March 1980.

Provis, Charles, Keep Commander, Guard Force, killed on active service, 15 March 1980.

Zikali, Nkosi, Private, Three Maintenance, Rhodesian Army Service Corps, killed in active service, 15 March 1980.

Muramanit, Godwell, Constable (27), E Troop, Support United, British South Africa Police, killed in a vehicle accident, 16 March 1980.

Maxwell, Rory, Corporal, First Battalion, Rhodesia Regiment, died of cerebal malaria, 17 March 1980.

Chipondera, Same, Private, 6 (Independent) Company, HQ Three Brigade, killed, 19 March 1979.

Ramjee, A.L., Lance Corporal, HQ 3 Brigade, killed in action, 24 March 1980.

Bateman, Emmanuel, Private, One Psychological Operations Unit, died on active service renal failure, 28 March 1980.

Sibanda, M., Rifleman, HQ 3 Brigade, killed in action, 29 March 1980.

Tshuma, Moses, Field Reservist (22), Police Reserve, British South Africa Police, killed on active service in a shooting accident, 4 April 1980.

Wentzel, Frank (22), Patrol Officer (22), Duty Uniform, British South Africa Police, murdered by dissidents in Gwelo Plots, 26 April 1980.

Smith, Trooper, Selous Scouts, killed in action.

Murwira, G., Signaller 1 Sig Sqn, killed in action.

Hutchinson, Robert, Sergeant Special Air Service, killed in action, 30 January 1981.

Park, J.K, Lance Corporal, Special Air Service, killed in action, 30 January 1981.

Suttil, Ian, Sergeant, Special Air Service, ex-Royal Marine, killed on cross-border raid into Mozambique with the SADF, 30 January 1981.

L/Cpl Christiaan Kotze, Rfn Hendrik Kruger, Pte Martin Marange, Pte Simba Matsenhure and Rct Louis Munyana

This list is maintained by Dr JRT Wood. If you are aware of any information that is missing or incorrect, please contact him at richard@jrtwood.com

© 2001 - 2025 Dr JRT Wood