I am engaged in a number of projects which will see fruition over the coming several years.
This is a major and important undertaking for which the University of Durban-Westville provided some start-up finance. After 1999 it has had generous support from a private source. Additionally I secured the crucial support and interest of the former prime minister of Rhodesia, Ian Douglas Smith, and access to his private papers.
I am engaged in research and interviewing in Zimbabwe, South Africa and the United Kingdom. In the United Kingdom I have retained access to the Welensky Papers in the Library of Rhodes House, Oxford. I have consulted these and other papers in Rhodes House, Oxford, as well as those in the Public Record Office, London. I am currently working on public documents such as white papers, Hansards and other published material.
In addition I have interviewed as many of the participants as is possible.
Publications from this project: